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Jan/primary bus: shunted?

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Jan Barendrecht wrote:

> Hi Antoine,


> Stress is indeed a killer and not only of memory. A certain

> amount of stress is required to hone skills but more is

> counterproductive. To work relatively stress free, it is

> advantageous to have a job that doesn't stress one's

> capability to the limit all the time. The fact that the

> elderly can't form new neurons required for short term memory

> shows that stress is more rule than exception. Stress also

> prevents a good sleep, closing the circle.


Hello Jan,


Just eared on the radio today, that they had found neurons that

reproduce themselves, in the neocortex of monkeys, when there

imagination is pushed in a non stressful environment, in other words

when they can play. A couple of months ago, i think the scientific

american, talked about research going into the same direction made on

rats. Anyway, "transform work into play", this old saying seems to be

new again.

> Wouldn't it be likely that the evolution of a species stops as

> soon as it becomes possible to know the "underlying" Nature of

> everything? From then on, there is the seeming choice: resist

> or surrender. Resisting isn't a real choice because it will

> result in involution (as opposed to evolution); one indicator

> is the onset of puberty shifting to a lower age, signifying

> increasing mortality (time to reach puberty and lifespan are

> related). Interestingly, a Tibetan lama once mentioned the

> existence of a prediction, adulthood starting at age 4...


The study of Maurice Maeterlinck, already 75 years ago, of ants, bees

and other insect, brings a nice projection or image of what can be such

a society where your function is already determined as a larva, or in

the womb of a super unique Mother, or like the Tibetan Lama says at 4.


Another way to see it, is as the cells in your body, where an individual

in such a society becomes the "cell" of another body, in this

evolutionary process.


The evolution of ants seems to have stop over who knows how many years,

but they are still there. The human race is no more than one second in

the life span of the ant race on this planet. And the ant race no more

than one second in the life span of the solar system.


Some mathematician, in complex system analysis. And looking in the

stability nature seems to want to maintain as a possible perspective to

manifest consciousness from, say that a stable ratio in size for an

organism close to us, would be around 1 foot in diameter (maybe a mix

over time between ants and us, who knows), and the next step up, would

be around 1 mile in diameter (the size of a town for those strange

little creatures) - where the next step up is a solar sytem, and the the

one below, DNA)


Maybe all this is simply a projection from the system one identifies

with, and all is possible for one who as the real abilities to chose, or

at least observe, or at least live deeply, the system in which it lives.


I enjoy living in the Body of Buddha, sometimes, also.


Which body defines me? would someone ask me... I have no idea...


Evolution, evolution you are beautiful.


The Utopist,



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>Maybe all this is simply a projection from the system one identifies

>with, and all is possible for one who as the real abilities to chose, or

>at least observe, or at least live deeply, the system in which it lives.


>I enjoy living in the Body of Buddha, sometimes, also.


>Which body defines me? would someone ask me... I have no idea...


>Evolution, evolution you are beautiful.


And so are you, my friend. :)

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