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Memory and Kundalini

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In a message dated 10/26/1999 9:04:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

michele writes:


<< The collective unconsciousness is the "memory" of who/what we really

are, and when you dig beneath the surface of any cultural or religious

tradition you will come to this archetypal symbols. Jung was building

on the work that was done by ancient mystics in the area of dreams and

understanding the true nature of the human psyche. It is said that the

rishis were able to penetrate the body/mind/spirit complex when

meditating and determined that the body is indeed the map of the soul.

OM Shanti



Yes, and i think we now have a collective consciousness, too, and thank

God_dess, Jung came up with the concept for Western minds.


This question of Dharma's on memory and kundalini is actually fascinating

on many levels. Memory is created in the synapses between the neurons, the

dendrites, in the space between what looks like the roots of a tree

and the top of a mushroom, there is a neurochemical reaction that

takes place with acetylcholine. I am going to skip the more technical

side of this as it really isn't useful, except to say that this takes place

with electrical impulses, which is useful information.


Now, we know that other chemicals such as endorphins contribute to

a more, perhaps "aware state," would be a good word. The blues get

bluer, the greens get greener, and so on. As we've just seen in the

blue room, my room is umm, not blue *g*... one rainbow coming up

to play, born free.


Now we also know from Tai Chi, Qi Qong and accupuncture from the

Chinese that there are energy pathways in the body. Actually, as a

segueway, my mother began suffering panic attacks when my father

died, and i thought it due to her energy imbalance and encouraged her

to take Qi Qong and Tai Chi, which I then ended up doing with her so

as to keep her on track, it did cure the panic attacks, as well as a better

diet, and although in shape she was ingesting too much sugar, and sugar

is poison to our bodies.


Anyway, to return to the question of memory, what actually does happen

when the kundalini fires? What chemicals are activated? This really

is an exceptionally interesting question to me, both as someone who

loves neurochemistry (who completely dislikes the drugs psychiatrists

hand out these days like candy with the complete support of the

pharmaceutical industry, financial support, yes Dharma, they most

assuredly fund most of the medical universities as well as studies

across the country and the world). So, for example, my mom, was instantly

prescribed drugs, when in fact she had a very simply diagnosed

chemical imbalance, the psychiatrist did not bother to run a 75 dollar

analysis of her blood which would have made this imbalance immediately



Anyway, here in Virginia, there's a nuerosuergon at the Monroe Institute

who is also an accupuncturist. (In Virginia you have to be at least an

M.D. to be licensed as an accupuncturist and i won't digress to the pros

and cons of this.) But it's really a very interesting question. I would

agree that as my kundalini became more activated more and more

memories showed up, as well as karmic experiences to walk through.


So, although we know Shakti and Shiva meet, what happens with the

chemistry, with the electrical neuropathways? I will go to mom's and

look some of this up, she now is totally into it and has a library of

material on it, and says to me, "did you do your Swimming Dragon?

Come here, let's do it." *g*


LOL, does it matter? I can just see Dan and Jan diving into this with

some erudite material making me rethink the question, but you will

have to admit, it is an interesting question, or maybe you won't *g*


Akkkk, hiding :-) Love you all.

Anna Maria

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