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Polarity illusion

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Great post Col ~


... i would say the same would apply to any and everything that is happening

around us, what do we project onto it, (sorry Bob, but here even the projection

onto others, however much we may be "right" or have the "agreement" of others to

support our perspective) is still a manifestation of our division rather than

our inclusion and nondualism or nondelusion, illusion, divisive, incisive or

inclusive, ... so, that my projection is *mine* and is not of a nondual or

loving state ... OMG, you mean if we're on earth we're human?


Ah, despair, not an EO, nor a nonEO, nor yet a few more mentally game engaging

debates :-) and perhaps knowing there is always another side, and seeking what

is integrity, as in do we have truth or illusion, have we been told, "oh, yeah,

and by the way in my seeking to look good in your eyes, i lied to you? And if

one lies, than at a cost to whom is the truth sought or is the accepted gospel

taken verbatim? (this has nada to do with you Bob, PAX).


~~~ still at work *g* ~~~

~~~ and light dancing ~~~ ... here ... in now ...

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In a message dated 10/7/99 7:09:51 PM Central Daylight Time,

colette writes:


<< No need to take sides. There is NO side. We are all one! All of Us is One

Energy dancing as the many ~ >>


I also see no need to take sides. I also see One Energy. But if I see a

freight train about to run me down - I step off the tracks. If a Hilter

appears - I will take evasive action.


I am reminded of the Taoist master who was teaching martial arts. A couple of

his more rowdy students asked him - 'So what would you do if you ran into two

big guys on the street?'


And the master showed them how to defend themselves. And then the students

said - 'Yeah - but what about if there were 30 big guys coming at you down

the street?'


The master smiled and said - 'Then I would have taken - another street.'


You have to see correctly - to take Right Action. This may be Dualistic

thinking. We live in a Dualistic world. Sometimes - you just have to take

another street <g> Samsara is Nirvana.




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In a message dated 10/07/1999 8:09:48 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

colette writes:


<< Colette T <colette


Amen Rainbow! No need to take sides. There is NO side. We are all one! All

of Us is One Energy dancing as the many ~


Loves ya,




LOL, my *one* had to delete 811 other *ones* emails today at work *g* during

the last half an hour, forwarded 34 to others to deal with, responded to 12

(with 3 lines or less), and left 23 in my email box for tomorrow, that was

today's mail, I can't believe I actually read mail here when I get home, LOL!


BUT! It beats the phone and is faster. But like the phone requires

attention or the boxes overload, thank God for the delete buttons and brevity



Love to ALL,

~ Rainbo ~

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In a message dated 10/07/1999 9:19:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Xena10000 writes:



I also see no need to take sides. I also see One Energy. But if I see a

freight train about to run me down - I step off the tracks. If a Hilter

appears - I will take evasive action.


You know Dianna, there is a monument in Holland to my grandfather

who did that, but I have often wondered how much the collective

held responsibility for the creation and submission to such a figure?


Jung postulated a collective unconscious but almost by default then there

is a collective consciousness ... and perhaps it is here that we

are responsible for sending loving energies... i don't know ...

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In a message dated 10/7/99 8:47:53 PM Central Daylight Time,

RainboLily writes:


<< but I have often wondered how much the collective

held responsibility for the creation and submission to such a figure? >>


Who knows? I see Dependent Cause (a basic Buddhist philosophy) at work here.

Like one domino - hitting a stack of dominos - impacting each other as they

fall. Hitler was the end result - of a chain of events going back at least a

century in Germany.


I have heard people say (mostly so-called New Age types <g>) - that Hitler

must have been something 'called up' by the collective unconsciousness.

Therefore - the Jews - and others - got what they 'asked' for. I do not agree.


