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Hi everyone :-) ~ yes a real gem this quote .. think I have to seek out this



"Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" wrote:

> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar



> By Sri Ramana Maharshi


> In the following extract from Gems from Bhagavan, we are reminded of the

> truth and inspired to

> realise the True Self.


> THE STATE WE CALL realisation is simply being oneself, not knowing anything

> or becoming

> anything. If one has realised, he is that which alone is, and which alone

> has always been. He cannot

> describe that state. He can only be That. Of course we loosely talk of

> Self-Realisation for want of a

> better term.


> Effortless and choiceless awareness is our real state. If we can attain it

> or be in it, it is all right.


Choiceless .. I want to speak more of ~ I have one mentor who explains that if

we think we are the 'author' of our own thought that is why we suffer .. yet I

do enjoy 'feeling' my thoughts as my own.

I wonder if Ramana Maharshi speaks of this too?

> But

> one cannot reach it without effort, the effort of deliberate meditation.

> All the age long vasanas

> (impressions) carry the mind outwards and turn it to external objects. All

> such thoughts have to be

> given up and the mind turned inward.


Yes like the individual wave facing outward ~ seeking unconditional Love in

outer realm (non self) ~ Now learns how to curve back upon OneSelf and ~

consciousness is aware of ItSelf. Consciousness Conscious of Consciousness ~


And symbolised by the uroboros snake digesting ItSelf ~ all I see do think and

feel is now MySelf .. there is no other (separate from Self) ~ One Wave

covering the Whole Ocean ~

> For that, effort is necessary, for

> most people. Of course

> everybody, every book says 'Be quiet or still'. But it is not easy. That is

> why all this effort is

> necessary.


Yes effort and devotion .. learning how to surrender attachment to outer field

for truth & how to turn within backwards upon the mind transcending into Cosmic

Mind ~ thus is the human brain and physiology transformed & trained to perceive

Self as energy dancing as form ~


Just playing here ~

> There is a state beyond our efforts or effortlessness. Until that is

> realised effort is necessary. After

> tasting such bliss even once, one will repeatedly try to regain it. Having

> once experienced the bliss of

> peace, no one would like to be out of it or engage himself otherwise.


> You may go on reading any number of books on Vedanta. They can only tell

> you 'Realise the Self'.

> The Self cannot be found in books. You have to find it for yourself in

> yourself.


Beautiful! I think that's the closest I've ever felt to Ramana Maharshi ~


Thanks for such a lovely quote Harsha!





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