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Darren/conditional purity???????

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In a message dated 10/6/99 9:57:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

colette writes:


<< Wondering,




Dear Col:


Darren may or may not have a "terminal illness." We all have a terminal



So, I do not respect the act of using that as a cover for emotional or

strange behavior.


Further, you see others as all goodness and light because that is your nature

and we love that about you. But you are not trying to alter everyone else's

beliefs, shotgun the lists with responses to comments that are out of context

and were not approved by the persons he was quoting, and you are not making

judgments and then asking for help/criticizing and crying at the same time

and trying to make a big dramatic fuss, either.


Darren is playing with your emotions and those of others on all of these

lists. He is seeking to play games, in my humble opinion, not seek answers

or guidance for his woes. Why ask questions for help and then toss it all

back at people and then try to spout off about how he has all the answers to

diet, faith, practice, meditation, etc.?


Do not be naive. Darren is not a little child in need of rescuing, despite

his play for that attention.


I am not some evil, hostile gnome. Not yet. But I have superb BS detection

equipment installed by DARPA and it has been just buzzing since Darren has

begun his crusade.


Read Darren's detailed questionnaire that he sent to me. Does this seem like

a discussion or exchange of ideas or does it look like someone setting a trap

with prepared counter arguments?


Darren is not a little lamb. I am not a little lamb. Darren best be careful

because some lambs are actually wolves and have sharp teeth and claws.


I did not start this critical exchange, I have simply been dragged into it

because my comments were seen as non indulgent.


Guess what? I am a non indulgent sort of person. Hysteria moves me not at

all. I have rescued people from wrecked cars and I am trained in CPR, etc.

Panic and hysteria are the enemy and I have little or no tolerance for them.

I have taken care of both of my parents, seen them through terminal illnesses

and buried them both. I am not without compassion, forgiveness, love and

empathy. But neither of my parents indulged in hysteria or panic and neither

did I. As an only child, I had no brothers or sisters to assist me in this

difficult work. I was young, only 31 when my mother passed away, and my

father had died two years earlier of cancer. My mother had congenital heart

failure, and I saw her gradually weaken and understood that the most comfort

I could give was to assure her that I would be all right. I know that sounds

peculiar, but if you knew my mother, you might understand. This was the only

way that she could be at peace and be restful...knowing that I was

fine...that I would be OK and that Pam, my wife at that time was OK.

Actually, we had already decided to divorce, since she did not want to have

children and I wanted children, but we had agreed to wait until after my

mother had gone on, to ease her transition a bit. I always appreciated this,

but otherwise dealing with "sick people" was not Pam's cup of tea and she was

not the warm demonstrative type toward older folks...so all was left in my



A long response. :) You make comments about my nature, but you do so

without knowing my nature fully. Assume nothing. I am complex and tolerant

of many things, but too busy and too concerned with the suffering of children

worldwide to get all teary eyed over Darren. It's sad. A lot of things are



But I have known children with terminal illnesses that have more courage and

dignity and do not go around trying to convince people of how they have all

the answers.


I'll tell you both the answer. Grace and compassion. Not self pity, not

superiority or hysteria. Calm, thoughtful, measured grace. Some elk and

deer have this when a predator has trapped them. They do not panic and they

do not complain. They know that their moment is upon them. They accept it,


that is the way. I have faced surgeries, risked my life ballooning, hiking,

traveling, working in the worst parts of LA, facing guns and bullets, and I

am no foolish hero, taking absurd risks, but I know that I can be depended on

in an emergency. If you should ever need me for some crisis, whatever my

many faults, I won't crack under pressure and I will see you safely through.


Well, I have now offended probably 16 million people on the list. Normally

it might be a hundred, but Darren will forward this to his list of a thousand

lists... :)






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On Thu, 7 Oct 1999 ZEN2WRK wrote:



> In a message dated 10/6/99 9:57:59 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

> colette writes:


> << Wondering,


> Col

> >>

> Dear Col:


> Darren may or may not have a "terminal illness." We all have a terminal

> illness--life/death.



yes, life is a terminal disease, and its sexually transmitted ;) (john

clese orginal quoter here, not me )

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Zenbob, you're my kinda guy!


