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(long) Jan/primary bus: shunted?

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Jan Barendrecht wrote:


> "Jan Barendrecht" <janb


> Antoine, do you have sources of that comatose sleep story? For

> 99.99% of the popolution goes that within a few days of

> deprivation, resisting sleep becomes impossible. Within that

> time, functioning as usual gets so impaired that no

> alternative is left but to sleep and I was no exception to

> this (before K.). Apart from that, a little deprivation has a

> therapeutical value. So please elaborate on the generalized

> advice not to experiment, and the comatose sleep (source(s),

> cases etc.); never heard from it.


> Jan


I have only my experience to share Jan, as a source. At 17 when i did

not sleep for three weeks, it was in the exam period at school. The

first tree days where the hardest, to resist sleep. The intellectual

activity was what was keeping me awake. After that time it all became so

easy, life was a constant synchronicity, i could still go at school and

do my exam, but it was all a parallel world. I decided to go back to

sleep, when i realized i had left my car downtown, forgetting i had one,

to come back home dancing and walking with the sun, and all the birds

around. Three wonderful weeks had passed that i will never forget.


It took me all summer to regain the abilities necessary to go back to

school. And to find the courage, in my language then, to build a

"temporary moral" so that i found a meaning in going back to school. The

world of words simply looked to me like a carton play over this reality

we are.


At 24 i went planting trees for 6 weeks, 6 days a weeks, from 3000 to

5000 tree a day. The sleep pattern, i observed, is interesting here

also. It takes about 1 week to 2 week, before you return to the human

animal that we are away from the civilized mind. The regular repetitive

pattern of planting 5 to 6 trees a minutes, the attention needed in

movement and the fresh air, come to change the nature of the sleep. 4

hours of sleep a night where more than sufficient, but the sleep was as

deep as coma, in those nights of 30 F in a tent. We had 1 day off, and

on that night we did not sleep, we were partying.


When i finished planting trees. I remember coming back to town after

driving 24 hours in a row from north with a friend. Not having to do a

physical effort, my body from all this practice of mixing breath and

movement while planting trees, my body would find a way to rest between

each breath. Also found out that, thinking, as this pattern was coming

back to me while back in town, took a lot of energy from the body,

created a form of web vibrating not well in tune over the natural

harmonics of the body, which comes to create a need to sleep for them to

go back in tune. So i went own partying for 4 days, never sleeping,

looking for peoples in parks at night that where still awake, or simply

waiting on top of the Mount Royal in downtown Montreal, for the sun and

people to come up again. And the people who i would met in my day

telling me i never looked so much in shape (after four days without

sleep). All this to say, that the pattern of coming back to the normal

sleep pattern was different here. After 4 days, i went into a sleep

coma, but it only lasted 1 hour. I had enough sleep for the next day, my

body was able to maintain itself, after attuning itself to be efficient

in the 6 weeks of planting trees. The day after it was a bit more, and a

bit more, up to a "normal" pattern of sleep. Normal for me may vary from

4 hours a day to 10 hours day (i all depends on my habits of mind and of

body of the period).


Here i am thinking, projecting, making some links so it may be possible

to understand what can only come from experience. In marathon, running

long distance, there is always a wall, The Wall, that comes back, after

20, 30 or 40 miles for the runner. Each movement become so heavy then,

running one mile in The Wall may seem like having to run all the race

over again. It would not surprise me that the 3 day period you refer to

Jan, of sleep deprivation, is like running into this Wall. It may come

to touch to the same level of deepness in the body. And passing that

wall in sleep deprivation, like for a runner not well trained in

touching is prana having an heart attack in a marathon, may be no else

than the flaming sword of kundalini protecting people from the knowledge

of the Tree, to take other symbols. Of course all this only on the level

of sleep. But i think to much, as it goes as it is.



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Thanks for sharing this Antoine. Your experience reminds of a

few children who were born without the sense of touch and as a

consequence didn't feel injuries or burns. Because even if

when can conquer the feeling of sleep and keep functioning,

side effects remain that could be interpreted as a warning

something isn't right; for instance, the regulation of the

body temperature will get off stroke. As you didn't show any

physical symptom of something "not right", you are definitely

in the danger zone like the kids without the sense of touch

who in principle could burn alive without feeling it..


The wall with long distance running is caused by the fact that

the store of glycogen is depleted; the body has to make the

switch to fat as a fuel. Glycogen could be called a "fast"

burner whereas fat is a "slow" burner; fat requires more

oxygen too. For the runner to maintain speed, it means a lot

of suffering, as the body can't burn fat fast enough and more

energy is required than before because of the extra work for

the lungs. So this can't be endured indefinitely and some

runners will collapse before the end of the race. The ability

to "forget" this pain is a must for the professional long

distance runner.


Take care,



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