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Request and sacredness

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>Antoine <carrea




>I wanted to say thank you Ashoka for your silence in reflecting a color

>to me, it is deep in synch, as this email came in 7 days later as i was

>on no mail and away for a short time from my pc.





Thanks dearest Antoine. I send you the color of silence. It is in all




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I wanted to say thank you Ashoka for your silence in reflecting a color

to me, it is deep in synch, as this email came in 7 days later as i was

on no mail and away for a short time from my pc.


And thank you Melissa, as your email arrived to me from the list also,

as i was on no mail. The synch seem to open the door into this

sacredness reminding one there is no place to step away from. We are

already Here, there, elsewhere and everywere. The words i write then to

you: "It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes from it,

limits us from touching it Totally." Come back to me laughing from my

felt need of a retreat from something. The very act of thinking so,

creates my own prison to which synch are the left key to open myself

from, the wanted illusion of control over myself.


Love this picture:



And the text that goes to describe it:

"The bird pictured on this card is looking out from what seems to be a

cage. There is no door, and actually the bars are disappearing. The bars

where an illusion, and this small bird is being summoned by grace and

freedom and encouragement of the others. It is spreading its wings,

ready to take flight for the very first time. "


May synch open all that is left of me, us, we, etc...





Re: Request

Sun, 24 Oct 1999 01:10:18 -0400

Antoine <carrea


Antoine wrote:


> Antoine <carrea


> I just love the colors you put in the back grounds, each email with the

> title "Request" comes like a little surprise to open, just for the

> color. Thank you for the smile you bring to my heart, each time i open

> one the request emails, i want my color :)


> In all childhood,

> Antoine


> Ashoka Raj wrote:



Re: Sacredness

Sun, 24 Oct 1999 14:02:24 -0500

Melody <melody


Melody <melody

>And i look at him touching the limits of his own imagination. Sometimes

>i will tell him: "i smile because i love you" or "because i love my job"

>or "because it is sunny", etc... And we laugh.


>And each day people, (or is it only me?), seem to find sacredness in

>life, a bit more, come back in a soft flow. It is there to pick up at

>each moment.



I need only read your name of my screen anymore,

Antoine, to be reminded of the sacredness of life, and

to step back into that soft flow when I have forgotten



It has taken me a while, but finally I understand

the value of Satsangh. Thank you for showering

me with your stillness and love.


>It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes

>from it, limits us from touching it Totally.



These words seem to sing over and over into my ear like windchimes thru


morning breeze.


When I listen closely enough, I become the morning breeze.




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In seeking true dialogue, I respond. You happen to compliment

Antoine on something he doesn't believe which we have been

discussing privately for months.


And that is how beautiful the sacred is. I think before you

joined Harsha's list he took this discussion public which he

knows I dislike. But, in any event, his argument has been

that nothing is sacred. My argument was that yes, things

are sacred which you complimented in an earlier email thinking

it was Antoine who said so, but didn't.


(Being Antoine, he can change his mind in the morning and he

reserves this right which I will not deny him :-) )


Whereas, you complimented him on holding things "sacred"

which was my side of the debate, not his, that certain words and

initiations were "sacred." This

thread has now opened on yet another list with someone

who has given me much clear thought to the side that there

are things which are sacred, but I am not clearly certain of

the answer and his responses do not carry sufficient clarity

as to be completely truth ... yet.


For example, when I sent the Qabalah card to this list yesterday,

I took the energies out first, so, as not to blow anyone out with

energy. Because that truly could hurt and I was very concerned

that perhaps I had not been sufficiently responsible today towards

you and others, today, and I took the afternoon off and prayed

and meditated the energies so as to absorb anything that i may

have created accidentally and for this my deep apologies.


As Janpa stated, and both as Mike and I agreed, one does not

throw out energy that can't be handled, it's simply very unfair to

those not ready, not that it is arrogant, it is simply one doesn't

throw babies into the deep end of the pool.


So, the question is, "Is there sacred?"


Or, "Is everything profane?"


Are we past where "secrets" should be guarded? Are words

sacred? Does "I love you" to my jewel, mean the same thing

as "I love you" to my son? For me, this is a big word, carrying

responsibility to my environment. As I look on something so small

as a quark it effects both its movement and mass, then, of course,

looking at something much larger, something as sacred as another

sentient human being, also effects.


I look at you, you

look at me, we take care to look with sensitivity, so as to create only

benevolence and no harm. Yes?


So, how sacred is a word? In Qabalah, in Tibetan Bhuddism, one

learns that words are very sacred ... but perhaps these ancient

teachings apply less.


I am interested in anyone's response, as currently, I find this an

intriguing quetion, it looks to me like the holographic sculpture shooting

off rays of light.


For example, someone who has survived incest ( i have not thank

God) needs to bring this to light for healing, yes? Just so. Like a

wound that has bled needs oxygen and vitamin D to heal in the

light of the day. So, too, do our wounds respond to bringing them

out in a safe and sacred space.




we are moving to an age where, for another example, the Vatican

held all writing to be sacred so that the "people" could not be

educated. We now see this as an ignorant fallacy. Perhaps enough

people are energetically healed sufficiently that it is the same for

former texts of "occult and sacred teachings."


