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Darren/conditional purity

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Condition-dependant persons must continually refine conditions until the

ideal conditions prevail.


Condition-independant persons prevail over conditions, and also over

condition-dependant persons.


The deep assumption that there does exist conditions to overcome, leads to

the occupation of time in the attempt to overcome conditions.


Inevitably, condition-dependant persons target other persons as living

impediments to the establishment of ideal conditions; behaviour which

emanates from this assumption is called at the minimum, 'intolerance'.


Persons who consider that they are dependant upon conditions, will strive

to cause universal changes in conditions, thus to allow the occurance of

what is deemed the ideal state.


The establishment of the ideal state, by the means of sweeping regulation

of conditions, may be referred to as 'fascism', IE, the ideal state is

manifest when everyone is in automatic agreement concerning ideal

conditions, and join together to eliminate all obstacles to the ideal



The advocacy of submissiveness by example ("with folded palms") of the

originator of the lists of changes to condition which are supposed to lead

to the ideal state, confirms that the ideal state so-imagined is one of

submission to authority.


Mandated and exampled submission to the authority of 'purity' as an

alternative to the submission to the unwanted states (lust, congestion of

energy in 'lower chakras') reveals the value-judgement placed upon human

sexuality, and places submission in a dominant role.


The defining of human sexuality as being a powerful, irresistable force,

stimulated by various foods and conditions, illustrates the actual

relationship between the advocate of purity and the forces at play within

his/her Being. It would appear that the advocate of purity, by living in

and exampling submissiveness, has the agenda of making lust and other

defined-as-undesirable aspects of human experience indeed overwhelmingly

powerful; indeed, the agenda seems to be to trigger latent conditioned

shame and fear, while at the same time offering 'helpful tips' to overcome

such overwhelmingly powerful forces, by means of submission.


Bottom line: I do not submit.




==Gene Poole==


Recommended reading: "The Dark Lord" by Larry D Shin


> Darren & Sharmila Grossman <qapla

> Intense Sexual Desires


> Hi folks,

> I've recently stubled accross some very important observations.

> .

> Have you ever noticed the relationship between Where your Prana congests, and

> lust?

> This week I have noticed that after resting Mudras on my Knees or Lap,

> the prana tends to congest in my Lower two chakras.

> .

> I have also discovered [much to my relief]

> that by placing my hands in the Prayer mudra @ my heart,

> and then reciting the Maha Mantra 12 to 108 times,

> can pacify the lust.

> .

> The effectiveness of this exercise is multiplied if I make the most of the

> In-breaths.

> For instance, if I choose to performe 108 rounds,

> then on the first 54 rounds

> during the IN-breath I mentally recite the word, "lust",

> while Verbally reciting the Maha mantra three times every out breath.

> .

> Then for the next 27 rounds

> during the IN-breath I mentally recite the word, "serenity".

> .

> And for the last 27 round

> during the IN-breath I mentally recite the word, "happy".

> .

> The Maha mantra is,

> "Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare,

> Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare"

> .

> Sexual self-control seems to be indorced in both

> the Bhagavad Gita Upanishad

> as well as the Dhammapada.

> .

> Perhaps we should consult the sacred texts,

> before we through the baby out with the bath-water.

> .

> With palms folded,

> Darren :-)

> Tue, 05 Oct 1999 08:43:53 -0700

> Darren & Sharmila Grossman <qapla

> Re: [kundaliniheat] Re: Intense Sexual Desire


> Perhaps the profound dietary impact on one's mental and emotional states,

> are why both the Vaishnavas and Lord Buddha

> seem to consider the same food to be forbidden:

> 1 Meat

> 2 Fish

> 3 Fowl

> 4 Eggs

> 5 Garlic

> 6 Ginger

> 7 Onions

> 8 Shallots

> 9 and Leeks.

> .

> In fact some even include fruit and honey on this list,

> as they feel the concentration of simple sugars

> to be disruptive to Some phyisiologies.

> .

> Here is an interesting correlation.

> First compile a list of the cultures that have the rap

> of being "Hot Blooded".

> Now contrast their typical diet [and the ingredients thereof]

> with the above list.

> .

> Food for thought, [forgive the pun]

> .

> Oh sure,

> it is simple to just write back and contradict me,

> what if you Really want to Prove me wrong,

> wouldn't it be simpler to observe the above dietary restrictions for 49

> consecutive days,

> and then notice the Mental and Emotive changes in stability [if any]?

> .

> with palms folded,

> Darren :-)

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In a message dated 10/6/99 12:12:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, magus



<< It would appear that the advocate of purity, by living in

and exampling submissiveness, has the agenda of making lust and other

defined-as-undesirable aspects of human experience indeed overwhelmingly

powerful; indeed, the agenda seems to be to trigger latent conditioned

shame and fear, while at the same time offering 'helpful tips' to overcome

such overwhelmingly powerful forces, by means of submission.


Bottom line: I do not submit.




==Gene Poole== >>

Dear Gene:


I am so glad that I was too busy to write a detailed follow up to Darren.

Your response is so much better than mine would have been. It is better,

because you identify every fallacy, power struggle and are courageous enough

to label each for what they are, despite the risk of reprove by others.


For what it is worth, I fully agree with each and every comment. I also

believe that Darren is insincere, untruthful and manipulative with interests

only in creating disharmony, confusion and somehow, bizarrely, attempting to

lure weak or troubled members from several lists onto his own strange and

peculiar Salvation Show of Sin, Repression, Fascism and false woe.


Perhaps I am in error. It has happened once this year. However,

my batting average for sensing insincerity and BS is pretty well fine tuned

at this age in my life and the meter is pegging up there in the red danger

zone, between "flaky" and "wacko."


Strong words, but I am a bit out of sorts by the manner in which Darren has

tossed my comments all over a variety of lists, trashed Dharma for her

patience and detailed advice, taken a pose of "dying modesty and

vulnerability" in order to criticize others without there being merit to the

criticism, and then further insulted my intelligence and that of the list

membership by trying to "Guru away" other members for "help and counseling."

This is nothing more than corrupt seduction. If he has any character, then

he can communicate directly to each of us on the list and not play games with

"privatepublic" messages and "folded hands" posturing for humility.


Humble is as humble does. The Praying Mantis is the other creature that I

recall as wandering about in the same humble pose...and that was no gentle



For the record, I do not submit, either!





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