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Digest 408 - Tree climbing

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The Tree is flying towards the Sun

the Sun reaches the Tree

the green of Spring leaves

the fruit of Summer's harvest

in potency exist within

The tree's seed, Raziel


Firewalk to the Sun


On wings shimmering of moonlight

Eyes crystalline bright as the stars

Hair flowing in the sunlight made of Sun

The beauty so incredible filling each

cell with golden light of the Sun

which beckons in Joy

Gabriel and Consort ascend Samech to Tiphareth

Path of Samech primary route through the Veil

ALHIM a path of Fire

Path of the Arrow

the Peacock's Tail

Rainbow colors shining in the Vessels


Bearing all one's energy upon

the arrow to fly straight... the Archer's arrow

of the Centaur

otherwise this most difficult path to the Sun

breaks the vessels ... and if held and clear

success in works ...




Three approaches, ascetic, meditative, sensual

used separately or in harmony

Passing through the Veil here, the loss of

fantasy spun by the unconscious of what

"truths" believed most strongly about self

like the loss of identity ... who is left?

Who makes the wind?

Inner passivity is the Veil here

temptation to flee from knowledge

but that way lies madness ... not a minor work

leaving the hall of Mirrors

only in walking the path of fire

cannot be faked

cannot be forced

can only be done ...




You were right

the macrocosm came to the microcosm

and the microcosm to the macrocosm

the Veils and the Masks are wrent (torn)

like the fire holes of snakes

until the dweller is revealed

what is this perfumed essence within...

in the pattern weaved in the tapestry

Briatic Angel silk perfumed air tapestry weaving

colors brighten like silk embroidery

shimmering in the light with colors beyond

vision of this mere mortal

dweller on the threshold is who within..?

crystalline light shooting off the hologram sculpture

clear like water standing in air

the rainbow crystalline hologram


unconscious made conscious

even collective unconscious



there is no competition as a woman

and i discussed last night

as she gets better so do i

separation is a myth

much like independence

long held and cherished here in the West

Gabriel and Gabriella fly into the East

into the Air which smells sweet like Sugar

into the Sun's Rays which beckon like golden honey

kissing the vessels with rainbow colors to

pattern weaving made beauteous by Elohim


Path of Divine Fire




Would i miss the light of the Sun?

Firewalking with patience

working deeply the patterns woven

Briatic deeply within until crystal clear

musical harmonies dance the air


Firewalking calm, serene, patience


Eye on the Goal

Sun of Water World

Earth of Fire World


Innocent like a child tossing the Sun

into the air like a Golden Ball

caught in the Tree she must climb

to retrieve what she already held

light dancing lightly ~ rainbo ~

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