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Jan's Black Hole

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On 10/12/99 at 10:45 AM RainboLily wrote:

>>I'm going to let Gates guard the gates of the Secret Temple,

>>then as he crosses the Abyss he shall have to give all away,

>>bet he's going to be one surprised boy.


>>~ light dancing ~ RAinbo ~


>He's never surprised: he has "borrowed" the circuitry of my

>astral teleporter and teleported windows to the astral world,

>all windows connecting to Wall Street as well. But he forgot

>the density converter so it will be ghosts and astral bugs

>creeping through the windows and not only in Wall Street...




>If he's bright he'll rewire the circuitry so he

>can travel to places other than Wall Street, but

>as you've taken your black travelling bag back

>to the lab he may get lost. I would suggest

>sending him into the black hole but if we

>birth universes of Gates we'll have infinite

>fractal windows without density, on the other

>hand, that might be great, no density to the bugs

>either, not even a wee quanta wave ...


Meddling with astral teleport has strange consequences so

Gates can't be removed from there; in order to prevent him

from spreading to other areas of the fractal the idea is to

borrow one of his tricks; train the bugs in such a way that

they'll crash windows everywhere.


>Think your virgin and bull fractalized, that's why

>the bull is so satisfied :) i think he time

>warped into ancient Sumeria and wrote Gilgamesh..


Gilgamesh had a fair chance to go back to civilization. After

all, he was half god, half man. But he wasn't very successful,

losing the plant of immortality to the big snake of the sea.

Instead of easy going, immortality plant deprived humanity has

to snatch it away from the snake, roaming in the mare liberum.

But when Gilgamesh refused the "favors" of Ishtar and his

friend Enkidu flung a piece of meat into her face :))) the

Goddess of love and war swore revenge; she opened up a window

in time, inviting Gates' ghosts and astral bugs. The ghosts

took possession of the minds of man, obscuring the secret of

the plant of immortality that has to be snatched away from the

snake. The astral bugs caused special typos in many scriptures

so that the ghosts will believe what they are reading. And so

it comes that the Gilgamesh epic didn't mention the snake is

fiery despite the cool sea and getting hold of the snake won't

do; one has to snatch the plant away from her. Only then, the

snake will give up and die.


>Must be moo' ving with those udderly cows...


>~~~laughter in the light of love~~~

> ~ bo ~


Not a sad story?



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Gilgamesh had a fair chance to go back to civilization. After

all, he was half god, half man. But he wasn't very successful,

losing the plant of immortality to the big snake of the sea.


Gilgamesh went swimming in Nu before she became Neptunized,

and he loved the water so much he became the big snake so

that he could experience the waters more fully and wander

the imaginative realms of oceanic bliss...


Instead of easy going, immortality plant deprived humanity has

to snatch it away from the snake, roaming in the mare liberum.


The rose of desire, the Lily of knowledge, the thousand

petalled Lotus of awakening ... the taste of amriti..

the snake brings the gifts ... the fragrances and perfumes...


But when Gilgamesh refused the "favors" of Ishtar and his

friend Enkidu flung a piece of meat into her face :)))


Ishtar being hung on a meat hook in the depths of hell

by the oh, so lovely Ereshkigal ... she descends as the

Morning star in the Spring, innocence and rises the

evening star in the Fall, awakened after her death ...

she is then placed in the Heavens by the Gods and

Goddesses to join them for eternity... for her great love...


Ishtar sent Endiku the curse because he had killed the

Bull of Heaven, Humbaba, but Endiku could

not catch Ishtar,



Goddess of love and war swore revenge; she opened up a window

in time, inviting Gates' ghosts and astral bugs. The ghosts

took possession of the minds of man, obscuring the secret of

the plant of immortality that has to be snatched away from the



The plant of rich rose color and ambrosial shimmering in the

water like a prism of the sunlight ... first red rose then deep

pink.. then blossoming heart blooming, rays of light ...

like diamonds at the crown which shimmer ... the philosopher's



The astral bugs caused special typos in many scriptures

so that the ghosts will believe what they are reading.


Thank God, for small favors, did bugs manage to throw in

a bit of wit...?


And so

it comes that the Gilgamesh epic didn't mention the snake is

fiery despite the cool sea and getting hold of the snake won't

do; one has to snatch the plant away from her. Only then, the

snake will give up and die.


Maybe the snake will get detected by your K-detector

and Shakti will find Shiva and they then can make a beautiful

new lotus blossom ... when they meet in crowning glory ...

but still then the fire work of the snake is not finished he

continues his sinuous path ... slowly then winding his way

to the medulla ...


Not a sad story?


A beautiful story



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