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Mira/disaster and the abyss

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>"Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd



> Re: Mira/disaster and the abyss

>Sun, 24 Oct 1999 12:52:54 -0400


>"Dan Berkow, PhD" <berkowd



> >Dan:

> >> Okay, okay. Sit around the house, sip tea, and think blissful thoughts.

> >> I capitulate. I checked with "What is" and "What is" says that

> >> in your case, an exception has been made. "What is" also says that

> >> for every rule, there is at least one exception, including this rule.

> >

> >Mira: So are you "what is" or not?


>D: You do have a way to get to the core of an issue. Since I know

> you don't like evasiveness, I will answer directly: I went

> to the NC Museum of Art yesterday and was lucky enough to

> find four Tibetan nuns demonstrating the construction of a

> sand mandala (a view of a palace in the Pure Land, later to

> be ceremonially "destroyed").


> >M: And if "what is" capitulates, then who's

> >checking?

> >Is "what is" the rule or the exception? Should I agree and head for


> >or disagree and head for the abyss? If you are "what is", then who am I


> >disagree with you?


>D: Again your questions cut to the quick. We are both running the risk

> of disaster and the abyss at this very moment. Do you agree or disagree

> with this assessment of our condition?


There is a possible agreement that such a question can be framed. The risk

is not in answering and it is not in asking. Can we disagree on that? If so,

then we agree in the futility of aksing and answering. Is there any

disagreement here? If yes, then we can say that it is the nature of things.

If not, can we be sure of agreement. That is also the nature of things.


In humility


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>> Okay, okay. Sit around the house, sip tea, and think blissful thoughts.

>> I capitulate. I checked with "What is" and "What is" says that

>> in your case, an exception has been made. "What is" also says that

>> for every rule, there is at least one exception, including this rule.


>Mira: So are you "what is" or not?


D: You do have a way to get to the core of an issue. Since I know

you don't like evasiveness, I will answer directly: I went

to the NC Museum of Art yesterday and was lucky enough to

find four Tibetan nuns demonstrating the construction of a

sand mandala (a view of a palace in the Pure Land, later to

be ceremonially "destroyed").

>M: And if "what is" capitulates, then who's


>Is "what is" the rule or the exception? Should I agree and head for disaster

>or disagree and head for the abyss? If you are "what is", then who am I to

>disagree with you?


D: Again your questions cut to the quick. We are both running the risk

of disaster and the abyss at this very moment. Do you agree or disagree

with this assessment of our condition?

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Is there a word that includes both agreement and disagreement? If there is,

I'd like to start implementing it into our language.



My Dear Mira,


There is such a word. It is Hmmmmmmm. Many husbands use it while conversing

with their beloved. It is thoughtful yet indicates neither agreement nor

disagreement. It is a door to the nondual experience. It is possible that

Hmmmmmm is a derivation of the sacred sound Ommmm.


Bowing to Mother Mira

In humility


P.S. When is the meeting at a?

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> >Dan:

> >> Okay, okay. Sit around the house, sip tea, and think blissful thoughts.

> >> I capitulate. I checked with "What is" and "What is" says that

> >> in your case, an exception has been made. "What is" also says that

> >> for every rule, there is at least one exception, including this rule.

> >

> >Mira: So are you "what is" or not?


> D: You do have a way to get to the core of an issue. Since I know

> you don't like evasiveness, I will answer directly: I went

> to the NC Museum of Art yesterday and was lucky enough to

> find four Tibetan nuns demonstrating the construction of a

> sand mandala (a view of a palace in the Pure Land, later to

> be ceremonially "destroyed").


> >M: And if "what is" capitulates, then who's

> >checking?

> >Is "what is" the rule or the exception? Should I agree and head for


> >or disagree and head for the abyss? If you are "what is", then who am I


> >disagree with you?


> D: Again your questions cut to the quick. We are both running the risk

> of disaster and the abyss at this very moment. Do you agree or disagree

> with this assessment of our condition?



Is there a word that includes both agreement and disagreement? If there is,

I'd like to start implementing it into our language.

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Wonderful. If we go a bit further and consider that agreement and

disagreement can indicate not wanting to argue, taking the time to carefully

consider both sides while being peaceful....hmmmm is like chanting the

'bija' sound for the heart chakra...'hum'.









Is there a word that includes both agreement and disagreement?

If there is, I'd like to start implementing it into our language.