First Noble Truth - Life is Suffering. It is up to each individual - what to

do with it. Samsara is not a 'punishment'. Just an inevitability. Samara

happens. And we all have to deal with it -



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Hi everyone. I'm sharing here a post by John a friend of mine from the Ken

Wilber Forum ~ I resonate to its basic premise ~



Re: Re: the battle between Good and Evil


This message: Re: Re: the battle between Good and Evil

Posted by: John D

02:21:52 AM 10/07/99:




For awhile now I've seen good and evil as simply polarities of perception. My

own peak mystical

experiences have been without concept, without even polarity save for the polar

architectonics which hold the universe together. In other words, there was

nothing of "good" or "evil" there, yet an ultimate Goodness which could be said

to be God. What we perceive as both good and evil co-exist within that ultimate

Goodness as a polarity of self-creation. This means that as we, divine mind

involved in biological/terrestrial manifestation, are caught up in a

self-determined process of developing what we are, and that the battle of good

and evil is essentially the process that goes on within a polarized

Self seeking to find reconciliation to its own torn psyche.


If there are indeed any flaws in the Creation, they are co-created and

maintained by that which has estranged from God into its own idea of itself.

This estrangement is in itself not an "evil" thing, but purposeful in the

development of an individualized psyche, yet it produces "evil" in its own

failure to recognize itself as divine, and then counters that with "good" as a

means of tipping the scales back to center. This scale-tipping goes on forever

until one realizes the error in it and simply lets go, allowing the psyche to

return to its naturally centered state in the embrace of the Tao.


Peak mystical experience, for me, has never had and associative connection to

psyche battle; there was no Armageddon, no Kurukshetra (although these can

easily be seen as symbols for the inner war of the psyche to regain an undivided

sensibility). What i was revealing in my post above had nothing to do with Adi

Da or the OT or any other earthly manifestations other than the division of self

into light and shadow. All else is simply a projection of what is going on

within. What I'm suggesting is that if we really want to get at the root of good

and evil, we need to move all the associations out of the way and get to the

absolute core of why we are divided. This, I believe, is simply a matter of how

we interface with our biological medium. There are a great many "flaws" that we

inherit simply by being born human, but they are also perpetuated by the way

that we go about creating ourselves in life. One of the best ways to go on

perpetuating them is to continuing to perceive them as flaws and be entertaining

notions that they are

created by something outside of ourselves. What I choose to see instead of a

flaw is a challenge to my

indwelling spirit to overcome the misperceptions of its own self-creation.


The God of the Living is a projection based upon our alignment with an undivided

state of being and, conversely, the God of the Dead is a projection based upon

our alignment with a divided state. All of what we are or appear to be is based

upon the manner in which we are divided within. This is why I say forget the

battle and dive into the process of reconciliation.


Best wishes, John

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In a message dated 10/7/99 8:47:53 PM Central Daylight Time,

RainboLily writes:


<< . and perhaps it is here that we

are responsible for sending loving energies... i don't know ... >>


I think that radiating as much Compassion, Love, and Wisdom as possible -

makes a profound difference. Not only in our own lives - but to all who have

contact with us. And with the 'net - one person can have a lot more impact

than ever before <g>


I say - never underestimate the power of the individual - and Right Actions.

I think every little bit - does count.


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In a message dated 10/07/1999 10:51:09 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Xena10000 writes:



First Noble Truth - Life is Suffering. It is up to each individual - what to

do with it. Samsara is not a 'punishment'. Just an inevitability. Samara

happens. And we all have to deal with it -




Life is beautiful :-) Really it is ... and i do dearly hope i have not

sparked a debate on the aforementioned horror story of our century..

someone said, i think Greg, "life is a story" i love that, have walked

with that one for days while working ... is a very sweet perspective...


.... p.s. on the email thang, it is to explain why i don't always read

the emails, there are just too many and it isn't that i don't love *you*

or the other *one* it is that i love this *one* too ... so,


scuse da additional emails *g* but i wanted to respond to this *one*

reflection of dianna :-)



~ Rainbo ~

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Amen Rainbow! No need to take sides. There is NO side. We are all one! All of

Us is One Energy dancing as the many ~


Loves ya,






RainboLily wrote:

> RainboLily


> Great post Col ~


> .. i would say the same would apply to any and everything that is happening

around us, what do we project onto it, (sorry Bob, but here even the projection

onto others, however much we may be "right" or have the "agreement" of others to

support our perspective) is still a manifestation of our division rather than

our inclusion and nondualism or nondelusion, illusion, divisive, incisive or

inclusive, ... so, that my projection is *mine* and is not of a nondual or

loving state ... OMG, you mean if we're on earth we're human?