With love,










> Dear Col:


> Darren may or may not have a "terminal illness." We all have a terminal

> illness--life/death.


> So, I do not respect the act of using that as a cover for emotional or

> strange behavior.


> Further, you see others as all goodness and light because that is your


> and we love that about you. But you are not trying to alter everyone


> beliefs, shotgun the lists with responses to comments that are out of


> and were not approved by the persons he was quoting, and you are not


> judgments and then asking for help/criticizing and crying at the same time

> and trying to make a big dramatic fuss, either.


> Darren is playing with your emotions and those of others on all of these

> lists. He is seeking to play games, in my humble opinion, not seek


> or guidance for his woes. Why ask questions for help and then toss it all

> back at people and then try to spout off about how he has all the answers


> diet, faith, practice, meditation, etc.?


> Do not be naive. Darren is not a little child in need of rescuing,


> his play for that attention.


> I am not some evil, hostile gnome. Not yet. But I have superb BS


> equipment installed by DARPA and it has been just buzzing since Darren has

> begun his crusade.


> Read Darren's detailed questionnaire that he sent to me. Does this seem


> a discussion or exchange of ideas or does it look like someone setting a


> with prepared counter arguments?


> Darren is not a little lamb. I am not a little lamb. Darren best be


> because some lambs are actually wolves and have sharp teeth and claws.


> I did not start this critical exchange, I have simply been dragged into it

> because my comments were seen as non indulgent.


> Guess what? I am a non indulgent sort of person. Hysteria moves me not


> all. I have rescued people from wrecked cars and I am trained in CPR,


> Panic and hysteria are the enemy and I have little or no tolerance for


> I have taken care of both of my parents, seen them through terminal


> and buried them both. I am not without compassion, forgiveness, love and

> empathy. But neither of my parents indulged in hysteria or panic and


> did I. As an only child, I had no brothers or sisters to assist me in


> difficult work. I was young, only 31 when my mother passed away, and my

> father had died two years earlier of cancer. My mother had congenital


> failure, and I saw her gradually weaken and understood that the most


> I could give was to assure her that I would be all right. I know that


> peculiar, but if you knew my mother, you might understand. This was the


> way that she could be at peace and be restful...knowing that I was

> fine...that I would be OK and that Pam, my wife at that time was OK.

> Actually, we had already decided to divorce, since she did not want to


> children and I wanted children, but we had agreed to wait until after my

> mother had gone on, to ease her transition a bit. I always appreciated


> but otherwise dealing with "sick people" was not Pam's cup of tea and she


> not the warm demonstrative type toward older folks...so all was left in my

> hands.


> A long response. :) You make comments about my nature, but you do so

> without knowing my nature fully. Assume nothing. I am complex and


> of many things, but too busy and too concerned with the suffering of


> worldwide to get all teary eyed over Darren. It's sad. A lot of things


> sad.


> But I have known children with terminal illnesses that have more courage


> dignity and do not go around trying to convince people of how they have


> the answers.


> I'll tell you both the answer. Grace and compassion. Not self pity, not

> superiority or hysteria. Calm, thoughtful, measured grace. Some elk and

> deer have this when a predator has trapped them. They do not panic and


> do not complain. They know that their moment is upon them. They accept


> because

> that is the way. I have faced surgeries, risked my life ballooning,


> traveling, working in the worst parts of LA, facing guns and bullets, and


> am no foolish hero, taking absurd risks, but I know that I can be depended


> in an emergency. If you should ever need me for some crisis, whatever my

> many faults, I won't crack under pressure and I will see you safely



> Well, I have now offended probably 16 million people on the list.


> it might be a hundred, but Darren will forward this to his list of a


> lists... :)


> Blessings

> Love,


> Zenbob


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the goal. It is

Finality of Being without any support. It is Total Independence and Ever

Present. The Truth of the Self needs no psychological or spiritual crutches.

It needs no philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no

teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes in the

Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence. Welcome all

to a.

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Debora A. Orf <dorf01

< >

Thursday, October 07, 1999 9:11 AM

Re: Re: Darren/conditional purity???????


