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New Chakras!

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Hi Everyone,


I just came across this fascinating article. This woman's web page

includes an interesting FAQ. She says she has always had excellent auric

vision, which she describes like this:

>How I see auras is very difficult to explain. In a nutshell: The auras of

>humans are quite complex and colorful. I see in vivid color and detail, the

>auras looking sort of like colored clouds around people, with geometric

>forms, chakras, thought forms, physical information all adding to the mix.

>Again, it is with my intention, my focus, that I am able to sort out what I

>see and process that information.


She peaks of "college and graduate studies into human consciousness and

psychology" and refers to "a stint of being a traditional psychotherapist"

but doesn't say anything more specific about her background. She lives in

rural Northwest Washington State. Here's her



>New Chakras

>by Elke Macartney


>As I sit here at the computer, I'm a-buzz with excitement! What I am about

>to describe is evidence that there is definitely something going on around

>here as we move into the New Age of Light.


>I am a seer of auras, energy fields. I have been experiencing auras since I

>was a child, and am able to see them all the time, 24 hours a day (I even

>dream in auras!). Since about 1987, at least four new chakras are showing up

>in people's auras. All four carry the energy of a new paradigm for personal

>existence. A brief description follows:


>Solar Star

>Like a Fourth of July sparkler, the Solar Star chakra sparkles and twinkles

>with a golden hue about six to twelve inches above the crown of your head.

>As far as I can tell, the star interacts with the crown chakra and acts like

>a transmitter/receiver to and from other dimensional realities (other planes

>of consciousness). Fully activated when a person is meditating, this bright

>sparkler communicates with your God-Self and can grow very large - at times

>surrounding the entire body with it's intense light! My hunch is it's part

>of our personal merkabah, the very vehicle that is allowing us to ascend to

>a new state of Being. As for the interdimensional communication link, the

>solar star is quite easily accessed by those on the path, affording a

>clearer connection to higher dimensional Beings and frequencies. In order to

>channel information, we no longer have to vacate our bodies, or even enter

>into a deep trance - this chakra allows easy access to our friends and



>A built in feature of the solar star is its ability to discern which

>entities/information coming through are in alignment with our integrity. In

>a day and age when discernment is needed (paradigm shifts usually don't come

>with instruction manuals), it is a blessing to have an extra tuning-in

>device. However, a small warning label appears with the use of this

>discernment feature: it is tuned into YOUR integrity, your clarity. In other

>words, the clearer your vibration, the cleaner your integrity, the clearer

>the communication. Our guides and friends on high want to give us what we

>ask for. So, tune into the moment, step up to a place of awareness - the

>solar star will gladly connect you up to your true Self.


>Dream Chakra

>This ancient chakra reawakens the dreamer in all of us. In the past, I've

>only noticed the dream chakra fully activated in prophetic dreamers and

>clairvoyants. It's location is in the back of the neck, between the nape of

>the skull and the shoulder blade and it's color is a deep indigo blue. One

>by one, people are experiencing a merging of the dreaming and waking state.

>This chakra also creates an ability to see into any point in this artificial

>time line we've created, giving you a chance to peek into the past or

>future. Therefore, many of you are having prophetic dreams and visions.


>One of the consequences of an awakening future sight is seeing events that

>you might not want to know about: violent events, earth changes, etc. I know

>how much it can hurt to see others in perceived peril, and I know there is a

>tendency not to want to see any more (I asked God to take away my gift many

>a time. She ignored my plea.) But there is a reason for your in-sight: you

>can help the people in the situation by sending them Love, compassion,

>prayers, wisdom, courage, or what ever is appropriate. An example: One day,

>a few years ago, I was feeling very off-centered. I knew that an earthquake

>of a large magnitude was imminent, but I didn't know where or when. I closed

>my eyes and murmured a prayer for the people who were going to be affected.

>Later that day, while washing dishes, I turned over a mug that had "made in

>Japan" written on the bottom. I knew the earthquake had happened already,

>and it had happened in Japan! A few minutes later the phone rang and a

>friend informed me of the Kobe, Japan earthquake. Again, I tuned in and sent

>prayers of comfort to the ones left behind, and prayers of moving to the

>Light to those who had passed from this world. Remember: you are a powerful

>wise soul. You will know what to do when you tune into each situation.