> Ah, despair, not an EO, nor a nonEO, nor yet a few more mentally game engaging

debates :-) and perhaps knowing there is always another side, and seeking what

is integrity, as in do we have truth or illusion, have we been told, "oh, yeah,

and by the way in my seeking to look good in your eyes, i lied to you? And if

one lies, than at a cost to whom is the truth sought or is the accepted gospel

taken verbatim? (this has nada to do with you Bob, PAX).


> ~~~ still at work *g* ~~~

> ~~~ and light dancing ~~~ ... here ... in now ...


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Hello Diana,


Talking about martial arts always wakes up a warm flame within my body,

having practiced, in a form of kung fu, for so many hours at the strain

of the muscles listening in awareness to the moment. It's a nice memory,

thank you for bringing it back.


Here is a quote i like from a site i found on Jerry web site, it rings

an answer to the question of the student to the Taoist teacher you came

to know. Who knows, maybe you will like it.


"When an enemy tries to fight with me, the universe itself, he has to

break the harmony of the universe. Hence at the moment he has the mind

to fight with me, he is already defeated. There exists no measure of

time -- fast or slow. "

>From http://www.sentient.org/amber/uyeshiba.htm




> I am reminded of the Taoist master who was teaching martial arts. A couple of

> his more rowdy students asked him - 'So what would you do if you ran into two

> big guys on the street?'

> diana

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In a message dated 10/07/1999 10:55:13 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

Xena10000 writes:



I think that radiating as much Compassion, Love, and Wisdom as possible -

makes a profound difference. Not only in our own lives - but to all who have

contact with us. And with the 'net - one person can have a lot more impact

than ever before <g>


I say - never underestimate the power of the individual - and Right Actions.

I think every little bit - does count.



agree :-) , not sure the Net is necessary although i do agree it has

an incredible impact on civilisation, but one individual radiating love and

truth does have a profound impact on their environment. We've a young

Tibetan monk living close to here and when he walks into a room he

radiates peace, ... i don't think anyone has to be sensitive to the subtle

realms to see it ...


And, yes, think every little bit does count, each time our actions speak

love, they spread, words can be easy, it is in doing that we show our

love, Love, real love is a verb.


Hoping your day is full of


All of you :-)

~ Rainbo ~

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In a message dated 10/7/99 11:00:36 PM Central Daylight Time,

carrea writes:


<< "When an enemy tries to fight with me, the universe itself, he has to

break the harmony of the universe. Hence at the moment he has the mind

to fight with me, he is already defeated. There exists no measure of

time -- fast or slow. " >>


Thank Antoine!


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In a message dated 10/7/99 6:19:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

Xena10000 writes:



The master smiled and said - 'Then I would have taken - another street.'


You have to see correctly - to take Right Action. This may be Dualistic

thinking. We live in a Dualistic world. Sometimes - you just have to take

another street <g> Samsara is Nirvana.


The sound of a chime being struck. There is such a contrast between simple

aphorisms, which may at first seem profound, and actual deeper levels of

truth, which contain layers and must be understood a layer at a time. Sure,

we are all "light" too, but I use a candle when the power goes out. We are

all perfect,

but if I get a bone spur, I have it removed. Sure, we are all "God" but I

don't create solar systems just yet. Sure, we are all one, but went my

mortgage payment is due, somehow it's just me handling the bill.


What we idealize and strive to be are not the same as what and where we are.

Non dualistic thinking is there to remind us that the world and its

limitations are not the entire or necessarily the enduring part of reality.

But, the world has real rocks, and even though non-duality teaches that the

rock and I are one energy, if the rock falls on my head, the shared unity of

rock-zenbob will sure hurt.


Can anyone explain this all away? No. So, slogans of unity are good to

remind us to strive to achieve harmony and grace. I am deeply in favor of

that. But illusions, false intent or actions that injure are still things

that we must deal with in some way. Ignoring it and embracing it does not

improve or unify it. If the cougar takes up living in your back yard, do you

embrace it? It might work...but having worked with Cheetahs, Lions, Bears,

wolves, and ocelots myself, one would either be a lot braver than I am to do

so, or much more foolish.