So, this is a huge question, with proponents on both sides and there

is no clear answer unless you are a fanatic, but it is certainly a

question worth deep consideration and thought.


Lynn, I don't know who you are, but God bless you and I pray

that the very best teacher for you, appears beautifullly and with

much grace, I include you in my prayers tonight :-)



Annette ~ bo ~

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At 04:19 PM 11/1/99 -0500, you wrote:

>Antoine <carrea




>I wanted to say thank you Ashoka for your silence in reflecting a color

>to me, it is deep in synch, as this email came in 7 days later as i was

>on no mail and away for a short time from my pc.


>And thank you Melissa, as your email arrived to me from the list also,

>as i was on no mail. The synch seem to open the door into this

>sacredness reminding one there is no place to step away from. We are

>already Here, there, elsewhere and everywere. The words i write then to

>you: "It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes from it,

>limits us from touching it Totally." Come back to me laughing from my

>felt need of a retreat from something. The very act of thinking so,

>creates my own prison to which synch are the left key to open myself

>from, the wanted illusion of control over myself.



As 'synch' would have it, your words came echoing

back to me this afternoon, Antoine. It occurred to

me that I had just erected my own prison walls by

trying to take control of a situation.....a situation

that I had absolutely no power to control.


And it was that desire for things to be different

that created suffering, and led to a feeling of loss

in me.


By listening to your words again, I realize though

that I need only let go of the outcome I had imagined,

.....let go of the desire to be experienced in a certain

light.... and the bars of my self created prison melt away

.....just as in the picture you offered below:

>Love this picture:



Letting go of the desire to control, I once again

become a 'passersby'.


May I continue to recognize and appreciate the

synchronisities of Life. Thank you once again,



much love and gratitude,


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At 10:16 PM 11/3/99 EST, you wrote:





>In seeking true dialogue, I respond. You happen to compliment

>Antoine on something he doesn't believe which we have been

>discussing privately for months.





I let go of the desire to understand the twist of energy

between us, and an hour later I receive an explanation.

It's always a joy to 'rediscover' what seems to be Universal Laws. <s>


I can still appreciate, however, the opportunity before

us now to mine some gold from this experience.....


>And that is how beautiful the sacred is. I think before you

>joined Harsha's list he took this discussion public which he

>knows I dislike. But, in any event, his argument has been

>that nothing is sacred. My argument was that yes, things

>are sacred which you complimented in an earlier email thinking

>it was Antoine who said so, but didn't.


>(Being Antoine, he can change his mind in the morning and he

>reserves this right which I will not deny him :-) )


>Whereas, you complimented him on holding things "sacred"

>which was my side of the debate, not his, that certain words and

>initiations were "sacred."



This is not so easy to follow, but as I'm understanding

what you say, you were upset with me for incorrectly

attributing to Antoine a view that should have been

attributed to you?


Taking your cue that the offending post was about 'sacredness' I have found

the post I think you were referring to, and have

included it below. Rereading it, I must admit to further

confusion, in that it shows that Antoine clearly made the

statement I responded to.


Are you suggesting I should have doubted the veracity

of his statement, by somehow knowing of your previous

private and public conversations?


Whatever your feeling is still today, I must admit that

having just reread the post in question, should I encounter

the same offering again, I would likely respond again in

similar fashion. You see, Annette, I was not responding

to a debate on sacredness. I was responding to the feeling

that post evoked in me. I could 'see' Antoine doing exactly

what he was describing...I could feel the energy he was

bringing into his office at 7 AM, and it inspired me, it

touched off a resonance within me. And for a period of

time, I walked exactly as Antoine described. It was as

if he had transferred that beingness to me. Or actually,

it might be as if we were tuning forks, in that I started

resonating to fit the resonance of his description.


I have no idea what his views are on sacredness, nor

what side he takes in a debate. (To be even more

honest, I usually skim over those kind of postings.)


I simply experienced the sacredness of life as he

presented it to me in that post. And as my reply

indicated, posts like that teach me the value of

Satsang, for which I am greatful, and have no need

to apologize.




>thread has now opened on yet another list with someone

>who has given me much clear thought to the side that there

>are things which are sacred, but I am not clearly certain of

>the answer and his responses do not carry sufficient clarity

>as to be completely truth ... yet.


>For example, when I sent the Qabalah card to this list yesterday,

>I took the energies out first, so, as not to blow anyone out with

>energy. Because that truly could hurt and I was very concerned

>that perhaps I had not been sufficiently responsible today towards

>you and others, today, and I took the afternoon off and prayed

>and meditated the energies so as to absorb anything that i may

>have created accidentally and for this my deep apologies.



I'm sorry, Annette. I'm not clear what you're apologizing

for. Are you suggesting that the card you sent to the list

yesterday may have overwhelmed me and others with energy, and could account

for my behaviour today?


In order to be affected by the energy of the card, wouldn't

I have had to receive it, and look at it? I ask this because my email

program is set up to hold such posts with

my server, subject to my approval for delivery. I never received the

Qabalah card. I'm sorry. I only have a 28.8 modem, and given the size of

it, I refused it.


