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Clearing & memory

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In a message dated 10/24/1999 10:01:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

fisher1 writes:


<< But

why would they be? Why would clearing more karmic stuff result in more

access to early memories... and clearer memories? Does anybody have any

ideas? >>


Intense emotional states tend to open doors to memories of experiences

happening in similar states. Grieving offers the opportunity to mourn all

previous losses as well as the current one. Similarly, trauma victims with

dissociated memories often recall fragments of the trauma when placed in like

situations, e.g., sexual abuse when making love with contemporary partners.

People have also been known to recover memories during high fevers. Some

have speculated that our emotional systems have evolved in order to

facilitate the memory holograph. I've had your experience repeatedly since K

awakening. Holly

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In a message dated 10/24/99 9:01:24 AM Central Daylight Time,

fisher1 writes:


<< Why would clearing more karmic stuff result in more

access to early memories... and clearer memories? Does anybody have any

ideas? >>


Perhaps less Ego to filter or repress memories. In dzogchen (ati yoga) - once

one attains the state of Primoridal Mind (buddhahood) permanenetly - then

nothing is hidden. A Buddha is Aware of everything in all times. That is one

way of looking at anyway <g>



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Hi All,


Last night I was feeling sad, feeling some grief... it's hard to clear

something that's still on-going, and this is. Then early this morning I

was meditating, and I thought about all that and gave it all to Goddess,

cleared it as well as I could, from every cell of the body.


Then I started remembering things... a bulb, a rubber painted bulb... I

think there's more than one of those in my memory... but I got it clearly

as a toy... there was a tube from the bulb, and it was a kind of little

pump toy. I used to play with it in my sandbox in the backyard... I could

make a big hole... or a lake... in the sand, and then squeeze the bulb and

pump water into it. Everything I remembered seemed to be clearer... I was

seeing more... when I looked at the ground, I saw more of what was there.

I spent quite a while remembering all sorts of things... it was wonderful!


I can't be sure these two things are connected, but it seemed like it. But

why would they be? Why would clearing more karmic stuff result in more

access to early memories... and clearer memories? Does anybody have any





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Hi Holly,

><< But

> why would they be? Why would clearing more karmic stuff result in more

> access to early memories... and clearer memories? Does anybody have any

> ideas? >>


>Intense emotional states tend to open doors to memories of experiences

>happening in similar states. Grieving offers the opportunity to mourn all

>previous losses as well as the current one.


I had a very happy childhood, and I was remembering happy things. But I do

know of one grief in early childhood... a little boy I used to play with

was killed in an accident. And since I don't know exactly how old I was

then, it might relate...

>Similarly, trauma victims with

>dissociated memories often recall fragments of the trauma when placed in like

>situations, e.g., sexual abuse when making love with contemporary partners.

>People have also been known to recover memories during high fevers. Some

>have speculated that our emotional systems have evolved in order to

>facilitate the memory holograph. I've had your experience repeatedly since K



That's fascinating!! Memory seems essential to the I-consciousness... at

least to its development in this life. So that seems to give a "reason"

for having the emotional system.


But wouldn't the connection of emotions and memory go back to the reptile

brain... at least in terms of pain/pleasure, seeking/avoiding, etc.? I

keep thinking there's a connection with "serpent" Kundalini and the reptile



I'm kind of rambling here... does this make any sense? :)




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In a message dated 10/24/1999 4:54:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

fisher1 writes:



But wouldn't the connection of emotions and memory go back to the reptile

brain... at least in terms of pain/pleasure, seeking/avoiding, etc.? I

keep thinking there's a connection with "serpent" Kundalini and the reptile

brain... >>


You're absolutely right, Dharma. Also about the emotion-memory system

facilitating I-consciousness. I does seem to follow that K would affect this

system as it instigates higher awareness but I don't know how or why.

Clinically, I would often see rushes of recovered memories as people grew in

awareness -- no matter how conscious they were to begin with. Funny that

this keeps happening till the point where personal memories become

irrelevant. Holly

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> >have speculated that our emotional systems have evolved in order to

> >facilitate the memory holograph. I've had your experience repeatedly since K

> >awakening.



> That's fascinating!! Memory seems essential to the I-consciousness... at

> least to its development in this life. So that seems to give a "reason"

> for having the emotional system.


> But wouldn't the connection of emotions and memory go back to the reptile

> brain... at least in terms of pain/pleasure, seeking/avoiding, etc.? I

> keep thinking there's a connection with "serpent" Kundalini and the reptile

> brain...


Emotions tend to be felt more and more as sensations to me personally.

They seem to lie, in the rainbow of our being, someplace in between the

sensation of odors and the sensation of touch. In that way of seeing,

emotions becomes a way of feeling.


Emotions seems to travel between humans as hormones within a body, as a

way of communication between the organs of the body. In the same way as

_pheromone_ seem to be a form of communication within a specie (like

ants communicating via the odors they receive from their antennas, a

complex prolongation of their small nervous system). One could say that

emotions seem to travel like odors, the effect of them being tied pretty

much on our culture we are _mold_ on, our "nose" for them, that we can

transform more and more to the environment, as the mind we identify to

comes to become aware that it already does listen to it.


The serpent as a symbol for kundalini is interesting on the biological

level as well. A serpent is mostly one organ, a bunch of cell, in line

with a spine. It's use of hormones within, inside the body, is limited,

for it has small organs in proportion to all its similar cells that form

its body. Yet it's venom (odor or emotion or hormone or pheromone), to

interact with the outside of its body, is deadly, no in between. The

sensation of heat and cold are its primary sensations. One could say

that the serpent is a binary memory, for all within as been assimilated

around the spine and all without is either neutral or something to kill

and assimilate in the organism.


A perfume from a walking flower,



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On 10/25/99 at 12:54 PM Hbarrett47 wrote:



>In a message dated 10/24/1999 4:54:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

>fisher1 writes:



> But wouldn't the connection of emotions and memory go back to the reptile

> brain... at least in terms of pain/pleasure, seeking/avoiding, etc.? I

> keep thinking there's a connection with "serpent" Kundalini and the


> brain... >>


>You're absolutely right, Dharma. Also about the emotion-memory system

>facilitating I-consciousness. I does seem to follow that K would affect


>system as it instigates higher awareness but I don't know how or why.

>Clinically, I would often see rushes of recovered memories as people grew


>awareness -- no matter how conscious they were to begin with. Funny that

>this keeps happening till the point where personal memories become

>irrelevant. Holly


K. is linked to the entire sensory system and every bit of it is becoming

objectified; this indicates an increase of recallable events from memory.

The fact that "personal" slides into irrelevance simultaneously isn't a

coincidence: one could remark that repressive society causes impressions of

don't's, should nots, shame, guilt, fear etc. in the mind of the vulnerable

child, paralyzing spontaneous association and expression. It is even

reflected in body postures and the way of moving around; non relaxed

muscles are an indication of mental tension but the reverse is also true.

Well treated pets are excellent Hatha yoga teachers :)



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