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Duality/non-Duality and a Million Monkees Typing

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In a message dated 10/12/99 12:19:31 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

berkowd writes:


<< There are too

many leaders and not enough wandering lovers of truth, too many preachers

and not enough poets. And Harsha, I'm going to rob Peter to pay Paul back...


And then Dan? What about Mary? We extolled the virtues of the Bop she Bop

and the Blobettes...but with Peter being robbed and Paul being paid pack,

what about Proud Mary and that lovely dragon rascal, Puff?


We need to set our priorities, but we also must be mindful of our

fantasies...of which I am often criticized for, even though most of my

fantasies are far more real than most people's realities.


Only those who indulge in a rich fantasy life can live to enjoy a thoroughly

beautiful inner life. If I see the world as terrifying, I live in fear, if I

see it as amazing and wonderful, I live in joy...


Duality...nonduality. The dreamer cannot be separated from the dream, the

singer from the song or the river from the rain.

I read your comments and those of Jan and I am giddy with laughter. Although

you are both intelligent and perceptive, you will not meet at a middle point.

Dan, I understand your comments a bit better...you anchor your wit with

logical parallels...Jan...you wander in and out of solipsism so comfortably

that I worry. Nonduality is not the same as believing that you are the

universe. Nonduality is believing that all things are unified as part of a

Universal Constant or Ongoing Thought. As such, when the lion eats the lamb,

the lamb has pain and discomfort and does not desire to be eaten. The lion

feels joy and satisfaction. In the universe of Nonduality all are equalities

of experience being known by the One Thought. It does not mean, however that

each of us should willingly "lie down for the lion." And don't give me crap

about my "fantasy." There is a principle here that you, Jan, need to face.

You do not act in the highest regard for anyone but yourself...because as

much as you attempt to be "non-dual" your perceptions and emotions spring

forth from your own loci in space time. If threatened by a lion, thug or

madman behind the wheel of a car chasing you, you will run, not merely lie

down and cease being dualistic.


Common sense should not be thrown out with the syllogisms.

Words are the opiates of the masses. We keep mistaking the word for the

thing. You need to deal with the nature of things, Jan, not just the word

symbols. Anyone can claim that all things are "one" but that is verbal over

simplification. The nature of the universe is beyond our realm of total

understanding and when we attain moments of non duality and unity with the

universe, that is all well and good...but in daily life, we function as the

event horizon of our very own black hole...


We are like microuniverses unto ourselves. Our thinking is like unto the

Great One Cosmic Non-Dual thinking...in that we are composed of billions of

cells which Act Together to Think as if we were just a single entity. This

is the analogy of how all creatures and things in the universe make up the

total nondual cosmic mind/being/event.


But, when we act as local universes, we act in our own best interests, which

is both natural and necessary for our continued existence in such a

state...which everyone claims they would just love to leave behind, but

fiercely refuse to close the curtain on "prematurely." As the old saying

goes, "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one is rushing to be the first

in line, just yet."






And the Blobettes

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((:)) Your monkey mind ((:))


I am your mind and I complain

I hope this time it’s not in vain

You fix me up with thoughts that do not mix

But worst of all, the stormy thoughts will not provide a fix


In filling up the mind you say you’re feeling well

But I say: you’re giving me a bloody hell

When filling up you really don't behave

But worst of all, I was not built to a be holodecky's cave


I am your mind and I do not approve your choice of mental food


Unless you listen I will put you in a lousy mood

If I run riot you will wind up at a funny farmers club

Why, monkey, do you treat me as if I'm just a preta loka pub?



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Hi Zenbob,

>As the old saying

>goes, "Everyone wants to go to heaven, but no one is rushing to be the first

>in line, just yet."


My grandfather used to say, "Everyone will get to heaven eventually, but

some people will have a hell of a time getting there." :)




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On 10/16/99 at 9:31 AM INSprofess wrote:



>Forgive me for asking, Jan, but what the hell was that all



Just a parody on a dual capuchin monkey type of mind.

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