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Glo/collective unconcious/Hive Mind

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> >> >

> >> >Jim: OK, so now I'm wondering, does a collective unconscious imply a

> >> >collective consciousness?

> >> >

> >>

> >> Glo: Yes, Jim. I believe it is loosely referred to as "the world."

> >

> >So Maya is self directed? Making conscious decisions? Maybe we can

> >talk to it, get the next lotto numbers. But seriously, I believe that

> >'the world' is trying to accomplish something, life is pervasive and it

> >continues to become more complex as if it has a goal in mind. Self

> >Organization, social and biological. Would you consider this a

> >collective consciousness?

> >


> Glo: Here all this time I thought I was the Mommy handing out red-lollipop

> answers to get you to stop asking why...when actually you were a pool

> hustler letting me have those easy shots, setting me up for this!! Well, all

> bets are off, babycakes!! AS IF...oh yeah, only two of the most dangerous

> words around. You go from a simple question to discussing the meaning of

> life, the universe and, everything!


Jim: LOL..Idea Hustler...that's me! I didn't mean to lead you into a trap.



> For starters, you just equated consciousness with Maya and then with all

> life and called it all purposive. Geez, being life isn't enough in itself,

> now it needs a goal? A destination? A purpose! We aren't just getting a free

> ride on the roller coaster, man we are going places!! What are you trying to

> do here Jim, start a religion or something?



Jim: Yup, Jim's Church of Skeptical Believers


> You tell me where we are going, and I'll decide if I want to go joy-riding

> with you ...btw, who IS driving??


Jim : The $60,000 question.

> Seriously, as you say, please do not mistake my simple analogies for all

> purpose, one size fits all definitions. I said "loosely"... I'm a simple

> person.. I only said that much [...] not all the rest you implied. You can

> say all that if you like, I guess you did. The world as a concrete, actual,

> physical existence ( as contrasted with abstract ideas and thoughts about it

> which are models we impose on it for various purposes...) does provide a

> "shared reality" which we can and do participate in with one another and

> discuss..and language can be used to refer to or describe it - what is

> known by one person can be known by others. I can more easily say, "Do you

> see the full moon, tonight?" and know we are roughly looking at the same

> thing.. than, "Hey, what about that maya?" Now we need to discuss and find

> some common definitions of meaning before we muddy these waters any further.

> Or just skip it. If you want my unsupported opinion, I would answer yes to

> your last question, if you don't force me to explain why and how. :):) Our

> collective conscious knowledge "seems" to evolve in ways similar to

> biological forms. Does greater complexity all by itself seem to be a goal to

> you?


Jim: I hope not, I'm trying to simplify. It all sort of boils down to the

question of order from chaos. I am a well oiled machine until I die, then

entropy sets it. 'Life' holds entropy at bay, and makes order from chaos like

there's no tomorrow. It sure seems like there's somebody at the helm to me.

Are we part of a larger conscious organism composed of human cells? What

would it's higher self be like? Is there a complexity level that must be reached

before consciousness is achieved? A possible explanation for what complexity is

trying to achieve. Hive mind?


A Bee in my bonnet


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Hi all - this is going to be fairly long, so bear with me.....lol

Some of the clearest explanations I have read regarding Cosmic

Consciousness have been those of Deepak Chopra. The following is a

passage from "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" which I feel may answer Jim's

queries regarding the Higher Self/Collective Consciousness.

OM Shanti



1. The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the

observer. We create our bodies as we create the experiences of our


2. In their essential state, our bodies are composed of energy and

information, not solid matter. This energy and information is an

outcropping of infinite fields of energy and information spanning the


3. The mind and body are inseparably one. The unity that is "me"

separates into two streams of experience. I experience the subjective

stream as thoughts, feelings, and desires. I experience the objective

stream as my body. At a deeper level, however, the two streams meet at

a single creative source. It is from this source that we are meant to


4. The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness. Beliefs,

thoughts, and emotions create the chemical reactions that uphold life in

every cell. An aging cell is the end product of awareness that has

forgotten how to remain new.

5. Perception appears to be automatic, but in fact it is a learned

phenomenon. The world you live in, including the experience of your

body, is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it. If you

change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your


6. Impulses of intelligence create your body in new forms every second.

What you are is the sum total of these impulses, and by changing their

patterns, you will change.

7. Although each person seems separate and independent, all of us are

connected to patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos. Our

bodies are part of a universal body, our minds an aspect of a universal


8. Time does not exist as an absolute, but only eternity. Time is

quantified eternity, timelessness chopped up into bits and pieces

(seconds, hours, days, years) by us. What we call linear time is a

reflection of how we perceive change. If we could perceive the

changeless, time would cease to exist as we know it. We can learn to

start metabolizing non-change, eternity, the absolute. By doing that,

we will be ready to create the physiology of immortality.

9. Each of us inhabits a reality lying beyond all change. Deep inside

us, unknown to the five senses, is an innermost core of being, a field

of non-change that creates personality, ego, and body. This being is

our essential state - it is who we really are.

10. We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of

the scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This

seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.



Jim Scroggins wrote:


> Jim Scroggins <Jimshead


> > >> >

> > >> >Jim: OK, so now I'm wondering, does a collective unconscious imply a

> > >> >collective consciousness?

> > >> >

> > >>

> > >> Glo: Yes, Jim. I believe it is loosely referred to as "the world."

> > >

> > >So Maya is self directed? Making conscious decisions? Maybe we can

> > >talk to it, get the next lotto numbers. But seriously, I believe that

> > >'the world' is trying to accomplish something, life is pervasive and it

> > >continues to become more complex as if it has a goal in mind. Self

> > >Organization, social and biological. Would you consider this a

> > >collective consciousness?

