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K & body, was sleep

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Hi Atsila,

>Thank you, I have uploaded the rest of the article.


Thank you for the article. I found it valuable especially in the

comparison of various opinions/judgments about sleep and the physical

body... in seeing how much is still not known.

>This may be redundant to many, but I feel the need to

>point out that we are multidimensional beings, meaning

>we exist on many levels. To me (!) this means that

>there are ranges of energy vibration that are most directly

>related to every level.

>This report on sleep is dealing with the range of vibrations

>within the frame work of the physical realm that are most

>condusive for maintaining optimum PHYSICAL health.

>The "nerve energy" generated and needed by the body to

>maintain balanced "process and cellular" function does

>not appear to me (!) to be of the same range as that of

>Kundalini, or other such energies that we utilize in other

>areas of our being.


This is not clear to me... it sounds as if you think that Kundalini is not

a physical energy. And I don't know what you mean by "other such

energies." :)


There's a big difference between "active" K. and the K. that is operative

in a person in whom it has not yet awakened physically. I think what we

mean by "active" K. is "physically active" or "overt." Various


say that K. is operative before "awakening"... meaning physical K.

awakening. I was aware many years ago that I was using K., but when it

went "active" three years ago, I was completely amazed... I never knew it

could be THAT physical! :))

>Now, I do believe that the process of "acension" can be

>carried out in such a way as to raise the vibratory rate of the

>physical body to carry it through to a new level.


This is what we are doing with active K. "Active" means that it has

manifested even on the physical level and we are now transforming the

physical body... yes, raising it to new levels. Your use of the word

"ascension" for this process is illuminating, I think... I want to do more

thinking about this in relation to the view of a general Ascension in our


>But, until

>that time when we have accomplished this feat,


If this transformation is desirable, then why not be about it? Why not

work at it?

> I don't see

>how any other energies that we work with in terms of

>"spiritual" practices can benefit the physical body as much

>as what the body is biologically set up to do for itself.

>By this I mean, the body is a wonderfully complex system

>that can "take care of itself" as long as we provide it with

>what it absolutely needs to function.


Kundalini appears to be part of what the body is set up to produce and

utilize. When we have active K., we have a choice: we can let nature take

its course... sooner or later, the K. will clear all the blocks in its

path, in one way or another, and transform the body. Or we can work with

our K. to enable the process. The methods we use can be called "spiritual"

practices... or else that term becomes meaningless... as we work toward

spiritualizing the body itself.


When we are in school, we take physical education (gym class) for the

development of the physical body. The only thing my father ever insisted I

study was mathematics... he said I MUST study math through high school.

He said that phys-ed is exercise for the body, and math is exercise for the

mind. :) So to me it seems natural to give time to the practices that

exercise and develop active, overt Kundalini and the new body that is


>What we DO in this day and age is tax our bodies greatly

>by consuming substances that the body has no metabolic

>need for! These substances are then treated as poison,

>and the body expends a great amount of energy eliminating

>them. After awhile of continual consumption without any

>pure nutrition, our cells begin to be "changed" by the

>presence of toxins.


Yes, I do think it's important to eat carefully and rid the body of toxins.

>Anyway, my thoughts on this is it would behoove us to make

>sure our body is in optimal form first, in order to benefit

>from the full effects of initiating these other "energies".


But it would be a mistake to put off any K. work until we think the body is

in perfect form... you could work at that all your life! :)) Exercising

the K. is the way to transform the body.




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Hi Atsila

>Thank you Dharma, for your post today.

>I was not trying to sound exclusive.

>You are very correct in that we can and do

>work on many levels at the same "time".


>My point was when we are working, we also need to

>maintain balance.

>The other ranges of "energies" I was describing, to me,

>mean the range of mental, emotional, intent, and others.


Yes. But it seems to me that as we work with K. in each chakra... on each

level... we transform those energies or those levels or states of

consciousness too.

>Now, I will admit that it has been many years since I

>have "studied" written works on these matters, and my

>terminology may be outdated. Now, if the physical body

>is already in a weakened state, or toxic, it seems to me it

>would hinder the flow of kundalini.


I would think so. In my own experience, a friend challenged me to try a

very strict exclusionary diet... to rule out everything that might be

toxic and discover any allergies, etc. I felt so much better I stayed on

it. That began in June, and in September my guide activated my K. during

meditation. In the spring my long-time chronic illness was healed. And at

the end of that next June, my K. went into high gear. :)


So I can say only that in my case, my guide did not wait until I was well

physically. And I do think the active K. contributed to my getting well. :)

>If our mental or emotional

>bodies are not in a balanced state, it seems to me that the

>effects of kundalini could very well exaggerate a "psychotic"



Anything that's there and is any sort of block or hindrance will be

exaggerated, I think... and eventually cleared, but it may not be easy. :)

If you mean the K. could cause (partially or otherwise) a psychotic

condition, that has been described and called "Kundalini psychosis." A

friend of mine went off the deep end with K. psychosis, and I was told she

had had problems for many years.

>So, my premise on this matter, is that there is foundational

>work that should be attended to before initiating the rise

>of active kundalini.


So you are talking about _initiating_ it!! I did not do that on purpose...

I follow my spiritual guide. When people ask me about activating their K.,

I advise getting into contact with their own spiritual guru, the inner

guide, first... that guidance is extremely important. After communication

is established with the spiritual guru, then Shaktipat can come from the

guru or from an external source.




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Thank you Dharma, for your post today.

I was not trying to sound exclusive.

You are very correct in that we can and do

work on many levels at the same "time".


My point was when we are working, we also need to

maintain balance.

The other ranges of "energies" I was describing, to me,

mean the range of mental, emotional, intent, and others.

Now, I will admit that it has been many years since I

have "studied" written works on these matters, and my

terminology may be outdated. Now, if the physical body

is already in a weakened state, or toxic, it seems to me it

would hinder the flow of kundalini. If our mental or emotional

bodies are not in a balanced state, it seems to me that the

effects of kundalini could very well exaggerate a "psychotic"


So, my premise on this matter, is that there is foundational

work that should be attended to before initiating the rise

of active kundalini. As well as maintained while we are working

with it.

We have form for a reason, and I feel strongly that we need to

take the best care of these "forms" as possible. They are vehicles

to help us, not to limit us.

I will consider your words more in depth, and thank you again!


atsila aktahi

We were contented to let things remain as the Great Spirit made them.

Chief Joseph 1873

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