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In a message dated 10/14/1999 11:13:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

berkowd writes:


<< Dan:

A question asked deeply, profoundly,

involves one's whole being.

To answer is assertion.

Assertion is to affirm or to deny that something is so.

Any basis for assertion is assumed.



No, not necessarily, a basis for assertion may be known

rather than assumed. We know, of course, what assume

breaks into...



Assumption predetermines an outcome.

Therefore, to answer, to assert, is to predetermine reality.




There is a difference between known as a constant,

and assumption based on change.



Predetermined reality is supposition.




Depends on which level of reality we're speaking of.

The penultimate reality is a known, and the impermanent

Maya is unknown and subject to change without notice,

careful that razor-edge walking brings one close to the Void *g*



Full inquiry can only lead into itself, beyond assertion and supposition.

Beyond affirmation or negation, without any idea of "beyond".

The question disappears into itself.




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A question asked deeply, profoundly,

involves one's whole being.

To answer is assertion.

Assertion is to affirm or to deny that something is so.

Any basis for assertion is assumed.

Assumption predetermines an outcome.

Therefore, to answer, to assert, is to predetermine reality.


Predetermined reality is supposition.


Full inquiry can only lead into itself, beyond assertion and supposition.

Beyond affirmation or negation, without any idea of "beyond".

The question disappears into itself.

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The utterance of a question can set up the markers for

the eventual insight into it's viability to be sustained

within reality.

The very enunciation of the question can limit or

expand the hearers pathway.

The seeker can then follow the pathway as far as the

"markers" go, and can choose to stop there and

report what was found.

Or, if paying attention, the "hearer" can see that there

are many offshoot connections from this one pathway,

and can choose to travel and travel, until they realize

there is no need to go back and answer the original

question, for the purpose of it has been more than

accounted for.

atsila aktahi

We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit made them.

Chief Joseph 1873

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"atsilaaktahi" <atsilaaktahi


We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit made them.

Chief Joseph 1873



The Great Spirit showed us that things always change. Accepting it, we felt

contented. Sometimes we cried and sometimes we laughed as the Great Spirit

moved us. We prayed to the Great Spirit and asked for mercy. We asked to be

spared from pain. We prayed that others be spared pain. We prayed that our

Heart would grow big and embrace the whole universe and wipe away all tears

of all living beings. Then we saw the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit

swallowed us. Now We Saw that We were the Great Spirit.


Chief Harsha 1999

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Asking who is the knower,


Only a deep Joy is left,


Nothing else



> "Harsha (Dr. Harsh K. Luthar)" <hluthar

> "atsilaaktahi" <atsilaaktahi


> We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit made them.

> Chief Joseph 1873


> The Great Spirit showed us that things always change. Accepting it, we felt

> contented. Sometimes we cried and sometimes we laughed as the Great Spirit

> moved us. We prayed to the Great Spirit and asked for mercy. We asked to be

> spared from pain. We prayed that others be spared pain. We prayed that our

> Heart would grow big and embrace the whole universe and wipe away all tears

> of all living beings. Then we saw the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit

> swallowed us. Now We Saw that We were the Great Spirit.


> Chief Harsha 1999

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The Great Spirit showed us that things always change. Accepting it, we felt

contented. Sometimes we cried and sometimes we laughed as the Great Spirit

moved us. We prayed to the Great Spirit .............to honor and give

thanks for

all that was provided for us.

our hearts did embrace the whole universe, as we honored every aspect

of Creation.

we always were able to see Creator, to experience Creator either through

cooperating with Creation, or by opening to the direct connection.

and yes, each thing in Creation is an individual manifestation or aspect

of the Great Spirit, a piece of Light, on a journey of evolution to remember

that which we were originally created AS. The only way to do this is to go

thru what we are going through, because we lost sight of that connection,


much of THAT was our own doing, imo.

And maybe, altho this is in the realm of the unknowable, we may become

as the Great Spirit, but far be it from me to "assume" it a given.

I am not my own Creator, altho I can co-create from there.

but, look to what we DO today

(knowing that your "we" and my ''we" have a different point of view and


(and "doing" is such a deep subject!)


atsila aktahi

We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit made them.

Chief Joseph 1873

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In a message dated 10/14/99 3:13:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

hluthar writes:


<< The Great Spirit showed us that things always change. Accepting it, we felt

contented. Sometimes we cried and sometimes we laughed as the Great Spirit

moved us. We prayed to the Great Spirit and asked for mercy. We asked to be

spared from pain. We prayed that others be spared pain. We prayed that our

Heart would grow big and embrace the whole universe and wipe away all tears

of all living beings. Then we saw the Great Spirit. The Great Spirit

swallowed us. Now We Saw that We were the Great Spirit.


Chief Harsha 1999


Hau! The Braves and Squaws erect their totems to you and paint their

wigwams with your paint of many colors. Your wisdom is like that of the

rain, which falls on all things...your love like the clouds, that shields us

from the brightest sun and gives birth to the rain; your compassion like the

wind, that is felt throughout the land. We will follow even if the trail is

marked with tears and even if we must live in Canada. I have climbed the

seven moon mountain in your honor and carved your sacred signs above the

highest claw marks left by the tallest grizzly...it simply says "Harsha is

One with Us."


-Medicine Man Leaping Zenbob 1999 or so...

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