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The impulse towards transcendence.

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Hello all,


I posted some poorly worded questions about the evolution of

consciousness and the minds of bees a some other nonsense in search

of an answer for a question I couldn't quite formulate. Like

always, an answer did eventually turn up and I wanted to share it

with everyone, even though I still can't tell you what the question



Sri Aurobindo said:


We speak of the evolution of life in

Matter, the evolution of Mind in

Matter, but evolution is a word which

merely states the phenomenon without

explaining it. For there seems to be no

reason why life should evolve out of

material elements or Mind out of living

form, unless we accept the Vedantic

solution that life is already involved in

Matter and Mind in Life beecause in

essence Matter is a form of veiled Life,

Life a form of veiled Consciousness.

And then there seems to be little objection

to a farther step in the series and

the admission that mental consciousness

may itself be only a form and a

veil of higher states which are beyond

Mind. In that case, the unconquerable

impulse of man towards God, Light,

Bliss, Freedom, Immortality presents

itself in its right place in the chain as

simply the imperative impulse by

which Nature is seeking to evolve

beyond Mind, and appears to be as

natural, true and just, as the impulse

towards Life which she has planted in

certain forms of Matter or the impulse

towards Mind which she has planted in

certain forms of Life ...Man himself

May well be a thinking and living

laboratory in whom and with whose

conscious co-operation she wills to work

out the superman, the God. Or shall we

not say, rather, to manifest God?


Thank you.


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