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Lions and Special K

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Hi Everyone:


Thanks Antoine, I needed that today, I think Melody and I should send

you "Special K" every morning for breakfast, what do you think Melody?


Has been an interesting day. Lion of Wall Street came prowling Friday at

5:00 sent me a rough email, "why the hell don't I have my data, which

translates to Sales dollars which translates to Stock Market Dollars?"


I think howling, growling Lions are rather interesting so, I decided to tell

him exactly why and flip his email right back to him like throwing him steak.

He instantly figured out how to use it to raise hell with 1000 people who

send me data and send his fury across the nation (and Europe) and this

i picked up intuitively on the drive home.


So, I worried about those people all weekend, and sure enough as I

opened my e-box this morning there was the note from the Lion which

who had growled so loudly on Friday night (stressed) "thank you so



So, I sent back a note, "it's definitely an executive problem, not a field

problem is "our responsibility" (meaning his) define for those 1000

people what you want they'll be happy to give it to you rather than be

eaten by you. I said it ever so slightly more gently.


I got back a much less enthusiastic, "thank you," but he got it ! But

the beautiful gentle words in this beautiful space Harsha provides

certiainly helped, thank you both Melody and Antoine.



~ Rainbo ~ (Anna Maria - like you needed another name, don't worry i

have tons of nicknames, aren't you thrilled?)

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In a message dated 10/19/1999 10:02:14 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

melody writes:



What does it take to be so open that one can

hear the words of a former 'antagonist' or

even a revered teacher with as much openness

and newness as we would a stranger?


It would seem that to be so 'present focused'....

free of the past, and of the future, one

would automatically see with 'new eyes'.


Wouldn't one?


wondering aloud,





I agree, Melody, yes. Actually had this conversation with several people

today including my mother who said "such and such a person" who

does alot of spiritual gatherings was in "such and such away in the 70s."


I laughed, said, "Mom, look this is where you were in 1970, it's almost

2000, think this guy is completely new, completely different, whatever

he wrote in 1970 is so gone it is no longer a consideration. Even to-

morrow morning he will be different. So, I am looking forward to hearing

Maria's experience in California with him."


Tonight I went to record music and listen to the rest of a piano piece

a friend of mine has composed, Lisa. We had dinner, a group of us

afterwards, and did healings on each other. She is an opera singer,

who is very spiritual, it is very kewl to see her perform because she

throws a web of light around the audience, even a reporter for the

Washington Post described her last performance at the Kennedy

Center like that, I guess that guy has good eyes *g* because he

saw very well that night.


We all merged while swimming in the sound waves of the music,

it was so rapturous, and the energy was like an ocean of love. And we

grew silent and looked at each other.


We had dinner afterwards and again we grew silent, and then

we began to play the

glasses ~ rub fingers on the rims of the glasses, and so they sing ~ and we

said, "what else? Is there anything else but love?"


So beautiful, so simple, so nothing and everything, like waves which

meld into each other on the ocean.


I'll tell you a secret. I used to write poetry, back when i was very

young through college, but it used to make people cry, and it was your

writing that reminded me that i didn't write that way anymore because

the last time i wrote like that my brother said i broke his heart... so,

i stopped, which is in part why i wrote that story. The other part was

that i had gotten some uninvited love letters which were from people

that i imagine are on the list but don't post and they threw me, so,

I wrote of the mirages. But your writing brought this very powerful

scene which I haven't even remembered for more than a decade to

my mind ~~~ and it fired the neurons of how that feels to let that

flow move ~~~


But thank you for your writing, it was very beautiful and I will look

forward to reading more...


Love and Light,


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Hi Rainbo,


I really appreciated your post below. For some reason,

when you called this guy a lion, I thought of the lion

on the Wizard of Oz.....and how Dorothy slapped his paw

for trying to scare her friends. Only to find out he

was a coward...underneath all that bravado.


Here's what I found myself wondering today.


What does it take to see people....especially

ones we have had issues with in the past...


with 'new' eyes?


What does it take to be so open that one can

hear the words of a former 'antagonist' or

even a revered teacher with as much openness

and newness as we would a stranger?


It would seem that to be so 'present focused'....

free of the past, and of the future, one

would automatically see with 'new eyes'.


Wouldn't one?


wondering aloud,






At 07:00 PM 10/18/99 EDT, you wrote:




>Hi Everyone:


>Thanks Antoine, I needed that today, I think Melody and I should send

>you "Special K" every morning for breakfast, what do you think Melody?


>Has been an interesting day. Lion of Wall Street came prowling Friday at

>5:00 sent me a rough email, "why the hell don't I have my data, which

>translates to Sales dollars which translates to Stock Market Dollars?"


