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Realization, the trap

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An old email, i found in my archives and wanted to share here,


Of course it is about me, about who else could i talk?




These few exceptions, that don't generally reproduce themselves as

cultural "genes", as strong ego do, push me, on the compassionate side

of my quest, in finding the art of expressing the magic formula adapted

to each, so folks won't have a difficult time getting there, or simply

realizing that they are already here.


I remember all those nights sitting with my father, not saying a word,

looking at the sky, or the fire place, and felling the light and earth

being turn inside out (retourner) like a glove. I had no idea then that

the human race had associated this state of being with spirituality or

the mystical experience. It was a normal state to me.


Would my father start earlier in my life giving me names in my head to

describe what i was experiencing, i guess i would of run after wondering

what those "symbols" are associated to instead of simply living the

experience. Anyway it's what did append with the first books on

"spirituality" i found, latter, (e.g. The tibetan book of the dead, the

synthesis of yoga, etc...). I was wondering what they where talking

about, when it was right in my face all along. To scream out so loud

their symbolic truth to the world, i said to myself, they must have

something to say that i don't know about. And this was the trap. The

trap is always there, but i find no greater pleasure than walking and

learning to stay out off the trap and walking. If i may learn something,

i guess it his the knowledge of not falling in the dreams that i allow.

Others prefer to hide from the traps and sleep away from this

manifestation, so many possibilities.


Finding the magic formula that fits the other perfectly, so a few words

will allow the other to have an easy time getting back to their essence,

is a path in itself, it calls us to a greater "body" or dream body or

earth, to open like a flower to the sky. We become this wonderful flower

always opening deeper. << The "thousand petaled lotus" opens

infinitely.. into ever increasing beauty. >>


Or maybe there is no magic formula, adapted to each, for we look then at

the other as other, as different form us, we move away from the Art. And

sitting in awareness like my father did and do when we are together, and

when we are not having fun like children's :), is maybe the only way

that the true knowledge that can be "transferred", to allow the real

dreamer to step in this land of dreams ever deeper.


I don't know really, all those paths all come to the same, it seems, as

it goes.


<< Why don't we chuck everything and fly off to Paris, together??

I'll become a Sufi Mime on the Champs Elysees .. walking invisible

tightropes in my thigh high boots, and juggling nothing, imprisoned by

silence and invisible walls that only exist as projections of my own

mind... and you can be a balloon man, selling bags of air that fly away

the instant you release hold of them....

Blessings.. :)

Angelique Serpent >>



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