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Clearing and Memory

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Karma = Cause + Effect


Karma exists because of self judgement


Fear of Karma = Fear of remembering

= Fear of consequences of judgement

> Denial of memories existing.


Acceptance of Karma = removal of denial

> allowance self judgement exists

> allowance of memories under denial



Fear of Kundalini = Fear of what is hidden below your

conscious/unconscious denial threshold.


Fear and trauma experienced during Kundalini Process

fear associated with the origin of the thought being released.


i.e. .. by recognising and accepting Karma,

there is a recognition and acceptance of self judgement

and memories rise from under the unconscious

denial threshold.


Childhood memories exist under the judgements placed on the child

and later taken on by the child

as it learned to "play the game"

by mimicking its parent's denials .. and

what the child could see through it's open perception

were lies ... adults lying to them selves.


Thus as we move below this threshold, the first memories to surface

are most often the events which caused the child

to go into self judgement/denial ...

from the self judgement/denial behaviour the child learned.

(Limiting Self Deceptions)


Memories are accompanied by thoughts, feeling and emotions.


Emotions arise from every time the natural energy of the body


was trapped as you caught your breath

(as in 'shock' .. either physical, mental or emotional)

and took a 'photographic image' of the event into

the cellular hologram of the body.


The experience of Kundalini moving .. is the experience of

Kundalini releasing these trapped "patterns of 'shock"


Underneath this threshold is the Innocent Child

before human survival behaviour (ego) was activated ..

and these memories are next to surface.


Under that are memories right back to .....

(when you cut a tree and analyse the growth rings,

what do you find)


Christopher Wynter

Hobart Tasmania



my own discussion list can be found at


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