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Where is happiness?

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Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,


Happiness is the interim between two unhappinesses.

The happiness we seek is a desire for something

permanently pleasant. This is not possible in a world

that is ephemeral, not lasting and fleeting in nature.

It is not possible to gain permanent happiness in a

world that is essentially Dukha, or potentially



It is false perception, that makes us look to the

material world and relationships for happiness. It is

this going out that is wrong; we should be going

within. Through prayer, meditation, action, and

enquiry, we should turn the mind to the Antakarana, or

the Indwelling Reality. The only way to achieve

happiness in the world is to become the world and see

all as One Self, Atma, or Moksha.(Soul or Liberation.)


The problem is that although man has five

sheaths/koshas; body, life-force, mind, wisdom, and

bliss, he/she only operates up to the mind or

manomayakosha. This requires transcending the other

essentially animal-human sheaths through Sadhana or

Spiritual Practice, to reach the wisdom or

vijnanamakosa sheath. Here is the only place that a

human can experience true bliss. The Divine Life-Force

has to vibrate properly, through Spiritual Practice,

and the senses following the right path. If the

senses are impure life itself will be experienced as

impure. See good , do good, hear good, and be good. "

Yath Drisyam Thannasyam." The Vedas. All that is seen

is bound to perish. How many relatives, husbands ,

wives, children etc have we had in our many lives?

How much wealth have we owned? Where is it all now? So

why look for happiness where it is not?


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.

Easy to say, hard to do .ha ha

There is a glossary of sorts on my website.






Keep on truckin-breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one Soul and that is God." Sai Baba.

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In a message dated 10/22/1999 1:36:19 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

aoclery writes:



The problem is that although man has five

sheaths/koshas; body, life-force, mind, wisdom, and

bliss, he/she only operates up to the mind or

manomayakosha. This requires transcending the other

essentially animal-human sheaths through Sadhana or

Spiritual Practice, to reach the wisdom or

vijnanamakosa sheath. Here is the only place that a

human can experience true bliss. The Divine Life-Force

has to vibrate properly, through Spiritual Practice,

and the senses following the right path. If the

senses are impure life itself will be experienced as

impure. See good , do good, hear good, and be good. "

Yath Drisyam Thannasyam." The Vedas. All that is seen

is bound to perish. How many relatives, husbands ,

wives, children etc have we had in our many lives?

How much wealth have we owned? Where is it all now? So

why look for happiness where it is not?


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.

Easy to say, hard to do .ha ha >>


On my way out but wanted to respond, by having one's

reality, one's rational boxed framework, consistently

challenged and transcended by powerful synchronicities,

one's vision of the universe expands...


Inviting an intimate encounter with the numinous, and

so in gentle discipline of these bodies, the physical, emotional,

mental, soul, spirit, the numinous is able to penetrate

ever more deeply pervading and deeply enriching the whole

of life, because the numinous is awareness, wisdom, love,

it is consistent, unchanging, ever-penetrating through, releasing

us from our focus on body, emotional or thought-processes,

and letting these be interpenetrated by the numinous, the

attachments to these are the cause of pain. The release of

attachments happens gradually over time, by vigilant awareness,

and crossing the void, by dying being reborn, in stages, we

cannot be fully penetrated by the numinous all at once. The

body's container would shatter for most. Apathy, discord, fear,

all of these are little ego personality traps we use to hang on

and not move into Soul-centered awareness. It is difficult,

each level is "ah ha," and one seeks to remain there, not

remembering that when the last level was let go, there is

ever yet another more en - light - ening that is evoked ...


I would not ask, "where is happiness" this is something from

our Declaration of Independence a word chosen...

perhaps "Where is Bliss?" "Where is Serenity?" "Where is

the Light?" "Where is the Love?" "Where is Peace?"


Becoming aware of these questions in proufound ways provides

an inner richness to the tapestry of life's flow which the outer,

ephemeral world is incapable of providing until the inner world

is a-light... then it is the whole of life ... one sees outward what

one has inward...


not that i have any of this, i'm just floating along *g* enjoying

da show, time to stop lazily floating and ... zip ...


Love and Light,

~ bo ~

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In a message dated 10/23/1999 9:00:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

mirror writes:




> I would not ask, "where is happiness" this is something from

> our Declaration of Independence a word chosen...

> perhaps "Where is Bliss?" "Where is Serenity?" "Where is

> the Light?" "Where is the Love?" "Where is Peace?"


How about:

"That which my whole being naturally desires?", regardless of what I have

named it?





Sounds great to me. Jan posted on NonDual about those who go

after it with their whole being, it really struck me to the core those

words, seems you also :-)




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> I would not ask, "where is happiness" this is something from

> our Declaration of Independence a word chosen...

> perhaps "Where is Bliss?" "Where is Serenity?" "Where is

> the Light?" "Where is the Love?" "Where is Peace?"


How about:

"That which my whole being naturally desires?", regardless of what I have

named it?




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