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Love ~ Antoine~Vulnerability

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Dear All:


Let me say in advance, I don't like this, it takes

enormous courage (for me) to do this and please,

there are here two children who were k awake a very

long time now, since childhood, be gentle, we are


>From the download:


"This para nadi, jnani's say, is an extension of the sushumna, which yogis will

eventually enter to realize the Heart, when the question dawns, "Who

experiences?" The vision of the Jnani, when the Heart knot is cut, is of a light

in the nerve between the Heart (Hridayam) and the crown of the brain

(Sahasrara), and that these two radiate, while a flame is seen rising through

the spine and through the top of the head. He sees the world, but there is no

sense of someone looking or giving attention to it. He observes without

attention or interest the thoughts rising up from of the Heart, appearing in the

waking consciousness, like bubbles rising from the depths of the ocean appearing

on its surface. He sees the world, as the Totality of Existence, neither inside

or outside, yet apart from his Self. There is no longer a sense of doer, person,

or "I" localized in the body or related to the world. There is no body. The mind

is severed from attention, and thinking and acting continue !

motivelessly by themselves. The world appears as a film in a movie, where the

projected light brightens, and the picture is "outshined". (Spiritual

Instruction, p. 10) The picture is there, but only Self is seen, abiding as

Self, as Heart, radiating brightness everywhere within Itself. Because thoughts

and actions relate to vibrations in time, he, beyond thought, realizes himself

to be forever timeless, space-like, the Heart, the Self of all beings, the Heart

of Being Itself, Consciousness Itself."


Antoine, you are right, you are the one who chose to bring this to our lists,

so, let me at least try to give an attempt to be "vulnerable" as you say i

don't, so, here i will stand vulnerable on stage ... i think the mail is

probably not yet off, otherwise you may have by phone ... but here it is per

your request...

(i will also confess to the rest of you, that i have

turned down screen tests both because i don't like

the world of illusion, but also because i don't like

to be on stage feeling like gentle skin can be pierced

by a sword) ...



I don't understand the need

for the dramatics, i will say like i love my son,

like i love my father, like i love you, i love you

all differently, and we have loved as one loves a lover, but alive or dead, here

or in another

galaxy, the one thing that i have learned from you

coming and going is that love has no dimensions,

unlike light, energy, electricity, time, timelessness,

love is a quality of infinity, so, it really doesn't

matter if i go, if you go, if i want to be in a cave,

or if you are in a cave, love is like air, it is

everywhere all the time, in the core of the Earth,

the Sun, around, in water, in us, and it will not

change, whether my heart chakra blows open, my crown

fires, in the Abyss, dead, alive, they all are like

the movie ... and the love is the constant, so,


We have said hello and good bye so many times that

neither of us believes it anymore, let us just let

it be a constant ... and perhaps, that is all it

ever needs to be ... perhaps you have someone there or not or i here or not ...

again, i think it no longer

changes anything because love is the constant,

like the internal flame it is eternity and infinity,

eternally was is and shall be, Now and Now.


Let us try this for a change and perhaps that is

a hologram with enough rainbows of light to dance

in for eternity :-)



Anna Maria

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