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In a message dated 10/19/1999 2:15:57 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

carrea writes:



I love the way you react and point directly at things that touch what

you want to kept sacred and pure like the relation with your brother. It

teaches me a way of being that was unknown to me, fighting for

sacredness, yet in a way wanting to share it with all the world.




Yes, you know that for

me i don't easily share visions and things which i feel sacred...

and you always manage to then send it to the list, such as

my real name, which really surprised me when I saw it on the

list... but, when i shared one of my spiritual experiences.. and

asked for others, only Glo shared ... so, i am not alone in this...


Can i walk into the office and say "mmmmm, i had this great

vision last night .." Hmmm? Which is why I cherish the beauty

of the friends i have like Lisa and Chris and the others we played

with tonight, there we can all be free and honest and laugh and

love and understand and share.


.... i remember once we discussed a maid because i had thought it

would make my life easier, and you said, no because i tried that

and it shifted the energies in the home ... and i understood ... like this ...

some energies and some spaces are not for all ...


For example, i can give Chris, which I did tonight a shot of energy

through his medulla, and he will feel it, I can feel him feel it and where

and Lisa can feel him feel it and where, I can send my mother a wave

of energy in the same space and she will feel nothing ... and so,

how sensitive is one, and how sacred is it?


It is often the same for love, more for men to share, more for

women to keep sacred, they have the nurturing energy and life

of the womb to protect it is a completely natural healthy energy,

so, if you don't see this then i would ask you why not? As, you

ask me why?


Anna Maria

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In a message dated 10/20/1999 10:20:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

j_tsomo writes:


<< "Janpa Tsomo" <j_tsomo


for me the sacred is that one can hold in the mind for just a moment

totally. And let it go when it fades.




for me, the sacred is like the journey of a thousand steps,

the teardrop that falls to the ocean of bliss,

each leaf, and each flame in each heart,

each word, each new sunrise, each moment and

each dream, all is love and all is sacred and you

are all my teachers, the whole of my life ...


my brothers bring home their "younger brothers" from

the ghettos of the inner city and take them camping

and these young boys, sometimes, they are the best

teachers, i love their realness and their jive, and their

skin glowing with beauty and their eyes shining with

Love ... i Love to sit with them all at a campfire on the

mountaintop ... and it is very silent but for the noise

of the woods, and then they break into song and dance

and play bottletops and drums...


and then, they fall exhausted to their sleeping bags,

and in the morning the Sun rises and with

it their complete and utter joy at being alive...


~ all is sacred ~

~ all are sacred ~

like beautiful jewels shining

sparkling refracting prisms of light beams

shooting out multicolored rainbows and

flowers which send fragrances into the air

and like leaves we die and are reborn

and the baby brings this beauty of pureness

and the old bring this beauty of wisdom


...... i just found your poem Glo, beautiful ...

thank you, with Love


love and light,

~ bo ~

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>In a message dated 10/20/1999 10:20:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

>j_tsomo writes:


><< "Janpa Tsomo" <j_tsomo


> for me the sacred is that one can hold in the mind for just a moment

> totally. And let it go when it fades.


> --jt

> >>

>for me, the sacred is like the journey of a thousand steps,

>the teardrop that falls to the ocean of bliss,

>each leaf, and each flame in each heart,

>each word, each new sunrise, each moment and

>each dream, all is love and all is sacred and you

>are all my teachers, the whole of my life ...


>my brothers bring home their "younger brothers" from

>the ghettos of the inner city and take them camping

>and these young boys, sometimes, they are the best

>teachers, i love their realness and their jive, and their

>skin glowing with beauty and their eyes shining with

>Love ... i Love to sit with them all at a campfire on the

>mountaintop ... and it is very silent but for the noise

>of the woods, and then they break into song and dance

>and play bottletops and drums...


>and then, they fall exhausted to their sleeping bags,

>and in the morning the Sun rises and with

>it their complete and utter joy at being alive...


>~ all is sacred ~

>~ all are sacred ~

>like beautiful jewels shining

>sparkling refracting prisms of light beams

>shooting out multicolored rainbows and

>flowers which send fragrances into the air

>and like leaves we die and are reborn

>and the baby brings this beauty of pureness

>and the old bring this beauty of wisdom


>..... i just found your poem Glo, beautiful ...