My Dear Mira,


There is such a word. It is Hmmmmmmm. Many husbands use it while

conversing with their beloved. It is thoughtful yet indicates neither

agreement nor disagreement. It is a door to the nondual experience. It is

possible that Hmmmmmm is a derivation of the sacred sound Ommmm.


Bowing to Mother Mira

In humility


P.S. When is the meeting at a?









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Linda & All

The bija mantras in general end with either/or "m" or "ng"

The reason that the "m" sound is so powerful is that it is recognised

across cultures as a sound of agreement ("mm-mm"), the long "mmmmmmmmm"

is a spontaneous expression of pleasure, and humming is often used

automatically as a self soothing device.

"ham" though is the bija mantra for vishuddhi chakra (the throat centre)

and not the heart.

The bija mantras are:

Muladhara (base/earth centre) - lam

Swadhisthana (sexual/pelvic centre) - vam

Manipura (solar plexus centre) - ram

Anahata (heart centre) - yam

Vishuddhi (throat centre) - ham

Ajna (third eye) - om

Sahasrara (crown) - no bija mantra


OM Shanti


> Linda Callanan wrote:


> Ashoka:


> Wonderful. If we go a bit further and consider that agreement and

> disagreement can indicate not wanting to argue, taking the time to

> carefully consider both sides while being peaceful....hmmmm is like

> chanting the 'bija' sound for the heart chakra...'hum'.


> Linda




> [image]


> Mira:

> Is there a word that includes both agreement and disagreement? If

> there is, I'd like to start implementing it into our language.


> My Dear Mira,


> There is such a word. It is Hmmmmmmm. Many husbands use it while

> conversing with their beloved. It is thoughtful yet indicates neither

> agreement nor disagreement. It is a door to the nondual experience.

> It is possible that Hmmmmmm is a derivation of the sacred sound

> Ommmm.


> Bowing to Mother Mira

> In humility

> A

> P.S. When is the meeting at a?


> [image]


> ----

> Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com

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Oops - sorry about that I need to pay closer attention to what I am doing

these days. Hum is actually a planetary bija sound which is used to work on

the fiery nature of certain planetary influences. I'm glad you caught my

error - thanks for the close attention.


BTW adding the 'ng' to any of the bija mantras or petal sounds works on the

7th chakra,



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michele wrote:


> Thanks for the titbit about the "ng" sound. I have also been taught

> that the "m" is used for internal chanting, the "ng" for when chanting

> out loud. Any work on any aspect of the lower chakras with have an

> influence on Sahasrara - they are interconnected and do not exist in

> isolation. The physical location of the chakras provides a point of

> focus, and a way of beginning to understand their function - but they

> are at once somewhere and nowhere. That is they have location but not

> dimension.


> "When we chant or silently vibrate these Bijas, each consonant now

> correctly ends with either a "NG" (nasal-palatal) sound, or an "M"

> (labial) sound. This is called the Anuswara (literally "little

> heaven"), and heaven, after all is a state of mind! Chanting aloud we

> attach the "NG" sound, and meditating mentally we attach the "M"


> from "A Chakra & Kundalini Workbook" by Dr Jonn Mumford (Swami

> Anandakapila).


> OM Shanti

> Michele


> Linda Callanan wrote:

> >

> > "Linda Callanan" <shastra

> >

> > Oops - sorry about that I need to pay closer attention to what I am doing

> > these days. Hum is actually a planetary bija sound which is used to work on

> > the fiery nature of certain planetary influences. I'm glad you caught my

> > error - thanks for the close attention.

> >

> > BTW adding the 'ng' to any of the bija mantras or petal sounds works on the

> > 7th chakra,

> >

> > Linda

> >

> > > > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> Linda Callanan wrote:

> >

> > "Linda Callanan" <shastra

> >

> > Oops - sorry about that I need to pay closer attention to what I am doing

> > these days. Hum is actually a planetary bija sound which is used to work on

> > the fiery nature of certain planetary influences. I'm glad you caught my

> > error - thanks for the close attention.

> >

> > BTW adding the 'ng' to any of the bija mantras or petal sounds works on the

> > 7th chakra,

> >

> > Linda

> >

> > > > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.


> ------


> michele <michele

> Golden Lotus Yoga School


> michele

> Golden Lotus Yoga School <michele

> Work: 041 4934450

> Fax: (08) 9440 6419

> Netscape Conference Address

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> Visit my website: http://www.geocities.com/rakini_99/

> Additional Information:

> Last Name

> First Name michele

> Version 2.1

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