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Poem to Beauty

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Thank you Beautiful Soul Col,


Especially for the Rose, need a new webpage maker, or a new

provider :-) Love you and thank you for helping me see *g*



~ Rainbo ~

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Dear Col:


"True Venusian archetypes?" I thought Venus was a pretty deadly planet for

carbon based life forms?


I have read this poem in a Journal...Sedona Journal, I believe, but I think

it was abbreviated...just essential excerpts for some reason. The longer

version is both more interesting and also perhaps a bit too self

indulgent...so perhaps that is why it was edited down. I enjoyed it, in any

case...even though it does go on an on a bit.


My novel has Venusians in it...but it is a novel. Maybe I could get

permission to include the dedication and poem as part of the book? Of course

in my novel, the Venusians call themselves the "Yal do Ghukti" which means

"Grand Toads."








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Tears well

What do they tell?


Fear frights

To slaughter

Peace's daughter ~


I am afraid of me?

I fear happiness?


Sometimes this all seems so bizarre ..

This game of dual knives


Pain & pleasure ~~


How did I get here?

Whom am I?

Who was I?

Was I ever found?


I remember bits .....


I remember Light's Daughter

Innocence ...

Come Heart Open

To Share Her Mirror ~


I remember

They didn't see ~


Had forgotten their Light ~

So darkness was all

I was given ~


This memory is

A Gift to Me ~


Col ~


Now here I share a poem I read recently which did help me ..


This one is from Amorah Quan Yin


I bought her book in Berry this weekend ~ Spirit had her waiting their to bless



I Amorah, offer this poem in the spirit of healing & awakening of the true

Venusian archetype





what have I known of you

in my endless struggles for perfection?

Struggles to fit in?

To please & be pleased?

I have taken your name in vain.

Cried for you in the darkness of illusion,

in the illusion of my own darkness.

In my narrow minded,

new moon way of not seeing,

I have looked past you

and thought you were not there.


As a child,

I saw your reflection,

though briefly, at times,

in my mother's eyes.

But when I responded,

it turned into sadness,

and hid behind a veil

of distant longing

that seemed to say,

"Oh child if you only knew."

I never knew what.

But I knew that when

I caught a glimpse of you

in my mother's eyes

that she would hide you

quickly again

as if some shameful secret

had been revealed.

And yet I knew you lived

inside her still.


If only I could catch her

off guard.


And then I learned

that when you live

inside a flower,

or a sunset,

or a doll,

or a new dress,

that it was okay

to look at you directly,

and even to speak

of you.

And no one was embrassed,

or turned away,

or blushed

self consciously

like when I saw the inside



And so I learned:

to know Beauty

is to hide

behind clothes,


new hair styles,

perfect bodies.

And soon I found

I'd forgotten you


your purity,



and ease.

Ibegan to try

and fit in.


In school

I learned that Beauty

is exclusive,

that it is donned

by a chosen few

with perfect bodies,

perfect faces,

perfect clothes,

perfect hair.

And that the rest of us

were less valuable,


Our greatest service

was to provide

a contrast:

contrast that helped

Beauty to shine

brighter compared

to those less fortunate ones.

So some of us performed more,

stuied harder,

and tried to please.

Some just simply gave up.



you became

an ugly word

that kept company

with shame

and loneliness

in dark corners

of narrow minds.


For years I learned

to compensate,

to give more,

to work harder,

to listen and care,

to be more clever,

appreciate all

the beautiful things ~

outside myself.


I did not expect to be happy ~

just to survive

was enough.

Until one day

a strange provocative

powerful voice said,

"You deserve to be

the best that you can be.

Your very existence

is Beauty.

You are that

which you seek."


As if a veil was lifted,

the trees,

and hills,

and fields

all sprang to life

as if a still-life


became animated.

Each leaf,

and every blade

of grass,

and even the tiniest

dirt particles

were living and glowing

Essences of

woner and awe

and Beauty.



they glowed:


light as pure,

and innocent,

and present

as that in my mother's eyes

when I

was young.

Each was whole.

Each knowing,

each being

the Essence

of self



And how can we compare

a grain of sand,

to a wildflower,

or a scrub brush

to an oak.

And yet I saw them all

held in the eyes

of God,

and in the heart

of the Goddess

as equals:










Tears of remembrance

washed away years

of forgetting,

as my heart embraced

All That is

through my eyes,

Windows of my soul

cleansed in tears

of love

and grace

as I felt

and knew

that I, too,

was seen and held

in the eyes of God

in the heart

of the Goddess

as equal:








And after a time

another came:

a Beloved

who through years

of denying,

forgetting his own

Essential self ~

not being truly seen

by others ~

ha a veil

of distant sadness

and forgotten worth

that hid

the best he could be.

And still,

I saw him.

I recognized him

behind the veils.

And I knew that you,


were not lost.

And when our eyes met

with open hearts,

willing to be seen,

the veils were lifted,







and was




I have only begun

to know you

as I cease

my endless struggles

for perfection,

struggles to fit in,

to please

and be pleased,

and look into

my own eyes,

and the eyes

of my Bleoved;

and then






and is


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