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Hi again,


Rainbow wrote: "I have received beauty beyond compare from people here

in this circle and in other circles, do not underestimate the

incredible brilliance of both genius and spirituality among the

beautiful souls gathered here."


Already this is true for me as well. But I know there is so much more.

And seeking is not required?


How do I ask? Who do I ask? Does asking even make sense at this point?

Perhaps your advice to me would also be to know myself first?



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This computer here contains diamonds of texts which I do not share,

as I share with my son my jewels to play with because he cherishes

them, I do not throw them into the street.


I have been invited to go to Israel where many world religious leaders

are meeting and I cannot go, including the Dalai Lama, I have no

time. I have not responded to your email, not because I need Mike

to speak for me, but because I have no time.


Growing up in a home where people spoke seven root languages,

where Latin was a root language and French and Italian and Spanish

were derivatives, I was graced by many sacred texts, but all the words

in the world won't replace energy. And, there are many on this list

who I write to, who write to me privately who read the energy of the email,

and not the words.


Your sincerity is evident. But I shared that text, not Mike, and I shared

it with Glo, who requested it in a graceful, elegant and beautiful manner.


Psychological growth must be resolved before spiritual growth can begin

and as others have seen, I will withdraw and send you within and withup

to meet the Divine within yourself. Know Thyself.


To you and to others who seek to challenge, don't bother, it will

receive no response from me, I have no time, nor inclination

to toss diamonds.


Did you know the Dalai Lama's occultist is online? In asking with

humility, I have received beauty beyond compare from people here

in this circle and in other circles, do not underestimate the

incredible brilliance of both genius and spirituality among the beautiful

souls gathered here.


Yes, smile, Mike, I noticed Tara was not Green, how unfortunate we

do not focus on the text instead.


To Light,

~ bo ~

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  • 11 months later...

>I for one, would be much interested in the Indian system of Tara.

Only>have met her from the Tibetan Buddhist side. >maitri,--janpa

Hello Janpa:

Tara is one of the Ten Wisdom Godesses of Tantric Yoga and is

considered an aspect of Kali the Mother.

Specifically, Tara is considered Kali's first transformation. If

considering Kali as time and life which are both related to sound

current (shabda shakti) or the Divine Word this power is Tara. Tara

relates to the 3rd of 4 stages of speech, Pashyanti, the state of the

perceptive or illumined words. This Divine or illumined word is the

truth that will cross us over the water of darkness of Samsara. In

this aspect Tara is considered the Goddess of consciousness itself

and relates to Tara being the Savioress. The term Tara means the

deliverer or savior, taken from the root Sanskrit word tri, meaning

to "take across", as to take across a river or any difficult

situation. Many call upon the Goddess Tara in emergencies or at

crossroads for guidance.

There is a strong relationship between Tara and Om. Om, of course, is

the power of sound known as pranava or the original vibration. Tara

(in the masculine form of the word) in an old Vedic word for Om or

the God Siva, who is known as Rudra or the resounder, relating to the

transformative power of the Divine Word. In the Vedas Om is called

Tara or Taraka, the deliverer because it can takes us across the

ocean of ignorance. Therefore, Tara is the feminine form of Om or Om

personified as a Godess.

Being one of the 10 Wisdom Godesses there are many layers and

signications of Tara. She can be aligned with Durga who also takes us

through difficulties however, Tara will actually move one beyond them.

The ultimate difficulty is of course, our own minds, and the aspect

of Divinity known as Tara provides within us the means to move beyond

the turbulence of our thought currents which can be viewed as

fragmentations of Divine sound or word.

Within our subtle bodies Tara is an energy that moves from the

manipura chakra to the Ajna Chakra. An outward representation of

Tara will color her deep blue similar to Kali. For Kali the deep

blue represents unmanifested time while Tara represents unmanifested

sound. She has matted hair and 8 serpents which relate to eight

siddhis. She carries scissors which symbolize her ability to cut off

all attachments, she carries a lotus flower which symbolizes an open

heart. At times Tara is represented as white relating to her

transcendend immaculate form. Therefore she is dark blue in her

descent into nature.. Her primary mantra is Om but she also posses a

five syllable mantra: Om hrim strim hum phat. While Tara is considered

to be the Goddess of mantra she is also at the root of all

unmanifested sound....the silence that leads us the the Atman or


I do not know much about the Buddhist Tara but would be interested to

know if She relates to or shares the qualities of the Tantric Tara.



// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

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i'm not an expert, but...


Tara in Tibetan systems is in one aspect an outer tantric deity. She is

in her green aspect possessing 2 arms, seated with her right leg extended

off of her lotus seat as if she's about to rise. :)


Her 2 arms represent the 2 truths, absolute and relative. She has her

right hand extended in the gesture of supreme giving, and her left hand at

her heart in three jewel mudra.


She is born of Avolokiteshvara's tears. Her sister is White Tara. (one

born from one tear, and one of the other.) Green Tara is compassion in

action. White Tara protects life and longevity.


The great Yogini Yeshe Tsogyal, consort to Guru Padmasambhava, was an

aspect of Tara.


Green Tara is action. She saves from the 8 great terrors (being torn

apart by animals while traveling etc.) She is swift. One verse from teh 21

Praises of Tara (which describes her 21 different aspects...) is "Homage

Tara Swift Heroic, eyes like lightening instaneous, born from the opening

stamens of the Lord of the 3 World's Lotus Face...". Her mandala pure land

is called Yelod Kurpa, the tourquoise coloured pure land. My Guru's

commentary says that it is like a big heavenly party :).


Homage Noble Lady Tara,

Swift in action

of compassion..


Under your protection,

Myself and other

beings are gathered.