>"Debora A. Orf" <dorf01


>On Thu, 7 Oct 1999 ZEN2WRK wrote:





>> Darren may or may not have a "terminal illness." We all have a terminal

>> illness--life/death.



>yes, life is a terminal disease, and its sexually transmitted ;) (john

>clese orginal quoter here, not me )




It's quotes like these let me know I am among like-minded friends.



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Dear Mira:


Sweety...I am stunned. I thought for sure that most people would be

horrified by my sand paper and broken glass comments. They were a bit pithy

and strong and I expected

reprobation. Your kindness surpasses my own. I will always remember this

moment fondly.






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>I am not some evil, hostile gnome. Not yet. But I have superb BS


>equipment installed by DARPA and it has been just buzzing since Darren has

>begun his crusade.


>Read Darren's detailed questionnaire that he sent to me. Does this seem


>a discussion or exchange of ideas or does it look like someone setting a


>with prepared counter arguments?


>Darren is not a little lamb. I am not a little lamb. Darren best be


>because some lambs are actually wolves and have sharp teeth and claws.


>I did not start this critical exchange, I have simply been dragged into it

>because my comments were seen as non indulgent.



>A long response. :) You make comments about my nature, but you do so

>without knowing my nature fully. Assume nothing. I am complex and


>of many things, but too busy and too concerned with the suffering of


>worldwide to get all teary eyed over Darren. It's sad. A lot of things




>But I have known children with terminal illnesses that have more courage


>dignity and do not go around trying to convince people of how they have all

>the answers.



but I know that I can be depended


>in an emergency. If you should ever need me for some crisis, whatever my

>many faults, I won't crack under pressure and I will see you safely



>Well, I have now offended probably 16 million people on the list. Normally

>it might be a hundred, but Darren will forward this to his list of a


>lists... :)


********Well, we can hope he does...it might open some eyes.









Hi Herobob,


Somehow I cannot yet call you "Bobbykins" tho I do feel like hugging you.

Nothing against the sweetness and light approach, but I still prefer a

realist who calls it as he sees it. This is nothing against anyone choosing

celibacy, its the need for such elaborate strategies to enforce that choice

that creates concern for me. When its right for a person, all naturally

falls into place. It sets off alarms for me too when sex is described as bad

or too messy and all that. So is life and death..people who are too prissy

to get their hands dirty are not making a choice FOR celibacy but against

something else, usually as a result of some conditioning or desire to show

off being "holy" to get attention. You pointed all this out and more quite

well, Zenbob.


People who are honestly and sincerely panicked over facing death have no

energy or interest or time to waste trying to control others. Identifying

with anyone's panic is about the least helpful approach there is. Neither

does Darren sound all that "new" to me. If he sincerely wanted to learn, he

might try listening,


I add my voice to Zenbob's and Gene's excellent analysis as well, because

comments like these are so often misperceived and labelled judgemental. I am

sure both these guys would be the first to be helpful to anyone truly in

need or truly in ignorance. People are still free to follow or support

Darren; they can't say they were not warned of his BS and pretending to be

something he is not. If anyone can convince me there is some value in

supporting or overlooking dishonesty, you are welcome to try.


Peace and love,



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In a message dated 10/7/99 3:19:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, janb




>yes, life is a terminal disease, and its sexually transmitted

;) (john

>cleese original quoter here, not me )


In that case, celibacy is an act of compassion :)


No, I think it may be a sin of omission. :))




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On 10/7/99 at 8:11 AM Debora A. Orf wrote:

>"Debora A. Orf" <dorf01


>On Thu, 7 Oct 1999 ZEN2WRK wrote:




>> In a message dated 10/6/99 9:57:59 PM Pacific Daylight


>> colette writes:


>> << Wondering,


>> Col

>> >>

>> Dear Col:


>> Darren may or may not have a "terminal illness." We all

have a terminal

>> illness--life/death.



>yes, life is a terminal disease, and its sexually transmitted

;) (john

>clese orginal quoter here, not me )


In that case, celibacy is an act of compassion :)

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