>As Janpa stated, and both as Mike and I agreed, one does not

>throw out energy that can't be handled, it's simply very unfair to

>those not ready, not that it is arrogant, it is simply one doesn't

>throw babies into the deep end of the pool.


>So, the question is, "Is there sacred?"


>Or, "Is everything profane?"



To this 'baby' <mischievous grin>, it is simply what

we make it. Take the tension that developed between

you and I. It was our choice as to whether to make it

into a sacrament, or to use it to defile one another.


The key seems to be, "What is the heart behind its use?"


>Are we past where "secrets" should be guarded? Are words

>sacred? Does "I love you" to my jewel, mean the same thing

>as "I love you" to my son?


If the love is personal, it does not mean the same.


If the love is impersonal (God centered), it does mean

the same.




For me, this is a big word, carrying

>responsibility to my environment.

> As I look on something so small

>as a quark it effects both its movement and mass, then, of course,

>looking at something much larger, something as sacred as another

>sentient human being, also effects.


>I look at you, you

>look at me, we take care to look with sensitivity, so as to create only

>benevolence and no harm. Yes?



My focus is to simply clear away any obstacles

to love. I figure if I can do that, and love free of expectations, from

deepest Heart, all questions of harm

and responsibility fall away.


>So, how sacred is a word? In Qabalah, in Tibetan Bhuddism, one

>learns that words are very sacred ... but perhaps these ancient

>teachings apply less.


>I am interested in anyone's response, as currently, I find this an

>intriguing quetion, it looks to me like the holographic sculpture shooting

>off rays of light.


>For example, someone who has survived incest ( i have not thank

>God) needs to bring this to light for healing, yes? Just so. Like a

>wound that has bled needs oxygen and vitamin D to heal in the

>light of the day. So, too, do our wounds respond to bringing them

>out in a safe and sacred space.



Yes they do.



>we are moving to an age where, for another example, the Vatican

>held all writing to be sacred so that the "people" could not be

>educated. We now see this as an ignorant fallacy. Perhaps enough

>people are energetically healed sufficiently that it is the same for

>former texts of "occult and sacred teachings."


>So, this is a huge question, with proponents on both sides and there

>is no clear answer unless you are a fanatic, but it is certainly a

>question worth deep consideration and thought.



You've offered much to consider here. I thank you

for this offering.


much love,




Message: 10

Sun, 24 Oct 1999 02:45:17 -0400

Antoine <carrea (AT) xxxxxxxxx (DOT) xxx

Re: Sacredness


RainboLily (AT) xxx (DOT) xxx wrote:

> Can i walk into the office and say "mmmmm, i had this great

> vision last night .." Hmmm? Which is why I cherish the beauty

> of the friends i have like Lisa and Chris and the others we played

> with tonight, there we can all be free and honest and laugh and

> love and understand and share.



I don't really know why, but when i walk in the office, a 7:00 am in the

morning to get my road map for the day, i always have this big huge

smile on my face. And the same when i enter the same room at the end of

the day, around 5 to 6 pm, to bring back my papers. Sometimes when all

the technicians are still there, they will stop speaking, like turned

into stone, as if for a while i was Medusa, when i enter in the room.

And i am there with my smile, going as if i don't notice anything

"peculiar". Sometimes, someone will ask, as a joke, "ok!!!, what did you

do again last night?, tell us so we now the secret". And i fell all

those looks seeking my heart for a secret to find. The more sad, other

ones will ask me seriously, the same question. Like this guy telling me,

"ok!!!, i can imagine that you met this wonderful women last night, you

made love all night, and all that, or something like that, so you come

in with a smile in the morning. But that you finish your day with a

smile i cannot understand, please do tell me how you do that?".


And i look at him touching the limits of his own imagination. Sometimes

i will tell him: "i smile because i love you" or "because i love my job"

or "because it is sunny", etc... And we laugh.


And each day people, (or is it only me?), seem to find sacredness in

life, a bit more, come back in a soft flow. It is there to pick up at

each moment. It seems only our imagination, and the memory that comes

from it, limits us from touching it Totally.


I love You Anna Maria,



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Dear Rainbo,


> So, the question is, "Is there sacred?"


> Or, "Is everything profane?"


If to him yes and to her no, then to me hmmmmmm....

> Are we past where "secrets" should be guarded? Are words

> sacred? Does "I love you" to my jewel, mean the same thing

> as "I love you" to my son? For me, this is a big word, carrying

> responsibility to my environment.


What suit to you, not always suit to your [...]

> I look at you, you look at me, we take care to look with sensitivity, so

> as to create only

> benevolence and no harm. Yes?


Yes if you fall in love at first sight :-)

> Lynn, I don't know who you are, but God bless you and I pray

> that the very best teacher for you, appears beautifullly and with

> much grace,


You pray for something/one that you don't know, you pray for nothing, that's

great :-)

> I include you in my prayers tonight :-)


You don't know me, but you can love me and pray for me. Can you also hate

me? please don't, just include me in your pray...:-)


Hey, who love me???




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