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Greg Goode Speaks!

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In a message dated 10/1/99 11:58:28 AM Central Daylight Time,

hluthar writes:


<< I call this the Cotton Candy or Marshmallow Fluff teaching of

non-dualism. No wonder the students vacillate!! Some people are on a

wonderful high when the satsang is in session, but they don't make it to the

parking lot before the separation anxiety sets in, feeling that they've

already lost IT. .........It's all perfect teaching for its time and place,

however. It is wonderfully

illuminating and comforting for some listeners. And when it is no longer

fulfilling or doesn't make sense, they gravitate to other



I love it! very true -


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>From Greg Goode:

In my experience, the freeze and fear in some seekers come from the

understanding they have of nondualism. They see this teaching and the notion

of realization/enlightenment as some kind of super-state, to be held onto

forever. Sort of the mother of all objects. Some people, like a friend of

mine named Satya, want enlightenment so as to solve personal problems such

as relationship or career issues. Satya works in television in a technical

job, but really wants a singing career and a boyfriend. So she began to go

hear advaita teachers. I've talked to her for over a year about this

viewpoint, and once she stopped looking to improve the furniture of her

life, she stopped going to satsang and is actually happier and actually

closer to achieving those goals than I've ever seen her.


When some people hear that nondualism is not a state of mind or emotions, or

that the Peace/Bliss are not emotional or phenomenal objects that protect

the entity forever, it gets scary. There is no place to stand, which is

exactly what the teaching points to. Some seekers cannot understand the

teaching unless they understand it as a psychological state. Believing it is

a state makes some people very jittery, like a stock trader trying to keep

up with the market. But hearing that it is not a state makes it

incomprehensible and scary, insecure. So the learners revert back to the

more comfortable understanding, hoping their vigilance will maintain the

bliss forever. Hence the freeze-up.



You can't blame the seekers for this kind of approach to nondualism. Many of

the **teachers themselves** explain it just like this, even if their

rhetoric is sophisticated enough to say that it is beyond the mind, not an

object, etc. There are teachers who say that you relax into the Peace and

then always maintain vigilance to stay in the Peace, or that you must

maintain constant recognition that you are Consciousness, and then the

Ananda aspect will be yours forever. It gives the basic idea of a

problem-free psychological entity being cradled in the arms of bliss

forever. I call this the Cotton Candy or Marshmallow Fluff teaching of

non-dualism. No wonder the students vacillate!! Some people are on a

wonderful high when the satsang is in session, but they don't make it to the

parking lot before the separation anxiety sets in, feeling that they've

already lost IT.


In fact, many of the Cotton Candy advaita teachers themselves vacillate, go

through swings of mood, philosophy and teaching emphases. Several well-known

teachers who visit NYC have their own issues of romantic relationships,

money, inter-teacher rivalries (who has more followers?), etc. You can

notice from satsang to satsang if you look closely, that when things are

looking up personally for these teachers, their teaching is at its

marshmallow-y best. It's All Love, I See Myself in You as we both lock eyes

and Rest in the Vastness. And yet these same teachers might visit again 6

months later, with money problems, or a few of their satsang engagements

canceled on them, or someone broke up with them. Their teaching flip-flops,

and instead of It's All Vastness, they teach a lot of what amounts to

improving the personality or ethical development. They will offer

unsolicited relationship advice to couples, or come late to satsang, look

depressed when they get there, and pick people out of the audience to make

personality observations about. But next time the flip will flop back again,

and it's back to transmitting the wonderful Gift that their Teacher

Transmitted to them.


It's all perfect teaching for its time and place, however. It is wonderfully

illuminating and comforting for some listeners. And when it is no longer

fulfilling or doesn't make sense, they gravitate to other



Sorry so long!!


With love,



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In a message dated 10/1/99 9:58:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

hluthar writes:



It's all perfect teaching for its time and place, however. It is wonderfully

illuminating and comforting for some listeners. And when it is no longer

fulfilling or doesn't make sense, they gravitate to other



Dear Greg:


Ah, so true. Such pathos. I have seen this. Sadly, many years ago, I have

seen me responding in much the same way. I at least avoided the error of

responding to the students praises and requests for more special study

sessions and how it should all be "taken on the road" and make a big to do

out of it. Then I was at least wise enough to quit and tell everyone that I

was taking a vacation from teaching groups how to find themselves. LOL


So here I am...I think I found myself, at least. I am in the "I'm found

stage." No need to punish myself in the "I once was lost...what a wretch

like me" stage.




As Always, deepest regards and good will.







Zenbob <<<(:~})>

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Hi friends *s* I am playing with Greg's Blue ~


"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

> From Greg Goode:


> In my experience, the freeze and fear in some seekers come from the

> understanding they have of nondualism.


> **Well also fear is the flavour ego is attached to (which enables us

> to enter into illusion) ~ it seems to me ~


> Now when we do connect to the transcendental energy which can, will, &

> does wipe us from attachment to limiting ego view .. we do experience

> Fear ! I know I do :-)

> Fear rises to try to keep us in illusion **


> When some people hear that nondualism is not a state of mind or

> emotions, or that the Peace/Bliss are not emotional or phenomenal

> objects that protect the entity forever, it gets scary.


