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cloudhand (mike dickman)


P.S. Glo, your Tara post is coming too! :-)






mike dickman +ADw-cloudhand+AEA-oath.com+AD4-

shadowcatcher+AEA-sedona.net +ADw-shadowcatcher+AEA-sedona.net+AD4-

Sunday, October 10, 1999 1:08 PM



SC, my Elder Brother-


Could you forward the following to our Solar Annie, please?


Sorry for the hassle (bloody computers+ACE-)







For Dharma, 'Gana' means 'powerful', and 'a host, a multitude, a class, a


'Cakra' in this context means 'a gathering'.

Ganacakra, then, is the assembly of offering, practiced on the 10th. and

15th. days of the waxing and waning moon (10th., 15th., 25th., and 30th. of

the lunar month) as well as on other 'high days and holy days', where a

vast offering of the five powerful substances or their symbolic

representations is made to the 'offering field' of all the innumerable

Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Meditation Deities, Dakas, Dakinis, Vidyadharas,

Yogins, Yoginis, Dharma Protectors, Worldly Protectors, and so on.

The 10th. day is sacred to the peaking 'masculine energy' and the 25th. to

that of the 'feminine'. Practices on these days are generally versions,

depending upon the school, of the Guruyoga and Dakiniyoga sadhanas, while

the Full Moon and New Moon practices are those of the Buddhas Amitabha

-('Limitless Light') and Shakyamuni respectively.

All who have received tantric empowerment are expected - indeed are

oath-bound - to do these practices regularly.



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