Appeased from

fear may we


find the strength to

aspire to Bodhicitta


and know kindness,

compassion, wisdom,

equanimity and joy.


The blue Utpala

flower at your left ear

blooming full and radiant

held in the gesture

of the 3 jewel mudra...


may the wheel of Dharma



To my sisters who

live compassionatly

and always work for others


praises to you,


true daughters of our Mother.


For me, who has forgotten and

misused her good karma,

Now here i make confession...

i request your forbearance.


Please remain amoung us

and until all are free,

teach us the sublime way.


In my heart there is a light....

that echos and is lit by you.


To those who would understand


May they know they are made of tears...born from tears...


as you were born from the tears of Chenrezi.


And may every being without exception


know sublime awakening and freedom.



(i wrote the poem, sorry if you've seen it before :))

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, "LC" <jyotish@w...> wrote:

> Hello Janpa:

> At times Tara is represented as white relating to her

transcendend immaculate form. Therefore she is dark blue in her

descent into nature..

> Namaste,

> Linda


Wow I really enjoyed reading all that. Maybe the blue of this Tara

relates to the blue of Krishna & of Shiva in that it is a relationship

with form after transcendence of it. White to blue. Maybe. I dunno.

Love reading this stuff. I'd love to read about Durga & her tiger.


Best wishes,



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> At times Tara is represented as white relating to her transcendend

immaculate form. Therefore she is dark blue in her descent into

nature.. > Namaste,> Linda>Wow I really enjoyed reading all that.

Maybe the blue of this Tara >relates to the blue of Krishna & of Shiva

in that it is a relationship >with form after transcendence of it.

White to blue. Maybe. I dunno. >Love reading this stuff. I'd love to

read about Durga & her tiger.>Best wishes,>Col

Hi Col:

I love this stuff too, figure might as well love the illusion as long

as I'm in it. Interesting thing about the blue, Tara pre-dates

Krishna but the blue of Siva represents his swallowing the poision of

maya and transcending it. I can easly imagine that Krishna's blue can

be a symbol for 'being' even while in the 'mix'. There are some

ancient yoga texts that actually assign dark blue to the 1st chakra.

In Vedic Astrology the planet for the 1st chakra is Saturn and the

color is deep blue. Once I held an astrology class and went through

a chakra meditation based on the colors of the planets.....many of

the people were right at the chakras according to the planets even

though all of them were only familar with the western rainbow colors.


// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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, "LC" <jyotish@w...> wrote:


> > At times Tara is represented as white relating to her

> transcendend immaculate form. Therefore she is dark blue in her

> descent into nature..


> > Namaste,

> > Linda

> Hi Col:


> I love this stuff too, figure might as well love the illusion as

long as I'm in it.


Yes it's here for our enjoyment IMO.

> Interesting thing about the blue, Tara pre-dates

Krishna but the blue of Siva represents his swallowing the poision of

>maya and transcending it.


I think He is already transcendent (formless). I think His eating

(ignorance/toxins) & dancing as motion, (activity of form) is His

Bliss. That's the river of ecstasy for Him. Motion. Stillness adores

the form in motion. This seems to represent the love of Shiva for

Shakti (formless transcendent for form). The dance between them is

bliss. I love Jnaneshwar's poem on this & may repost it here later.

>I can easly imagine that Krishna's blue can

be a symbol for 'being' even while in the 'mix'. There are some

ancient yoga texts that actually assign dark blue to the 1st chakra.

>In Vedic Astrology the planet for the 1st chakra is Saturn and the

color is deep blue. Once I held an astrology class and went through a

chakra meditation based on the colors of the planets.....many of the

people were right at the chakras according to the planets even though

all of them were only familar with the western rainbow colors.


> Linda



Saturn. I hear many people have a hard time with dear Shani. (Think

that's the jyotish name for Saturn). Some say this is a time when

ignorance is destroyed. (Eaten:-)


:-) Nice chatting,





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>Saturn. I hear many people have a hard time with dear Shani. (Think

>that's the jyotish name for Saturn). Some say this is a time when

>ignorance is destroyed. (Eaten:-) >:-) Nice chatting,>Luv,>Col

Poor Shani greatly feared and somewhat maligned. I tend to think of

him as the force that turns the coal into the diamond. There is

another story as to how Ganesha wound up with the head of an

elephant. It seems that Shani had angered the gods and as a

punishment anyone that he looked upon would die. When Parvati gave

birth to Ganesha all of the gods gathered to pay their respects and

Shani also came along but would not look directly at Parvati's baby.

She asked him why and when he told her her about the punishment she

laughed and told him to look at her baby....he did so and the baby

lost his head. Being very angry she took away Shani's ability to

walk. Siva returned and placed the elephant's head upon his son.

Since Shani had looked at Ganesha only at Parvati's command Siva did

the best he could to take away the curse of Parvati. He could not

completely do away with the curse so while Shani walks he does so

with a limp. Ganesha is Jupiter and when Jupiter acts out of control

one's ego generally swells along with great acts of impulse. Shani

will generally cut into the swollen ego to bring one back balance.

It's fun to share this with someone.



// All paths go

somewhere. No path goes nowhere. Paths, places, sights, perceptions,

and indeed all experiences arise from and exist in and subside back

into the Space of Awareness. Like waves rising are not different than

the ocean, all things arising from Awareness are of the nature of

Awareness. Awareness does not come and go but is always Present. It

is Home. Home is where the Heart Is. Jnanis know the Heart to be the

Finality of Eternal Being. A true devotee relishes in the Truth of

Self-Knowledge, spontaneously arising from within into It Self.

Welcome all to a.To from this list, go to

the ONElist web site, at www., and

select the User Center link from the menu bar on

the left. This menu will also let you change your subscription

between digest and normal mode.

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