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Elements from Nityananda

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Nityananda spoke primarily of two sets of such elements. In the first are the

five categories of earth, water, fire, air, and ether.

In the second set are the three primary gunas or constituent elements of

cosmic Nature (prakriti: sattva, rajas, and tamas).

Sattva is pure light and perfect balance. Tamas, at the other end of the

spectrum, embodies inertia, darkness, and total density. Between the two lies

Rajas--passion, fire, dynamic activity. "Nityananda"

>From the website, sounds just like Qabalah :-)


Got a great lesson this week on nonattachment two friends had a huge

rift, argument about a very bad poem that one got as a forward from another

and the other claimed to have written. So, now they have all this

pain on the "stealilng" of inspiration which comes from God~dess anyway.


The link: <A HREF="http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/umbada/m2.htm">Intro

>From "</A>





~ Rainbo ~

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Thanks for mentioning this, Rainbo. The Nityananda material

was provided by the most dedicated Marcus who runs one of

the best email lists around, the Ananda list. It is a

tightly run daily gifting of excerpts from Hindu scripture

and other writings; also humor pieces. I print it out every

day and read it at work; it's usually only about 8 or 9

pages. Anyone can join the Ananda list at


<a href="//ananda">


Tell Marcus I said hi.


And, folks, for another list that's tightly run and can

easily be printed out in a few pages, sign up for the

Nondual Highlights; a selection of the 'best' postings from

Nonduality Salon. You may sign up for it at


<a href="//ndhighlights">


If ink cartridges are costing you too much, pick up a cheap

used 9- or 24-pin printer. I've been using the same ten

dollar ribbon for a year!






Sun, 17 Oct 1999 10:31:27 EDT


Elements from Nityananda




Nityananda spoke primarily of two sets of such elements. In

the first are the five categories of earth, water, fire,

air, and ether.

In the second set are the three primary gunas or constituent

elements of

cosmic Nature (prakriti: sattva, rajas, and tamas).

Sattva is pure light and perfect balance. Tamas, at the

other end of the

spectrum, embodies inertia, darkness, and total density.

Between the two lies Rajas--passion, fire, dynamic

activity. "Nityananda"

>From the website, sounds just like Qabalah :-)


Got a great lesson this week on nonattachment two friends

had a huge

rift, argument about a very bad poem that one got as a

forward from another and the other claimed to have written.

So, now they have all this pain on the "stealilng" of

inspiration which comes from God~dess anyway.


<A HREF="http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/umbada/m2.htm">



~ Rainbo ~





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