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Thank you, Alan, for the information on Dayanand Saraswati

and bringing it to different lists (and for your ongoing

work). Thank you, John, for you own writing and for keeping

other peoples words alive on different lists, such as this

memorable piece from Sha'Tara...



If nonduality was possible, you wouldn't need this computer,

or your fingers to type out your messages. Wouldn't need

messages... or anything, since it is all nothing.

So, is your quest FOR nonduality, or do you BELIEVE you are

'in' nonduality?





The question I would ask is, To what measure do you already

know the nondual nature of reality?


If nonduality is just a belief or something 'out there', I

do not believe a quester will stay long on the quest. The

inner knowing already has to be there. It is something that

has been present since childhood, probably. It may not be

known as nonduality, but it is known as wordless and






To arrive at nonduality, you have to use

the vehicle of duality. You have to 'reason' nonduality.

If you 'believe' you are 'in' it, then that 'belief' is

duality thinking. Can we not be open and honest about this?






Some people are naturally inclined toward the nondual and

don't need a reason or a belief. Others who are

investigating nonduality and feel they can 'get it' by

subscribing to its tenets as laid out in scripture and in

the words of those they feel are established in nonduality,

are coming at nonduality through nondual thinking.





The only problem I have with 'nonduality' is the denial

required to 'get there' pretending one doesn't have to 'get

there' to be 'there' when 'there' doesn't even exist

according to the belief, which is another contradiction,

because you cannot 'believe' in nonduality, anymore that you

can believe in 'nothingness'.


Ergo: nonduality is a belief system, like any other belief






I'm not in favor of pretending. And nonduality could be

approached as a belief system. An honest dualist who has an

inner knowing of the dual nature of reality is more nondual

than the nondualist who merely has a belief system. A person

has to be honest with themselves, whatever that is and

wherever it leads. It is my understanding that such a deep

honesty eventually opens one to the sameness of all that is,

and that is a nondual understanding that requires no belief

in nonduality.




J77 wrote in response to Sha'Tara:

Am I even close, to surmise that nonduality might be a

"perfection" of one's point of view, but not necessarily of

one's personality? From my lowly discursive vantage-point,

can the same question be asked of what is called

enlightenment? Do I need to "see" nondualistically to evolve

toward or realize a state of being unconditionally loving?

What is an example of the most loving, most aware being of

duality? Does 'it" depend on how I cut the Christ-mind, "I

and the Father are one," according to my own petty measure?

What can an ol' hillbilly do?


I saw Bo Diddly at one of those Everly Brothers festivals

one year in

Central city. One more lesson in nonduality. all the best,




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