> > >

> >

> > Glo: Here all this time I thought I was the Mommy handing out red-lollipop

> > answers to get you to stop asking why...when actually you were a pool

> > hustler letting me have those easy shots, setting me up for this!! Well, all

> > bets are off, babycakes!! AS IF...oh yeah, only two of the most dangerous

> > words around. You go from a simple question to discussing the meaning of

> > life, the universe and, everything!


> Jim: LOL..Idea Hustler...that's me! I didn't mean to lead you into a trap.




> > For starters, you just equated consciousness with Maya and then with all

> > life and called it all purposive. Geez, being life isn't enough in itself,

> > now it needs a goal? A destination? A purpose! We aren't just getting a free

> > ride on the roller coaster, man we are going places!! What are you trying to

> > do here Jim, start a religion or something?


> Jim: Yup, Jim's Church of Skeptical Believers



> > You tell me where we are going, and I'll decide if I want to go joy-riding

> > with you ...btw, who IS driving??


> Jim : The $60,000 question.


> > Seriously, as you say, please do not mistake my simple analogies for all

> > purpose, one size fits all definitions. I said "loosely"... I'm a simple

> > person.. I only said that much [...] not all the rest you implied. You can

> > say all that if you like, I guess you did. The world as a concrete, actual,

> > physical existence ( as contrasted with abstract ideas and thoughts about it

> > which are models we impose on it for various purposes...) does provide a

> > "shared reality" which we can and do participate in with one another and

> > discuss..and language can be used to refer to or describe it - what is

> > known by one person can be known by others. I can more easily say, "Do you

> > see the full moon, tonight?" and know we are roughly looking at the same

> > thing.. than, "Hey, what about that maya?" Now we need to discuss and find

> > some common definitions of meaning before we muddy these waters any further.

> > Or just skip it. If you want my unsupported opinion, I would answer yes to

> > your last question, if you don't force me to explain why and how. :):) Our

> > collective conscious knowledge "seems" to evolve in ways similar to

> > biological forms. Does greater complexity all by itself seem to be a goal to

> > you?


> Jim: I hope not, I'm trying to simplify. It all sort of boils down to the

> question of order from chaos. I am a well oiled machine until I die, then

> entropy sets it. 'Life' holds entropy at bay, and makes order from chaos like

> there's no tomorrow. It sure seems like there's somebody at the helm to me.

> Are we part of a larger conscious organism composed of human cells? What

> would it's higher self be like? Is there a complexity level that must be


> before consciousness is achieved? A possible explanation for what complexity


> trying to achieve. Hive mind?


> A Bee in my bonnet

> Jim


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Dear Jim,


Hope you are a believer in better late than never...

>Jim Scroggins <Jimshead


What are you trying

to do here Jim, start a religion or something?



>Jim: Yup, Jim's Church of Skeptical Believers


Glo: I respect and value this approach..with so much malarkey out there in

the name of religion, skepticism can help sort the chaff from the wheat.

You wouldn't be from the "show me" state perchance? Jim, when being a

detective searching for clues..what witnesses can you trust? I mean I am

running out of time to re-invent the wheel here myself.


It really helps me if you can

get specific and speak directly to what is the main question or issue for

you right now? ( Okay, I admit I

was pretty silly myself, just trying to be friendly.) Maybe it's just me, I

am sorta at a loss what the beehive concept might mean in terms of its

implications to you, Jim. "As if"...then what???



>> snip


>> Or just skip it. If you want my unsupported opinion, I would answer yes


>> your last question, if you don't force me to explain why and how. :):)


>> collective conscious knowledge "seems" to evolve in ways similar to

>> biological forms. Does greater complexity all by itself seem to be a goal


>> you?


>Jim: I hope not, I'm trying to simplify. It all sort of boils down to the

>question of order from chaos. I am a well oiled machine until I die, then

>entropy sets it. 'Life' holds entropy at bay, and makes order from chaos


>there's no tomorrow.


You must be around 50, or else ahead of the timetable. It all sorta boils

down to death, doesn't it?


It sure seems like there's somebody at the helm to


>Are we part of a larger conscious organism composed of human cells? What

>would it's higher self be like? Is there a complexity level that must be


>before consciousness is achieved? A possible explanation for what

complexity is

>trying to achieve. Hive mind?


>A Bee in my bonnet



Glo: Bee-ing only a drone myself, rumors of the Unseen Queen we serve are

difficult to substantiate. However, I do know the hive and my fellow

bee-ings, who distill this "nectar of the gods" into the finest honey. Is

the Great Struggle Entropy vs. Life? Or are maybe

Life and Entropy working together on some 3rd alternative as yet unnamed? It

fascinates me

to ponder how all the ingredients and chemicals which "make life" are in

themselves inert chemicals. Those clever little atoms, what will they get up

to next? Jim, you might want to ask some of the smart people here your

difficult questions. Quite honestly, I gave up on all this sort of

metaphysical and teleological speculation quite some time ago. What's here

now is enough to keep me busy. I would only ask you what difference would it

make to you if you could know what the universe is trying to achieve, if

anything? Again, what if..then so what? Its not that I have no sympathy for

this very human wish to know enough to feel more secure, yet maybe its about

becoming more comfortable with the unknown, the mystery..


Here's a little bee poem for you



Come slowly, Eden!

Lips unused to thee,

Bashful, sip thy jasmines,

As the fainting bee,


Reaching late his flower,

Round her chamber hums,

Counts his nectars - enters,

And is lost in balms!


~Emily Dickinson~

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