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D: I'm not seeking to challenge, simply wanting to thank you for the

"diamonds that you have tossed" in love, when the inclination struck you.

Sharing what is beautiful with friends, sharing what awes one,

sharing the depth one has discovered -- such sharing is a joyous

occasion... -- with love --


Dan, I treasure your words, sharing and energies

like the jewels they are, thank you for gracing

our list with your gentle presence.


Love and Light ~~~rainbo dance for Dan~~~~~ :-)

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>Rainbo: <snip> Growing up in a home where people spoke seven root languages,

>where Latin was a root language and French and Italian and Spanish

>were derivatives, I was graced by many sacred texts, but all the words

>in the world won't replace energy. And, there are many on this list

>who I write to, who write to me privately who read the energy of the email,

>and not the words.


D: Yes. It is all about the flow of energy, isn't it... And for this

I am glad.

>Your sincerity is evident. But I shared that text, not Mike, and I shared

>it with Glo, who requested it in a graceful, elegant and beautiful manner.


>Psychological growth must be resolved before spiritual growth can begin

>and as others have seen, I will withdraw and send you within and withup

>to meet the Divine within yourself. Know Thyself.


>To you and to others who seek to challenge, don't bother, it will

>receive no response from me, I have no time, nor inclination

>to toss diamonds.


D: I'm not seeking to challenge, simply wanting to thank you for the

"diamonds that you have tossed" in love, when the inclination struck you.

Sharing what is beautiful with friends, sharing what awes one,

sharing the depth one has discovered -- such sharing is a joyous

occasion... -- with love --

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