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Xan - as you recount your perceptions of the "altercation" under discussion,

I am aware that my view of what transpired is substantially the same as

yours. Thank you for summing it up with clarity. I would add two things -

there was only a temporary ban of Diana, the ban was during the time a vote

was counted as the list owner didn't want to count votes of people who

d immediately after voting, and he then lifted the ban. My

understanding is that currently there is no ban, and as you say an

invitation toward Diana. There is a lot to this story from all sides, as

subsequent postings revealed, and if Diana wants to learn about this, she

would be able to and read the archives. The second thing I would

add is my awareness that conflict between people seems to generate a great

deal of intensity of emotion and further conflict. Perhaps, as you

suggest, this is because what is triggered off are automatic responses that

reinstate the past in the present. In this way, events on the Nonduality

list parallel events that transpire in the "outside" world. Thus, the

wheel turns! Xan, you have written with wisdom in my perception of the

importance of viewing awareness/compassion as boundless and undivided.



With love, Dan


At 01:59 PM 11/10/99 -0500, you wrote:




>Some of you may know - i have been banned over at the NonDuality list (after

>I said I was unsubbing) - for pointing out the obvious. I will not go into

>details. Roughly - a person over there had an email altercation with a male

>(who is also a member of this list). The male then proceeded to physically

>threatened (by email) the female involved.


>Mostly on the list seemed to feel this was 'personal' problem between the


>people involved. And urged the female to 'love' the male involved. I thought

>it might be prudent to take threats seriously. Most of the list there -

>apparently disagrees with me. After pointing out possible legal liabilltites

>in ignoring the situation - and pointing out that by encouraging the male


>made the threats - (by telling him 'they loved him' anyway) there could be

>legal repercussions - it was decided that since 'I' had created the

probelm -

>I should be banned! <g> I had already made the deicision to unsub and had

>announced it on the list.


>i can only say that the sort of sloppy thinking regarding the difference

>between an internal understanding and external causality (apparent on that

>list) - seems typical of those proclaiming to be 'non dualists'. Too bad.





>Dear Diana


>I have quite a different perspective on what happened at NonDuality Salon.

>These are some of the differences:


>-I heard not one word of physical threat from anyone.


>-I heard a variety of responses from other people, several supporting the

>female in facing a difficult situation, some supporting the ban of the male,

>some encouraging each other to also support the male in learning from the



>-I did not hear anyone say it was a personal problem between a male and a

>female. I did hear earlier about the conflict between the male and another



>-I did not hear anyone say they supported what the male did, only that

>despite the harmfulness of what he did they were not willing to stop loving



>-The idea of banning you, came from the list owner when he was momentarily

>annoyed with what he saw in you as an unduely harsh response to the


>After you posted that you were unsubing there were several posts, including

>the list owner, which expressed a hope that you would return.


>I can only suggest that your past experience generated a fairly intense

>response to the situation. This is a function of the personal mind, it

>tends to see the present through lenses of the past. As I see it, some

>people on the forum are coming to terms with the situation in new ways -

>there was and still is growth and letting go. I hope that is also the case

>for the central male involved. And I hope it is the case for you.


>Every situation is an opportunity for seeing where we are holding onto the

>past and letting our painful stories be healed, for allowing our personal

>identity patterns dissolve into the purity of our natural Self.



>with love


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