>If you've been feeling a bit of tension in your neck and upper shoulders ,

>it might be due to an awakening dream chakra. Keep your neck loose by

>massage and gentle neck roles. And keep your mind open to new insights!


>Thymus Chakra

>This lovely aqua-colored chakra is located directly above your physical

>thymus gland, between the heart and throat chakras. The chakra radiates out

>like radio waves from a small point above your thymus and seems to affect

>all of your other chakras, as well as all of your aura layers. Just as your

>thymus gland is involved in physical immune function, the thymus chakra is

>involved in immune system function for the rest of your aura: emotional,

>mental, and spiritual. What I am noticing is an extra layer of protection

>for people with this chakra in place. You may notice that you are not

>allowing negative people to effect you so much, you are not catching every

>virus that comes along, and your emotions are felt deeply, and then released

>just as quickly.


>This is a good area to tune into if you are feeling under psychic attack.

>Cleanse your aura quickly by brushing the area about two to three inches

>above your thymus. As you sweep, affirm that you are a clear vessel, that

>you allow only the highest and the best for your service. Also, most

>destructive energies avoid people with an energized thymus chakra, so

>energize it by thumping that area. Thump three times briskly, take a breath,

>thump three times again, breathe, and three times one more time, closing

>with a breath. This is a great thing to do when you need a quick pick me up!

>(And more effective than coffee or drugs!)


>Diaphragm Chakra

>It's a small, hardworking chakra located below the ribs in the diaphragm

>area. Hard working because it seems to process many of our base emotions

>such as anger, fear, sorrow, regret and anxiety. The diaphragm chakra allows

>a free loving communication between the lower chakras (from the solar plexus

>on down to the base) and the upper chakras (heart and up). Before the

>appearance of this chakra, the heart and the solar plexus wrangled with the

>negative feelings, and not all too efficiently. The heart center would plead

>with the ego power center to "lighten up, let go of these negative

>patterns!" And the ego power center would reply: "but if I let go, THEN

>where and who will we be?" The result of this tussle within a person's aura

>would be reacting to circumstances in life, rather than feeling free to

>choose in every moment. A person would feel contracted, unable to see the

>unlimited choices available.


>Enter the diaphragm chakra. It plays the role of integrity monitor, a place

>that, when accessed and payed attention to, lets you know when we you're

>"off road", so to speak. It's message to you: "You are out of alignment."


>By noticing the times when you are out of alignment, you realize that the

>wall you have built between yourself and your vision is simply made of

>blocks, akin to children's building blocks. You can simply knock the blocks

>out of the way, or topple them with your clear intent, letting your creative

>forces flow. The reason the blocks are so easily knocked over is because the

>diaphragm chakra is processing them for you (sometimes without you knowing

>it!). Your life is lived with more freedom, more awareness, because you are

>not "sweating the small stuff." And neither are you ignoring the "stuff"

>that has built up for awhile.


>Some of you may notice a shortness of breath at times and you wonder: "am I

>having a heart attack?" Probably not.


>As the diaphragm chakra works with and releases negative and fearful

>thoughts, it can feel a little compressed, like a hard working muscle. Deep,

>circular breathing assists in its processing and releasing ability. My

>husband, a veritable walking sensitive, has found that his diaphragm is a

>bit tender after a breakthrough in consciousness. Kneading the area seems to

>help, as well as putting a healing hand on the area, acknowledging it's

>loving gift to his life. Another friend has noted that between her 38th and

>39th year of life, she felt a distinct flutter in that area, especially

>after feeling angry about something. After the fluttery feeling would come a

>release, a sense of calm, and an urge to use the bathroom to cleanse her

>system! This mighty little chakra is here to serve--I would recommend that

>you commend this area of your aura for its profound service to you.


>Also of note: Larger, more unified chakras are showing up in some individual

>auras. Instead of small vortices operating individually, there is constant

>communication between the chakras just by virtue of their size: they

>literally are running into each other! What this means is there is no longer

>room for thoughts of our different selves operating in a vacuum: our

>thoughts truly affect our actions, emotions, our very life. Our emotions

>communicate with our mind, our body is having tea with our Spirit. We are

>becoming the holistic person we all so blithely refer to.


>And on you, it looks good!

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