> ** I say it's when the experience That! That's when it gets scary

> mysterious unfamiliar, dangerous even ~ **


> There is no place to stand, which is exactly what the teaching points

> to.


> **Yes no floor, no walls, no familar friends, nobody & nothing! :-) **


> Some seekers cannot understand the teaching unless they understand it

> as a psychological state.


> **Well until you experience no mind ~ that is understandable ~ :-) **



> It gives the basic idea of a problem-free psychological entity being

> cradled in the arms of bliss forever. I call this the Cotton Candy or

> Marshmallow Fluff teaching of non-dualism. No wonder the students

> vacillate!! Some people are on a wonderful high when the satsang is in

> session, but they don't make it to the parking lot before the

> separation anxiety sets in, feeling that they've already lost IT.


> **Alternation occurs between higher and lower ~ inner & outer

> self/Self ~


> It seems to me Harmony & sanity come through learning to bridge the

> Two ~ This bridge to me is the process ~


> I Am process (don't cling, .. let go into constant renewal ~ )


> No Thing to hold on to! **


> A lovely read Greg .. Thanks!


> Love,


> Colette

> ~*~

> With love,


> --Greg


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At 07:49 PM 10/1/99 , ZEN2WRK wrote:


> >>

>Dear Greg:


>Ah, so true. Such pathos. I have seen this. Sadly, many years ago, I have

>seen me responding in much the same way. I at least avoided the error of

>responding to the students praises and requests for more special study

>sessions and how it should all be "taken on the road" and make a big to do

>out of it. Then I was at least wise enough to quit and tell everyone that I

>was taking a vacation from teaching groups how to find themselves. LOL


>So here I am...I think I found myself, at least. I am in the "I'm found

>stage." No need to punish myself in the "I once was lost...what a wretch

>like me" stage.


You were teaching? What kind of things - like this? Nondualism? A friend

of mine used to teach the Sedona Method - but the power and the high from

being in the teacher's seat went to his head. Now he doesn't teach that

method anymore.


This understanding is one thing - teaching it is quite another. Many

teacher leap into it too quickly.





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At 11:50 PM 10/1/99 , Colette T wrote:


Hey Colette - I must say, you have the prettiest calligraphy I've ever seen

on the Internet - and all with squigglies and other typewriter

characters. I really like the way you employ them as punctuation marks and






>Hi friends *s* I am playing with Greg's Blue ~


>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

>> From Greg Goode:


>>In my experience, the freeze and fear in some seekers come from the

>>understanding they have of nondualism.


>>**Well also fear is the flavour ego is attached to (which enables us to

>>enter into illusion) ~ it seems to me ~


>>Now when we do connect to the transcendental energy which can, will, &

>>does wipe us from attachment to limiting ego view .. we do experience

>>Fear ! I know I do :-)

>>Fear rises to try to keep us in illusion **


>>When some people hear that nondualism is not a state of mind or emotions,

>>or that the Peace/Bliss are not emotional or phenomenal objects that

>>protect the entity forever, it gets scary.


>>** I say it's when the experience That! That's when it gets scary

>>mysterious unfamiliar, dangerous even ~ **


>>There is no place to stand, which is exactly what the teaching points to.


>>**Yes no floor, no walls, no familar friends, nobody & nothing! :-) **


>>Some seekers cannot understand the teaching unless they understand it as

>>a psychological state.


>>**Well until you experience no mind ~ that is understandable ~ :-) **



>>It gives the basic idea of a problem-free psychological entity being

>>cradled in the arms of bliss forever. I call this the Cotton Candy or

>>Marshmallow Fluff teaching of non-dualism. No wonder the students

>>vacillate!! Some people are on a wonderful high when the satsang is in

>>session, but they don't make it to the parking lot before the separation

>>anxiety sets in, feeling that they've already lost IT.


>>**Alternation occurs between higher and lower ~ inner & outer self/Self ~


>>It seems to me Harmony & sanity come through learning to bridge the Two ~

>>This bridge to me is the process ~


>>I Am process (don't cling, .. let go into constant renewal ~ )


>>No Thing to hold on to! **


>>A lovely read Greg .. Thanks!





>> ~*~

>>With love,



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In a message dated 10/3/99 11:22:32 AM Pacific Daylight Time, goode



<< You were teaching? What kind of things - like this? Nondualism? A


of mine used to teach the Sedona Method - but the power and the high from

being in the teacher's seat went to his head. Now he doesn't teach that

method anymore.


Like this and also Socratic approaches to critical thinking, nature of

reality, mind, being, responsibility, Prana Yoga, etc.


I did so reluctantly and would do so again quite reluctantly. Having taught

electronics for 8 years for a private College was quite enough for a while.

When students try to develop dependent relationships that is when the teacher

vanishes (when I am the teacher, at least).


Thanks for the good insights.









Zenbob <<<(:~})>

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In a message dated 10/03/1999 2:22:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time, goode




Hey Colette - I must say, you have the prettiest calligraphy I've ever seen

on the Internet - and all with squigglies and other typewriter

characters. I really like the way you employ them as punctuation marks and






>Hi friends *s* I am playing with Greg's Blue ~


>"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

>> From Greg Goode:

>> >>

Col's on vacation for a few days, just fyi.



~ bo ~

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