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In a message dated 10/8/99 1:48:06 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

mirror writes:


<< Are you positive?

Who created the solar system that contains Zenbob?





Why you did, darling!





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> Sure, we are all "God" but I

> don't create solar systems just yet.


Are you positive?

Who created the solar system that contains Zenbob?





geovani:...hei!!!....i can't pinpoint what....but

Mira....your statement has a weird, powerfull

awesom something tha made my whole being

...sort of....spin...spin...spin...spin...spin...spin...

Something like being in and out and without

being within...kind of....sortofa....smell of thruth.


....i just read it again....and still...deliciously lost.

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On 10/8/99 at 4:33 PM ZEN2WRK wrote:



>In a message dated 10/7/99 6:19:16 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

>Xena10000 writes:



> The master smiled and said - 'Then I would have taken -

another street.'


> You have to see correctly - to take Right Action. This may

be Dualistic

> thinking. We live in a Dualistic world. Sometimes - you just

have to take

> another street <g> Samsara is Nirvana.

> >>

>The sound of a chime being struck. There is such a contrast

between simple

>aphorisms, which may at first seem profound, and actual

deeper levels of

>truth, which contain layers and must be understood a layer at

a time. Sure,

>we are all "light" too, but I use a candle when the power

goes out. We are

>all perfect,

>but if I get a bone spur, I have it removed. Sure, we are

all "God" but I

>don't create solar systems just yet. Sure, we are all one,

but went my

>mortgage payment is due, somehow it's just me handling the



One of those aphorisms is to compare Maya with a dream. On

waking up, the dream isn't real anymore. But in a lucid dream,

objects can be manipulated at will. However, Maya never

becomes a lucid dream where one can manipulate objects at

will; only unconfirmed rumors will mention that possibility.

No one can provide earth with an extra sun.


>What we idealize and strive to be are not the same as what

and where we are.

>Non dualistic thinking is there to remind us that the world

and its

>limitations are not the entire or necessarily the enduring

part of reality.

>But, the world has real rocks, and even though non-duality

teaches that the

>rock and I are one energy, if the rock falls on my head, the

shared unity of

>rock-zenbob will sure hurt.


Manifestations arise with a certain set of properties; one is

the law of gravity. Nonduality won't change that. Even if one

can no longer feel pain, the body still would be wounded,

reacting accordingly.


>Can anyone explain this all away? No. So, slogans of unity

are good to

>remind us to strive to achieve harmony and grace. I am

deeply in favor of

>that. But illusions, false intent or actions that injure are

still things

>that we must deal with in some way. Ignoring it and

embracing it does not

>improve or unify it. If the cougar takes up living in your

back yard, do you

>embrace it? It might work...but having worked with Cheetahs,

Lions, Bears,

>wolves, and ocelots myself, one would either be a lot braver

than I am to do

>so, or much more foolish.







One's birthright could be called the right to regain the

seemingly lost unconditional happiness. This happiness is

revealed when thoughts, ideas, desires and actions based on "I

am the body", "I am the doer", the "I", will no longer arise.

Phantasies about supernatural side-effects of this

realization is a side-effect of not yet having realized this

simple truth. So instead of thinking about unity, love,

harmony etc., with associated phantasies of petting lions,

tigers and leopards and creating black holes, the

ideas/feelings/thoughts of separateness, hate, disharmony etc.

will no longer arise because the "I" no longer arises and that

is what constitutes Peace beyond understanding.



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In a message dated 10/8/99 6:11:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time, janb



<< So instead of thinking about unity, love,

harmony etc., with associated phantasies of petting lions,

tigers and leopards and creating black holes, the

ideas/feelings/thoughts of separateness, hate, disharmony etc.

will no longer arise because the "I" no longer arises and that

is what constitutes Peace beyond understanding.


