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Dear Glo,


I didn't mean to say anything when i said a friend was always looking

outside herself towards you... this person IM's me almost daily I find sad

for her ... but who knows maybe she learns something, i was just tired this

morning and not interested in another hour of support for her illness, my

intuition and experience is that she could meditate herself to health, which

I have told her several times, but she says it is the k that made her sick,

so, I am trying only to be a friend to her.


On the death, I've had a few, one was exceptionally intense and recent.. on

the Qabalah, I didn't seek this out. I met an extremely brilliant woman

more than four years ago on the Internet. We exchanged several

emails on a "board" here on AOL which is public and I saw her respond

to others, and her emails had incredible clarity, love, depth and insight...

I had never seen such clarity and love before in anyone, anywhere.


She placed an open invitation for 10 people to join her on a study of

the Qabalah. I watched and she closed the invitation at 9 people. I

thought "that's weird, nine, eh? Okay." She then wrote me privately

and asked me to join them. I thought it was an intellectual exploration

and when anyone brilliant has offered to teach me anything in any arena,

I used to say, "yes," and I thought, "why not?" So, I joined them.


Less subjects interest me nowadays, but I knew

nothing about the Qabalah and so, having been quite the seeker

of any and all information about any and everything in the past I said,



About a week later, I noticed I was having very intense energy shifts.

I wrote her and asked if she knew anything about it. SHe said, "yes,

the others don't feel it yet, please wait to say anything, you are touching

the energy of the Tree." So, I stumbled, or ran into the Tree. I honestly

had no clue at all what I was about to undergo for years.


There is that old saying of Christ's "where two or three are gathered in

My Name, there I am in there midst." We simply, I think, are intended

to join, and the energy intensity gathers that way, and also we learn about

ourselves in and through others.


It is easy for me to sit here in my house, by myself, and meditate,

it is through energy interchange with others that I touch God, which

is what we are doing here on the internet, energy knows no bounds

of time and space (yes, okay there are equations, cut me some slack here you

guys and let me get through this email *g*)...and if I were perfect then I

wouldn't be here on Earth... so, I'm still here living ... and learning ...

and loving and experiencing, just simply like that.


This Teacher was for me a Master, she was and is anonymous, she

gave enormous quanitities of love and time to ten unknown nameless faceless

people and some of the stories are incredible that people experienced, which

is why I don't write them in email.. because they are simply too "beyond

belief" kind of stories, besides, if I were to write them

I would do so anonymously as well, for many reasons.


The more intense the fire, the more subtle realms clear ... as, I used

to experience little deaths I thought "aha! now i got it." Now, i never

think that anymore ... now i think "okay, well i got something else, the

changes go on.."


To be really honest, I just wrote and asked if I could leave the Group.

For the first time in years, I lost my temper, really lost my temper, and i

lost it 3 times, and each time I was waking up and thinking damn I am dying

Again, and then looking outside for the answers, i was very unhappy about it

and i thought i just don't care about another death and i want a break, i

want the k to go down and i don't want to walk around so blown out i have

trouble thinking... so, it is calming, gentling, slowing, but it's going to

take time .. and i still have times where it fires too high ... i didn't ask

for this ... i didn't want it, frankly, i didn't have a damn clue that it

could go this high and i had my first spiritual experiences as a child .. i

just didn't know one could blow this high, and i want to get off the ride.


So, Glo, you now have the most honest email I have ever written in

public or private and I write it because you have a beautiful heart

and I want to answer you from my heart, i'm also now embarassed but you asked

so, here is the best i can do, so, asking Divine to send you

much greater


Love and Light

than i ever could :-)

Annette (~ Rainbo ~)


p.s. and if we go on can we do it in private *g* <flashing dimples and

brightest smile and eyes and anything else that will work! I'll even bake a

divine cake and come visit, you prefer pastries, okay, but I'm not a Belgian,

they have great pastries :-) >

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