>thank you, with Love


>love and light,

>~ bo ~


Thank you. You are very special people.


In humility


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In a message dated 10/20/1999 10:20:33 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

j_tsomo writes:


<< "Janpa Tsomo" <j_tsomo


for me the sacred is that one can hold in the mind for just a moment

totally. And let it go when it fades.


--jt >>




The moments extend like pearls on a strand until it is the whole

of life :-)



~ bo ~

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RainboLily wrote:

> Can i walk into the office and say "mmmmm, i had this great

> vision last night .." Hmmm? Which is why I cherish the beauty

> of the friends i have like Lisa and Chris and the others we played

> with tonight, there we can all be free and honest and laugh and

> love and understand and share.


I don't really know why, but when i walk in the office, a 7:00 am in the

morning to get my road map for the day, i always have this big huge

smile on my face. And the same when i enter the same room at the end of

the day, around 5 to 6 pm, to bring back my papers. Sometimes when all

the technicians are still there, they will stop speaking, like turned

into stone, as if for a while i was Medusa, when i enter in the room.

And i am there with my smile, going as if i don't notice anything

"peculiar". Sometimes, someone will ask, as a joke, "ok!!!, what did you

do again last night?, tell us so we now the secret". And i fell all

those looks seeking my heart for a secret to find. The more sad, other

ones will ask me seriously, the same question. Like this guy telling me,

"ok!!!, i can imagine that you met this wonderful women last night, you

made love all night, and all that, or something like that, so you come

in with a smile in the morning. But that you finish your day with a

smile i cannot understand, please do tell me how you do that?".


And i look at him touching the limits of his own imagination. Sometimes

i will tell him: "i smile because i love you" or "because i love my job"

or "because it is sunny", etc... And we laugh.


And each day people, (or is it only me?), seem to find sacredness in

life, a bit more, come back in a soft flow. It is there to pick up at

each moment. It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes

from it, limits us from touching it Totally.


I love You Anna Maria,



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In a message dated 10/24/1999 2:46:31 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

carrea writes:


<< And each day people, (or is it only me?), seem to find sacredness in

life, a bit more, come back in a soft flow. It is there to pick up at

each moment. It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes

from it, limits us from touching it Totally. >>


You nailed it in your wonderful, customary way, Antoine! I've been trying to

see what happens during the detachment process and I've realized that all the

previous attachments get redirected toward Life as a Whole. The beingness of

it. I can also see that love and healing are identical and completely,

spectacularly ordinary when one is resting in the lap of Life Itself. Holly

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This is really so beautiful. I would love to be able to love such as this.

I suffer from tremendous stress and many times it pours into my daily

communion with others. I have much to learn...Annmarie S. (Not the same one

as mentioned in message below)



In a message dated 10/24/99 2:46:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

carrea writes:


<< I don't really know why, but when i walk in the office, a 7:00 am in the

morning to get my road map for the day, i always have this big huge

smile on my face. And the same when i enter the same room at the end of

the day, around 5 to 6 pm, to bring back my papers. Sometimes when all

the technicians are still there, they will stop speaking, like turned

into stone, as if for a while i was Medusa, when i enter in the room.

And i am there with my smile, going as if i don't notice anything

"peculiar". Sometimes, someone will ask, as a joke, "ok!!!, what did you

do again last night?, tell us so we now the secret". And i fell all

those looks seeking my heart for a secret to find. The more sad, other

ones will ask me seriously, the same question. Like this guy telling me,

"ok!!!, i can imagine that you met this wonderful women last night, you

made love all night, and all that, or something like that, so you come

in with a smile in the morning. But that you finish your day with a

smile i cannot understand, please do tell me how you do that?".


And i look at him touching the limits of his own imagination. Sometimes

i will tell him: "i smile because i love you" or "because i love my job"

or "because it is sunny", etc... And we laugh.


And each day people, (or is it only me?), seem to find sacredness in

life, a bit more, come back in a soft flow. It is there to pick up at

each moment. It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes

from it, limits us from touching it Totally.


I love You Anna Maria,


Antoine >>

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