Jan >>

Excuse me, but these are not phantasies. I live in the country and wild

animals in my back yard are quite real. I have also, as I said, WORKED with

the animals I mentioned. Petting them was not a fantasy...I have done so. I

did so using skill, caution, regard, respect and intelligence, not using some

form of wishful thinking or unreasoning fear. That is the point that I am

making. And if a cougar shows up in your back yard...in real life...or its

equivalent, then one has to deal with it in some way. And no, simply

ignoring it does not accord one safety or protection for ones family and

pets. Do not airily dismiss what I wrote with simplistic syllogisms and

unflattering remarks about my "Phantasies of petting lions." I have petted

lions. I have trained wolves, lynx, ocelot, and worked with cheetahs, bears

and other "wild animals." I have mended wings on hawks. Hey, I love all

kinds of critters...I help goats kid, train an Arabian Filly, and have raised

pigs, cattle and sheep. None of these are simply illusory ideas. I have

seen coyote, cougar, fox, lynx and badgers on my property. So the example is

not some airy scary maybe...it is based on reality. Many people living in

the lush near urban lands of California are quite shocked to find how close

the wild actually is, and how often some big cat or predator will wind up in

some one's back yard.


Oh and I've raised Llama and Emu, too, but I gave the birds to a neighbor who

wanted a petting zoo for her grandchild and I sold the Llama to a nice couple

who needed better protection for their goats than the protection that I have.

Actually, the Arab Filly is better protection than the Llama in many ways,

but she does eat more!





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I didn't doubt your work with animals; but that is different

from the phantasies of several people once met, who, under the

influence of "paradise" stories, were actually thinking the EO

can pet any wild animal just like that. There are several

stories about Ramana, the wild animals visiting the ashram and

the ones living there; there is also the story how Ramana once

was attacked and wounded by birds of prey who were defending

territory. Nearing a big animal in the wild without the proper

training, knowledge and experience isn't wise and for a

trained guard dog, an intruder is just an intruder.




On 10/9/99 at 3:44 AM ZEN2WRK wrote:



>In a message dated 10/8/99 6:11:29 PM Pacific Daylight Time,




><< So instead of thinking about unity, love,

> harmony etc., with associated phantasies of petting lions,

> tigers and leopards and creating black holes, the

> ideas/feelings/thoughts of separateness, hate, disharmony


> will no longer arise because the "I" no longer arises and


> is what constitutes Peace beyond understanding.


> Jan >>

>Excuse me, but these are not phantasies. I live in the

country and wild

>animals in my back yard are quite real. I have also, as I

said, WORKED with

>the animals I mentioned. Petting them was not a fantasy...I

have done so. I

>did so using skill, caution, regard, respect and

intelligence, not using some

>form of wishful thinking or unreasoning fear. That is the

point that I am

>making. And if a cougar shows up in your back yard...in real

life...or its

>equivalent, then one has to deal with it in some way. And

no, simply

>ignoring it does not accord one safety or protection for ones

family and

>pets. Do not airily dismiss what I wrote with simplistic

syllogisms and

>unflattering remarks about my "Phantasies of petting lions."

I have petted

>lions. I have trained wolves, lynx, ocelot, and worked with

cheetahs, bears

>and other "wild animals." I have mended wings on hawks.

Hey, I love all

>kinds of critters...I help goats kid, train an Arabian Filly,

and have raised

>pigs, cattle and sheep. None of these are simply illusory

ideas. I have

>seen coyote, cougar, fox, lynx and badgers on my property.

So the example is

>not some airy scary maybe...it is based on reality. Many

people living in

>the lush near urban lands of California are quite shocked to

find how close

>the wild actually is, and how often some big cat or predator

will wind up in

>some one's back yard.


>Oh and I've raised Llama and Emu, too, but I gave the birds

to a neighbor who

>wanted a petting zoo for her grandchild and I sold the Llama

to a nice couple

>who needed better protection for their goats than the

protection that I have.

> Actually, the Arab Filly is better protection than the Llama

in many ways,

>but she does eat more!






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>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now

Here. All paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only

in the Space of Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but

is always Here. You are not "in" the now. You Are the Now!

Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is. Home is where the

Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the Self-Nature,

the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and

the goal. It is Finality of Being without any support. It is

Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth of the Self

needs no psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no

philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching, and no

teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is

Pure Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In a message dated 10/29/99 8:09:45 PM Central Daylight Time,

RainboLily writes:


<< Life is beautiful :-) Really it is ... >>


Agreed!!! Samsara and Nirvana are One -



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