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Darren/conditional purity???????

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Excuse me Bob .. but perhaps you are targeting someone like this because you

compare him to yourself.


Let me tell you something about Darren which he has shared openly on list



Darren is NEW to all this and has a terminal illness


As someone who is new to all this I assure you his aura has now changed and he

has come in contact within .. to something which has fired his soul .. that

which he sought.


We will not expect NEW seekers to resonate to where we are at .. (should we?)


And if they happen to be keen and sharing zealously why should that make us far

more experienced practitioners feel threatened!


Cool down .. I 'feel' Darren as an innocent who is merely expressing himself and

his own enquiry into himself


I can hear his aura .. he is innocent & seeking .. we are witness .


No where have I seen him advocating we should all be like him!




Concerned (is this witch hunt time on planet earth?)


Where is the love?




Separation or acceptance ..






ZEN2WRK wrote:



> In a message dated 10/6/99 12:12:35 PM Pacific Daylight Time, magus

> writes:


> << It would appear that the advocate of purity, by living in

> and exampling submissiveness, has the agenda of making lust and other

> defined-as-undesirable aspects of human experience indeed overwhelmingly

> powerful; indeed, the agenda seems to be to trigger latent conditioned

> shame and fear, while at the same time offering 'helpful tips' to overcome

> such overwhelmingly powerful forces, by means of submission.


> Bottom line: I do not submit.


> Respectfully,


> ==Gene Poole== >>

> Dear Gene:


> I am so glad that I was too busy to write a detailed follow up to Darren.

> Your response is so much better than mine would have been. It is better,

> because you identify every fallacy, power struggle and are courageous enough

> to label each for what they are, despite the risk of reprove by others.


> For what it is worth, I fully agree with each and every comment. I also

> believe that Darren is insincere, untruthful and manipulative with interests

> only in creating disharmony, confusion and somehow, bizarrely, attempting to

> lure weak or troubled members from several lists onto his own strange and

> peculiar Salvation Show of Sin, Repression, Fascism and false woe.


> Perhaps I am in error. It has happened once this year. However,

> my batting average for sensing insincerity and BS is pretty well fine tuned

> at this age in my life and the meter is pegging up there in the red danger

> zone, between "flaky" and "wacko."


> Strong words, but I am a bit out of sorts by the manner in which Darren has

> tossed my comments all over a variety of lists, trashed Dharma for her

> patience and detailed advice, taken a pose of "dying modesty and

> vulnerability" in order to criticize others without there being merit to the

> criticism, and then further insulted my intelligence and that of the list

> membership by trying to "Guru away" other members for "help and


> This is nothing more than corrupt seduction. If he has any character, then

> he can communicate directly to each of us on the list and not play games with

> "privatepublic" messages and "folded hands" posturing for



> Humble is as humble does. The Praying Mantis is the other creature that I

> recall as wandering about in the same humble pose...and that was no gentle

> bug.


> For the record, I do not submit, either!


> Blessings,


> Zenbob


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of Awareness.

Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not "in" the now. You

Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is. Home is where the Heart

Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or

call it what you will. The Radical Truth is Radiance of Awareness. It is both

the path, process, and the goal. It is Finality of Being without any support. It

is Total Independence and Ever Present. The Truth of the Self needs no

psychological or spiritual crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no

explanation, no teaching, and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A

true devotee relishes in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure

Intelligence. Welcome all to a.

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At 18:34 7/10/99 EDT, you wrote:



>In a message dated 10/7/99 3:19:28 PM Pacific Daylight Time, janb




> >yes, life is a terminal disease, and its sexually transmitted

> ;) (john

> >cleese original quoter here, not me )


> In that case, celibacy is an act of compassion :)

> >>

>No, I think it may be a sin of omission. :))


As opposed to a sin of emission? :))







>>All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Nowhere is Now Here. All

paths, places, and sights and perceptions exist only in the Space of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Here. You are not

"in" the now. You Are the Now! Here is Home. Home is where True Rest Is.

Home is where the Heart Is. It is the Seer resting in the Seer, the

Self-Nature, the Buddha Nature, or call it what you will. The Radical Truth

is Radiance of Awareness. It is both the path, process, and the goal. It is

Finality of Being without any support. It is Total Independence and Ever

Present. The Truth of the Self needs no psychological or spiritual

crutches. It needs no philosophy, no religion, no explanation, no teaching,

and no teacher, and yet It is always their support. A true devotee relishes

in the Truth. The Truth of Self-Knowledge which is Pure Intelligence.

Welcome all to a.




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In a message dated 10/8/99 2:36:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time,

Robert_Weil writes:


<< As opposed to a sin of emission? :))









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