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Harsha/explanation of synchronicity

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In a message dated 10/11/1999 5:45:11 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

berkowd writes:


<< Although Qabala goes to

great lengths to address this, the final result is an inexplicable Being.

There just isn't any way around this, from my perspective. Wisdom involves

being able to surrender to, enjoy, accept, and *be* this inexplicability...



Hi Dan,


I write this with some trepidation as I don't want to send us both into

another one of those <wiping prespiration/sweat from brow sessions> but-

she says, walking the razor's edge ...


although the intellectual insight into the

Qabalah is enormously useful while travelling the Tree, the Tree is about

experiencing the energy aspects of "All." Very few Qabalists, alive or dead

have made it to the experience of Kether, the light behind the light,

although there are a few here who have experienced this in depth, not

just lightly touching the energy but who touched the pulse. Dying so as

to live, so to speak realistically. Just clarifying ...


Please do feel free to jump in anyone, <most engaging dimples flashing

in case it helps>



~ Rainbo ~

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Harsha - I posted a letter referring to a synchronicity between your post

and my previous letter to Glo. This would make a lot more sense if the

letter I had posted were available. Apparently, my letter was sent to

Glo's private address, and she has now given me permission to present it to

the list. The moment, I surmise, may now be lost. Yet, being relatively

compulsive, and never one to give up simply because a task is futile, I

will do my best to clear this up (in case anyone is wondering). I suppose

this is now synchronicity in reverse, which perhaps is in the same class of

events as predetermined spontaneity. To make sure there is something

worthwhile in this current letter, I decided to reveal my part of a

dialogue I had with my teacher in a previous life:


Compulsive student interviewing with roshi:


"Roshi, I know I've got it this time.

I really mean it. I'm sorry for requesting

this interview so late in the day, but I know

I've really got it. I know last time I thought I

had it and I didn't, but I really do now.

I mean, this is it, honest."




Glo wrote:

>Hi Dan!!


>Appreciate the bopping message...would you mind getting around to this one

>when you have time?


D: Time seems to be happening all at once at the moment. Perhaps I can get

around to it in no time at all.

>G: Perhaps it does not seem to you to be asking anything,

>yet I guess I am "soliciting" opinion on satsangs..tho it was more discussed

>on the NDS. I am hearing some contrast here with your "already enlightened"

>(tho don't know it?) statements.


D: Uh oh. I hope I'm not being inconsistent. After all, to be taken

seriously I should be able to take a multidimensional simultaneous reality

and present it in a linear systematic statement that sums up all of its

reality. Or maybe I'll just acknowledge my inadequacy and hum "bop she bop

she bop" instead? :-)

On a little more serious note (remember, I did say "little") I will do my

best, and would like to hear your "take" on this as well...


It is a wonderment how, if One and All is "already enlightened" there can

be so much apparent confusion and mischief (as well as eight deadly sins,

and Wayne Newton singing in Las Vegas? Talk about contrasts!! The age-old

"problem of evil") The best way I can make sense of this (and yes, I've

also said there is no making sense of it) is to view the "already

enlightened" aspect of being as Unconditional and our usual mode of

operation as resistance to and reaction to perceived conditions. By

resisting and reacting, we inevitably need to "repress" the Unconditional

aspect of Being, which just gets in the way by being continually "outside

of the box". To unrepress the Unconditional is to "give up" one's attempt

to manage conditions, give up on existing as a being going through

conditional experiences (i.e., getting better, having things, going

somewhere, having experiences).


This view seems to explain a lot, but it doesn't explain how the

Unconditional brings forth conditional realities. Although Qabala goes to

great lengths to address this, the final result is an inexplicable Being.

There just isn't any way around this, from my perspective. Wisdom involves

being able to surrender to, enjoy, accept, and *be* this inexplicability...

I'm not claiming that I'm imparting wisdom, by the way, and I'm not

claiming to know what I'm talking about, either. I feel either of those

claims would not only be premature, but would be impossible to boot :-)

>Sometimes it seems that the "instant

>enlightenement" of satsangs IS about removing obstacles to see one's already



Glo - I don't see this in terms of right and wrong, like it's wrong to go

to satsangs and right to watch your navel at home. My perspective is that

"here you are." If "here" is at a satsang, fine. If it's in one's living

room, or at a ball game, also fine. The awareness of all things as

instantaneously present really can't be stated, understood, expressed -

it's all that is. Can one take in Infinity in an instant? This is what

seems to be involved. Not only can one do this, one already *is* this.

The clearing away of the obstacles - that makes sense to a point. Past

that point, there is nothing to clear away and no one to do the clearing.

So, at that point, listening to a wave crashing on the beach might be as

instructive as a satsang. What to do with this freedom? I guess go to a

satsang, walk on the beach, wherever you go, "here you are."


Love, Dan

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"Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd


Harsha - I posted a letter referring to a synchronicity between your post

and my previous letter to Glo. This would make a lot more sense if the

letter I had posted were available. Apparently, my letter was sent to

Glo's private address, and she has now given me permission to present it to

the list.



Glo - I don't see this in terms of right and wrong, like it's wrong to go

to satsangs and right to watch your navel at home. My perspective is that

"here you are." If "here" is at a satsang, fine. If it's in one's living

room, or at a ball game, also fine. The awareness of all things as

instantaneously present really can't be stated, understood, expressed -

it's all that is. Can one take in Infinity in an instant? This is what

seems to be involved. Not only can one do this, one already *is* this.

The clearing away of the obstacles - that makes sense to a point. Past

that point, there is nothing to clear away and no one to do the clearing.

So, at that point, listening to a wave crashing on the beach might be as

instructive as a satsang. What to do with this freedom? I guess go to a

satsang, walk on the beach, wherever you go, "here you are."


Love, Dan



Thanks Dan for sharing your brilliant private correspondence with Gloria. I

guess the synchronicity is that your wisdom shines both in private and in

public! Satsang means keeping the company of Truth/Self. You and Gloria

rightly point our that since we are That, we are in Eternal Satsang. Gloria

explains it well in her incredible poetry. Ice is on Fire!



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Hi Dan,

>After all, to be taken

>seriously I should be able to take a multidimensional simultaneous reality

>and present it in a linear systematic statement that sums up all of its



Then take no one seriously... because no one can do that!




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