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Jim: Thank you Michele for these ten points from Chopra, I have

a few questions though.


michele wrote:


> Hi all - this is going to be fairly long, so bear with me.....lol

> Some of the clearest explanations I have read regarding Cosmic

> Consciousness have been those of Deepak Chopra. The following is a

> passage from "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" which I feel may answer Jim's

> queries regarding the Higher Self/Collective Consciousness.

> OM Shanti

> Michele


> 1. The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the

> observer. We create our bodies as we create the experiences of our

> world.


Jim: I understand that my life is a byproduct of my self, and that

I have influence over what I choose to. However, I don't really understand

how the physical world could be a product of mine. I thought it was here


> 2. In their essential state, our bodies are composed of energy and

> information, not solid matter. This energy and information is an

> outcropping of infinite fields of energy and information spanning the

> uninverse.

> 3. The mind and body are inseparably one. The unity that is "me"

> separates into two streams of experience. I experience the subjective

> stream as thoughts, feelings, and desires. I experience the objective

> stream as my body. At a deeper level, however, the two streams meet at

> a single creative source. It is from this source that we are meant to

> live.


Jim: Don't laugh, but could you expand on objective experience and

subjective experience? I'm a little confused about what the differnce

is. It all sort of runs together to me.

> 4. The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness. Beliefs,

> thoughts, and emotions create the chemical reactions that uphold life in

> every cell. An aging cell is the end product of awareness that has

> forgotten how to remain new.

> 5. Perception appears to be automatic, but in fact it is a learned

> phenomenon. The world you live in, including the experience of your

> body, is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it. If you

> change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your

> world.

> 6. Impulses of intelligence create your body in new forms every second.

> What you are is the sum total of these impulses, and by changing their

> patterns, you will change.

> 7. Although each person seems separate and independent, all of us are

> connected to patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos. Our

> bodies are part of a universal body, our minds an aspect of a universal

> mind.

> 8. Time does not exist as an absolute, but only eternity. Time is

> quantified eternity, timelessness chopped up into bits and pieces

> (seconds, hours, days, years) by us. What we call linear time is a

> reflection of how we perceive change. If we could perceive the

> changeless, time would cease to exist as we know it. We can learn to

> start metabolizing non-change, eternity, the absolute. By doing that,

> we will be ready to create the physiology of immortality.

> 9. Each of us inhabits a reality lying beyond all change. Deep inside

> us, unknown to the five senses, is an innermost core of being, a field

> of non-change that creates personality, ego, and body. This being is

> our essential state - it is who we really are.

> 10. We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of

> the scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This

> seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.


Jim: Time is a funny thing, I make measurements for a living and time

is one of the things I measure. It's no more real than a yardstick,

a construct, having only as much meaning as we choose to give it. Eternal

being, on the other hand, eludes me.


Many thanks


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Hi Jim

Sorry I have taken so long to reply, but hopefully I can answer your

questions about the Chopra post.


Yes in a sense it is true the physical world was here before "us" or

"me" as we are in our current body. But our essence is timeless and

forms part of the greater whole - the Cosmic Consciousness which lies

behind manifest reality. So we are also the creators of the physical

realm. Also as souls that have taken on a physical form we experience

the world in a unique way, from a perspective made up of our own

individual expectations and the experiences we have had. We "see" the

world from our own viewpoint, and thus create the physical world in

which we live in.

Objective experience is our physical experiences obtained through

actions - doing things, interacting with the environment etc.

Subjective experience is our understanding of the world through our

thoughts and feelings - any event we experience is neutral, but we

"colour" that experience with thoughts and feelings based on past

experience. Swami Satyananda gives the example of someone touching you

on the shoulder from behind. If you think the hand belongs to someone

you care for you experience the touch as loving, if you think it is the

hand of a stranger your reaction may be one of anger or annoyance. It

is not the touch that is different, but our subjective experience makes

it so.


Hope that makes some kind of sense.


Om Shanti



Jim Scroggins wrote:


> Jim Scroggins <Jimshead


> Jim: Thank you Michele for these ten points from Chopra, I have

> a few questions though.


> michele wrote:

> >

> > Hi all - this is going to be fairly long, so bear with me.....lol

> > Some of the clearest explanations I have read regarding Cosmic

> > Consciousness have been those of Deepak Chopra. The following is a

> > passage from "Ageless Body, Timeless Mind" which I feel may answer Jim's

> > queries regarding the Higher Self/Collective Consciousness.

> > OM Shanti

> > Michele

> >

> > 1. The physical world, including our bodies, is a response of the

> > observer. We create our bodies as we create the experiences of our

> > world.


> Jim: I understand that my life is a byproduct of my self, and that

> I have influence over what I choose to. However, I don't really understand

> how the physical world could be a product of mine. I thought it was here

> first.


> > 2. In their essential state, our bodies are composed of energy and

> > information, not solid matter. This energy and information is an

> > outcropping of infinite fields of energy and information spanning the

> > uninverse.

