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RE: Intense Sexual Desire/greetings

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hi everyone,

i'm called aleks, and i've been hanging out here with you all for a couple of

weeks. my subscription to this list coincided with the equinox, and my

tendency to grow very very silent with the seasonal transition, but i hope to

jump in with a word or two from time to time... i've certainly been learning

from your words and enjoying these threads. i've already come to know and

honour many of you from the NDS list. hi again!


harsha mentioned that i'm a fruitarian--i've done this for over a year now.

before that, i'd been a vegan for twenty odd years (yes, they were odd too!

:) my dietary regime has come quite easily, as i simply do not wish to harm

anything on the planet. the benefits that issue from said regime are nothing

short of amazing.


on the topic of increased K-- i would say that i concur with jan's post about

calorie reduction. detoxing the system is one factor in increased emotional

calm and clarity of mind--meanwhile helping the energy to go "up" -- jan



"In order to decrease

libido, go on a calorie reduction (CR) diet. Your body will be

grateful as that means longevity, higher fitness and when

sexual desires arise, you will be sure it is just an

indication of a knot or so. Libido and K. are not the same;

the CR diet is highly beneficial to K., simplifying physical

purification, easing the energy to go "upwards" instead of






i have combined calorie reduction/fasting with my fruitarian diet at times,

as well. re: fruitarianism, a friendly warning: if you're up for an "e

ticket ride!" the fruitarian diet can actually increase this K energy from

the onset. with increased ability to "sublimate" K energy (interesting

word "sublimate" - heat solid to vapour to solid. . . alchemical term?) come

spiritual benefits of lucidity and power.


eating only uncooked foods, fruit, nuts, and juices and supplementing with

spirotein type protein shakes or whey protein has increased my overall

physical energy and strength by leaps and bounds. i now require only 5-6

hours of sleep. my immune system has become an efficient system. i have

reduced my body fat to 11%, and have been accused of impersonating a twenty

something by my physician--i'm 40. lastly, money saved can be redistributed

in whatever way your heart sings-- :)

on the "downside", i do have the tendency to attract bees, yellowjackets, and

such, but they generally just come to sit, not to harm! (what goes around. .

.. :)

i do suggest that a nutritionist, physician, homeopath or aryuvedic

practioner be consulted before making any radical dietary changes. some

adjustments may be needed for your particular system-- for instance, using

whey protein or kelp which aren't, i don't believe, strictly fruitarian.


these are all just the perks! the noninjury to all life is paramount to me,

as is the shift of focus from consuming. when food becomes less of an

issue, then a non-issue, and obsession with the body fades into the

background, then disappears, there is freedom and lightness which occur.

"how do i look" dissipates into the background with other silly questions,

and "i" starts looking. .. and appetites are appetites, what "i" really want,

and who's wanting becomes abundantly clear. . .


harsha wrote the following regarding spiritual disciplines of this and any

type, this is *so* true, so important :


In general Darren, when spiritual discipline is

forced, the results are temporary in nature. This does not mean that you

should not practice discipline. You will do what you will do because it is

your nature to do it. In all the doing, keep in your mind and heart that

what you are looking for is the knowledge and understanding of Self. Self is

Being. It does not contradict doing. So follow your heart's desire and

practice meditation, prayer, restraint of various senses, etc.


honouring the the rocks the trees

and all living things,

and all of you ! where the heart is--happily present!

love and blessings,



info on fruitarianism at :


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