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Ahimsa and Koham/Soham.

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Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


Breath in rhythm or the even distribution of Prana

creates a state of Quiet and Peace. By using a Sakti

mantra like So-Ham, or I am 'He', one can reflect the

mind inwards. For those who aren't familiar it works

like this; So… , on the in breath and Ham… on the out

breath, in rhythm. Pronounced in this case as

So…….Hum, pronounce the M as in Aum


By maintaining this and trying to be conscious of it,

meditating on it, one creates Peace. Which in turn

creates Ahimsa, which is ultimately none other than

the Self. It is somewhat similar to 'Who am I?",

Koham except it is 'I am He', Soham, and one is using

it as a 'natural', mantra. We are 'breathed' 21,600

times a day, and by concentrating on this SoHam mantra

it is possible to experience Divinity in this

lifetime. I try and concentrate on the space between

Ham and the next So, for there is no thought there but

Bliss. The Divinity within, Sakti, Praneaswara !

Even in 'K' practice the Sahasrara is not the end but

it is one step away from the 'Heart Centre'. Albeit a

big step! Here also Sadhana is necessary.


As with normal meditation it is wise to keep an

appointed time, and if you are late 'He', will remind

you! This method goes beyond intellectual

understanding of 'non-duality'. For knowing what a

King is, doesn't make one a King! SoHam takes us

beyond the individual mind beyond words and intellect.

(One gets a better view of the crud on the pond from

below the surface, and one can observe.) For it is

the ego/mind that intellectualises after all. So

Sadhana or Spiritual Practice is advisable for

Realising Moksha or Liberation, otherwise we only have

intellectual realisation.


The whole world has the same breath,( Prana), and if

we all breathed in our Rhythm, and didn't disturb

other's breath, there would be Peace and Ahimsa.

Things done in Silence generate Love, and whatever you

pray for will happen, and one will know things that

one didn't learn, as long as you see all as One! Step



Love and Sai Ram, Tony.






Keep on truckin-breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.

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