>I think howling, growling Lions are rather interesting so, I decided to tell

>him exactly why and flip his email right back to him like throwing him steak.

>He instantly figured out how to use it to raise hell with 1000 people who

>send me data and send his fury across the nation (and Europe) and this

>i picked up intuitively on the drive home.


>So, I worried about those people all weekend, and sure enough as I

>opened my e-box this morning there was the note from the Lion which

>who had growled so loudly on Friday night (stressed) "thank you so



>So, I sent back a note, "it's definitely an executive problem, not a field

>problem is "our responsibility" (meaning his) define for those 1000

>people what you want they'll be happy to give it to you rather than be

>eaten by you. I said it ever so slightly more gently.


>I got back a much less enthusiastic, "thank you," but he got it ! But

>the beautiful gentle words in this beautiful space Harsha provides

>certiainly helped, thank you both Melody and Antoine.



>~ Rainbo ~ (Anna Maria - like you needed another name, don't worry i

>have tons of nicknames, aren't you thrilled?)


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Dear Melody and All,


Here is a picture for you and Holly and Becky (does she read here?)

we had the discussion on NonDual about this "Vision of Sorrow"

which then Jan sent the Janai information..


i will try and make my graphics with less pixels in the future so,

they download faster, Antoine gave me this pic a few months

ago, and i used it for the Tree site...


<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/SoftAngelLight/Binah.html">~*Binah*~*Ave

Maria~Stella Maris*~</A>


Thank you for sharing, the river which flows to this ocean,

is beautiful...




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Annette wrote:

>I'll tell you a secret. I used to write poetry, back when i was very

>young through college, but it used to make people cry, and it was your

>writing that reminded me that i didn't write that way anymore because

>the last time i wrote like that my brother said i broke his heart... so,

>i stopped, which is in part why i wrote that story. The other part was

>that i had gotten some uninvited love letters which were from people

>that i imagine are on the list but don't post and they threw me, so,

>I wrote of the mirages. But your writing brought this very powerful

>scene which I haven't even remembered for more than a decade to

>my mind ~~~ and it fired the neurons of how that feels to let that

>flow move ~~~





Yes. When I let that flow move, and then allow it to

simply carry 'me', that I call bliss.


It's amazing...the way these threads are weaving and dancing



I hadn't written poetry for months now it seems, feeling as

though the flow had become obstructed. I have begun

noticing all the ways...all the many thoughts...that

separate 'me' from that rhythm of Life.


Earlier today I read this again from the Gospel of Thomas:


"Jesus said, "The man old in days will not hesitate to

ask a small child seven days old about the place of life,

and he will live. For many who are first will become last,

and they will become one and the same"


And it reminded me of the thought I had last evening

about seeing with 'new eyes'.


This morning I'm watching these thoughts lay together.

I'm seeing how my gaining in 'knowledge' has given me

old eyes. Knowledge and experience have become my colored lens...so

colored as to distort my view.


Earlier this morning I saw how I had just once again dammed

the river: I had just caught a glimpse of feeling a desire

to be 'liked' by someone. A thought immediately stirred which

said, "no, it doesn't matter". And so, the feeling shut down

automatically. And this happened so danged fast I could only

see this out of the corner of my eye, so to speak.


I saw how I had just jammed the flow of thoughts and feelings

passing by...allowing what I 'know' to disconnect 'me'

from that feeling that was passing through.


I'm seeing that everytime I censor the spontaneous with

some 'knowledge' I have of what should or should not be,

I have created a type of instant karma.


And then I read....also from the Gospel of Thomas,

"Become passers by".


>But thank you for your writing, it was very beautiful and I will look

>forward to reading more...


>Love and Light,



Thank you for dancing in the river with me. I feel very

much like the picture Antoine gave us a couple of days

ago...the picture of Celebration. It's good to feel the

water once again.




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RE>> Lions and Special K 10/20/99









10/20/99 1:41 PM

Becky Windmiller



Dear Melody and All,


Here is a picture for you and Holly and Becky (does she read here?)

we had the discussion on NonDual about this "Vision of Sorrow"

which then Jan sent the Janai information..


i will try and make my graphics with less pixels in the future so,

they download faster, Antoine gave me this pic a few months

ago, and i used it for the Tree site...


<A HREF="http://members.aol.com/SoftAngelLight/Binah.html">~*Binah*~*Ave

Maria~Stella Maris*~</A>


Thank you for sharing, the river which flows to this ocean,

is beautiful...





All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


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> I feel very

> much like the picture Antoine gave us a couple of days

> ago...the picture of Celebration. It's good to feel the

> water once again.


> Love,

> Melody


Hello Melody,


I wanted to write words, but they don't come...


So lack of sharing a sunset or the _silence_ we all share somewhere that

is also everywhere, here is a picture for our screen.






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