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Cathar Prophecy.

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Namaste All,


The Albigensians probably had Gnosticsm, however they

were limited in area and are now gone.




In 1244 A.D. The Cathars made a prophecy about

a Church of Love that was to come,in 1986.

On a recent visit to the U.K. I came across this


I already had an interest in The Cathars,and had read

about them,so I thought this would be of interest.

The Cathars were a form of Christianity that

had its base in Toulouse in France. They were

dualistic and had a lot of teachings that were very

close to original Christianity. Particularly with

regard to the communion meal, which was also a feature

of the Essenes. They also had no Priesthood as such

but had Parfaits or Perfected Ones. They did not eat

meat and they taught a philosophy that was similar in

many ways to the Essenes or the Buddhists. Of course

this put them on a collision course with the

predominant Christian Sect of Catholicism and a

crusade was undertaken to wipe them out.(Simon de

Montfort etc). They were burned at the stake in their

hundreds,as many as 300 at a time.The last Cathars

were burned at the stake by the Holy Inquisition at

their headquarters of Montsegur, Languedoc,France in

1244, but they left a prophecy. It is said that

before the last attack on their fortress a few

escaped with the "Cathar Treasure", which many take

to mean their knowledge.................. The Prophecy.


That the Church of Love would be proclaimed

in 1986.

It has no fabric,only understanding.

It has no membership save those who know they belong.

It has no rivals,because it is non-competitive.

It has no ambition,because it only seeks to serve.

It knows no boundaries,for nationalism's are unloving.

It is not of itself,because it seeks to enrich all

groups and religions.

It acknowledges all great teachers of all ages,who

have shown the truth of Love.

Those who participate,practice the truth of Love in

all their beings.

There is no walk of life or nationality that is a


Those who are,know.

It seeks not to teach but to be and by being,enrich.

It recognises that the time has come for the supreme

transition,the ultimate alchemical act of conscious

change of the ego into a voluntary return to the


It does not proclaim itself with a loud voice but in

the subtle realms of loving.

It salutes all those in the past who have blazoned the

path but have paid the price.

It admits no heirarchy or structure,for no one is

greater than another!

Its members shall know each other by their deeds and

being and by their eyes and by no other sign save the

fraternal embrace.

Each one will dedicate their life to the silent loving

of their neighbour and environment and the

planet,whilst carrying out their daily task,no matter

how humble.

It recognises the supremacy of the great ideal,which

may only be accomplished if the human race practices

the supremacy of Love.

It has no reward to offer,either here or in the

hereafter,save that of the ineffable joy of being and


Each shall seek to advance the cause of

understanding,doing good by stealth and teaching only

by example.

They shall heal their neighbour,their community and

our planet.

They shall know no fear and feel no shame and their

witness shall prevail over all odds.

It has so secret,no arcanum,no initiation,save that of

true understanding of the power of Love and that if we

want to be so,the world will change if we change

ourselves first.

All those who belong,belong because they belong to the

Church of Love.....Anonymous.


Love and Blessings Tony.



















http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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>Tony O'Clery <aoclery




>It has so secret,no arcanum,no initiation,save that of

>true understanding of the power of Love and that if we

>want to be so,the world will change if we change

>ourselves first.

>All those who belong,belong because they belong to the

>Church of Love.....Anonymous.


>Love and Blessings Tony.



Thank you Tony, for sharing this beautiful message. It seems timeless, so

whatever began1986..now is a good time to belong to Love.



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