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This is from a prior post. Again wanted to




The Reality of Awareness appears to manifest through the mind/body, and at

the same time it seems that mind/body, ego, indeed all related perceptions,

only exist within the Reality of Awareness. It is the experience of the Sage

that Reality exists along with and independent of the condition of the

mind/body as well. The mind itself can be seen as a condition that appears

to emanate from the Source of Knowing and disappears into that. Therefore,

Reality embraces all conditions and is limited neither by duality nor

Nonduality or any particular theology, philosophy, radical point of view,

etc. Once an ice cube melts into water, it is hard to know which portion of

the water was the ice cube. Similarly, once the mind is absorbed in the

Heart, One Is the Heart. Yet, how can one ever have been out of the Heart as

there is nothing but That. The disappearance of this mystery might be called




Reality is not dependent on anything as It is truly One without a second.

There is nothing other than That, and That You are, say the wise Sages.

Therefore, One is Ever the Heart, The Center. Still, to even say that is

limiting, as the existence of a Center implies a periphery, an outer orbit.

This is the mental/intellectual perspective, the play of concepts and

language, and cannot be helped as duality, although less abstract

conceptually, is as real or unreal as Nonduality. No matter how subtle the

level of intellect, it is the domain of concepts and concepts are tools of

Maya. But what is Maya? Can it be anything different than the Self. I see

and "feel" the simplicity of the Self, through both misery and joy and other

conditions and therefore point to that. I hold that the self, although it

appears limited, is indeed the Self, if understood it to be so in all its

reality, clearly and without doubt or confusion. As the Sage of Arunachala

has pointed out there cannot be two selves. A small one and a big one. What

is seen as the conditioned is always the pure and uncontaminated

unconditioned. What could contaminate it? Perhaps the nature of "Seeing"

has to be understood clearly. This simplicity is what I am. To say that

something more is required, other than this simplicity of awareness, this

simple "seeing" might mean that something more is required for the one who

feels something more is required. For others, the simplicity itself, the

simplicity of I AM is enough. This "I AM" feeling/awareness can potentially

be felt under all conditions. This is the "seeing" without the use of eyes.

Where it leads, is said to be independent of conditioning as concepts that

differentiate are seen to be just that (concepts that differentiate). Mind,

memory, etc., exist within Reality, as manifestations of Reality, and appear

to depend on That for movement and cannot be separated from it. Reality can

not be absent at any time. Therefore it is Here and Now. So the wise

aspirant must inquire, "What is "It" that is truly here and now? What is the

meaning of this?



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