> > 3. The mind and body are inseparably one. The unity that is "me"

> > separates into two streams of experience. I experience the subjective

> > stream as thoughts, feelings, and desires. I experience the objective

> > stream as my body. At a deeper level, however, the two streams meet at

> > a single creative source. It is from this source that we are meant to

> > live.


> Jim: Don't laugh, but could you expand on objective experience and

> subjective experience? I'm a little confused about what the differnce

> is. It all sort of runs together to me.


> > 4. The biochemistry of the body is a product of awareness. Beliefs,

> > thoughts, and emotions create the chemical reactions that uphold life in

> > every cell. An aging cell is the end product of awareness that has

> > forgotten how to remain new.

> > 5. Perception appears to be automatic, but in fact it is a learned

> > phenomenon. The world you live in, including the experience of your

> > body, is completely dictated by how you learned to perceive it. If you

> > change your perception, you change the experience of your body and your

> > world.

> > 6. Impulses of intelligence create your body in new forms every second.

> > What you are is the sum total of these impulses, and by changing their

> > patterns, you will change.

> > 7. Although each person seems separate and independent, all of us are

> > connected to patterns of intelligence that govern the whole cosmos. Our

> > bodies are part of a universal body, our minds an aspect of a universal

> > mind.

> > 8. Time does not exist as an absolute, but only eternity. Time is

> > quantified eternity, timelessness chopped up into bits and pieces

> > (seconds, hours, days, years) by us. What we call linear time is a

> > reflection of how we perceive change. If we could perceive the

> > changeless, time would cease to exist as we know it. We can learn to

> > start metabolizing non-change, eternity, the absolute. By doing that,

> > we will be ready to create the physiology of immortality.

> > 9. Each of us inhabits a reality lying beyond all change. Deep inside

> > us, unknown to the five senses, is an innermost core of being, a field

> > of non-change that creates personality, ego, and body. This being is

> > our essential state - it is who we really are.

> > 10. We are not victims of aging, sickness, and death. These are part of

> > the scenery, not the seer, who is immune to any form of change. This

> > seer is the spirit, the expression of eternal being.


> Jim: Time is a funny thing, I make measurements for a living and time

> is one of the things I measure. It's no more real than a yardstick,

> a construct, having only as much meaning as we choose to give it. Eternal

> being, on the other hand, eludes me.


> Many thanks

> Jim


> > All paths go somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights,

perceptions, and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than the ocean,

all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of Awareness. Awareness does

not come and go but is always Present. It is Home. Home is where the Heart Is.

Jnanis know the Heart to be the Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee

relishes in the Truth of Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into

It Self. Welcome all to a.

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Dear Michele,

> ----------

> michele[sMTP:michele]

> Thursday, November 04, 1999 10:02 PM


> Re: Michele/Chopra



> Yes in a sense it is true the physical world was here before "us" or

> "me" as we are in our current body. But our essence is timeless and

> forms part of the greater whole - the Cosmic Consciousness which lies

> behind manifest reality. So we are also the creators of the physical

> realm. Also as souls that have taken on a physical form we experience

> the world in a unique way, from a perspective made up of our own

> individual expectations and the experiences we have had. We "see" the

> world from our own viewpoint, and thus create the physical world in

> which we live in.

> Objective experience is our physical experiences obtained through

> actions - doing things, interacting with the environment etc.

> Subjective experience is our understanding of the world through our

> thoughts and feelings - any event we experience is neutral, but we

> "colour" that experience with thoughts and feelings based on past

> experience. Swami Satyananda gives the example of someone touching you

> on the shoulder from behind. If you think the hand belongs to someone

> you care for you experience the touch as loving, if you think it is the

> hand of a stranger your reaction may be one of anger or annoyance. It

> is not the touch that is different, but our subjective experience makes

> it so.


> Hope that makes some kind of sense.


Make senses to me. But i don't know what to do after knowing and have

undestanding of it. Could you please tell me what i should do? or it is

something that no need action? i was thinking that understanding always

following by right action/attitude.

I see the experiences is like programs/files in Harddisk, the way to make it

clear is to format it :-) but i don't know how to format 'me'. Please tell

me if you know how, or correct me if my opinion was wrong.


Om mani padme hum,


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On 11/5/99 at 10:45 AM Nasir Chang wrote:



>Make senses to me. But i don't know what to do after knowing and have

>undestanding of it. Could you please tell me what i should do? or it is

>something that no need action? i was thinking that understanding always

>following by right action/attitude.

>I see the experiences is like programs/files in Harddisk, the way to make


>clear is to format it :-) but i don't know how to format 'me'. Please


>me if you know how, or correct me if my opinion was wrong.


>Om mani padme hum,



"Me" doesn't have to be formatted. It is a matter of deleting its

directory. What remains on the disk can be reorganized with

"defragmenter". This operation results in lots of space and fast access

because all hyperlinks to "me" have been removed with the delete as well.



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