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Celtic/Vedic etc.

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>Tony O'Clery <aoclery

> " as late as 1850 the Irish folk still worshiped her,

>regardless of the Catholic priesthood.---At the well

>of St. Declan, Ardmore, Co. Waterford……Masses of

>people assembled annually on December 22, crawled

>beneath a hollowed stone and then drank of the well.

>It was surmounted by the image of a female figure

>which is described as being 'like the pictures of

>Callee (Kali), the Black Goddess of Hindustan.' The

>Catholic priests actually whipped the folk away from

>the spot, but to no purpose. As Kali and Calleach

>(pronounced Kalee), are the same Goddess, after all.

>The whips of the priests can never turn what was, into

>what was not; nor can failure of memory.

>According to David Kinsley,'Hindu Goddesses',UCLA

>1988', Kali was essentially a Bengali Figure but was

>popular with the ordinary and tribal peoples. However

>in The Ramayana she is associated with Sita.' In the

>case of Sita, Kali appears as her fierce, terrible,

>bloodthirsty aspect when Rama, on his return to India

>after defeating Ravana, is confronted with such a

>terrible monster the he freezes in fear. Sita

>transformed into Kali, handily defeats the demon. p


>This indicates that the world was once before a

>'Global Village', for it is my guess that the

>Indo-European Celts didn't bring Calleach to Ireland,

>but that she existed there for millenia, probably

>amongst some of the first settlers. Now the Irish have

>two Goddesses in common with Dravidia, Danu and

>Calleach, indicating a common source of dispersal.


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.


Thanks Tony. Absolutely fascinating stuff. Have any of the "modern" so

called "main stream scholars" written about this? How come this stuff was

not in my Anthropology courses? It makes for great reading.



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Namaste All,


I think that Ireland was probably settled by first or

early generation Atlantean refugees; At least 9,000

years ago. Atlantean spiritual knowledge came from the

motherland Mu. India was part of Mu as was Australia

etc. This is all recorded in the Hindu Puranas

although they use different names for these

continents. The Celtic Indo-Aryans therefore brought

knowledge perhaps from the same source, although



The following is a re-print from "HINDUISM TODAY"

-MAY, 1994




"Like two rivers cascading from the same mist-shrouded

mountain, Celtic


early Vedic culture share astonishing similarities.

Assembled here,

for the

first time, is a side-by-side comparison between the

two kindred


that were congruent in time and 3,000 miles apart in

space. Our


of the Celt society is rather sparse, and these listed

parallels are

probably a small percentage of the full extent of

common ground.






Celts were sophisticated tribes that fanned across

Europe 3-4 millennia


and leapt England and Ireland. Eventually they made

it to Turkey their


and came very close to turning Rome into a Celtic

land. They spoke an


Europen language closely akin to

Sanskrit/German/Greek. The


between Celtism and Vedism are poignantly profuse.


© Celtic cosmology cognizes four interrelating

worlds of existence:

netherworld, earth realm; heavenly realm of dead

and demi-gods;


realm of supreme Deities and energy source of stars.


(V) Vedic cosmology perceives three interrelating

worlds - physical;


world of dead and demi-gods; causal universe of

Deities, Supreme Being


primal energy; plus a fourth nertherworld.


2.© These worlds further divided into LANDS and

CITIES occupied by


and disincarnate people of similar character. Time is

slower in these



(V) The three worlds divide into LOKA habitats of

existence, occupied


spirits and like-minded disincarnate people. Time is

dilated in the



3.© Celtic earth realm is called BITUS. Celtic Gods

are called


meaning "shining one."


(V) Vedic earth world is called BHU. Gods of Vedas

are invoked as


meaning "shining one."


4.© Departed souls dwelled in refined or hellish

LANDS until their


reincarnation as a human or animal.


(V) At death, souls continue existence in subtle or

hellish realms


entry into the next human or animal body.


5.© Celtic priests taught that human souls were

indestructible, but


universe ends and rebuilds through fire and water in a

repeating cycle.


(V) The universe existence span - called KAPLA - ends

in a repeating

creation/destruction cycle through fire and water,

symbolic of primal


and sound.Sairam: The following is the continuation of

the series:








6.© Celtic deities included Gods who actualized

nature forces,


ethics, justice, knowledge, speech, arts, crafts,

medicine, harvests,


war courage and battled forces of darkness,

and Goddesses of


rivers and motherhood, Gods often did multiple



(V) The early Vedic pantheon included deities of fire,



and nature forces, ritual stimulants, speech,

crafts, arts,

harvests, medicine, justice, ethical/ecological order,


battlers of

malevolent beings, river Goddesses. God often had




7.© Celtic God of thunder was TARANUS who carried

thunderbolts. God


fire is AEDH(pronounced uh-ee), meaning fire. The sun

Deity is SULIOS.


Celtic word for invocation is GUTUATER.


(V) Vedic God of rain and thunder was INDRA who

carried thunderbolts.


God of fire is AGNI, meaning fire. The solar

Being is SURYA. The

Sanskrit term for invocation is HOTAR.


8.© Celtic cosmology conceived of cosmic creation as

a primal Person

sacrifice. The Celt term for breath is ANAL. For

soul, the Celt word

is ANAM.


(V) Vedic cosmology describes cosmic creation as the

sacrifice of


Being. The Vedic word for breath is PRANA. The

soul in the Vedas




9.© The central Celtic ritual was the fire

sacrifice, conducted in

geometric pits with offerings of herbs, mead and flour

cakes, conducted


chanting DRUIDS, the Celtic priests.


(V) The central Vedic ritual was the fire sacrifice,

performed in


pits with offerings of ghee, spices, rice - conducted

- by

hymn-and-mantra-chanting BRAHMINS.


10.© Celtic priests were called DRUIDS, meaning

"knowers of the tree,


truth." They memorized the entire knowledge of

the Celts and

passed it

on orally, forbidding written transmission. They

were divided into

several classes: seers, judges, royal advisors, hymn

chanters, poet


sacrificers. They were also astronomers, healers and



(V) The Vedic priesthood - the brahmins - memorized

the scriptural and

societal law knowledge of the Hindus, passing it

on orally,


writing. Brahmins formed several divisions associated

with the fire


duties. Enlightened brahmins became RISHIS or seers.

Others advised


and some specialized in medicine and

astronomy/astrology.Sairam: Continuation of the






11.© Druids studied for 20 years in strict

discipleship to master their

oral, ritual, law, science and psychic arts.


(V) Brahmins studied for 12 years in a GURUKULAM to

master oral, ritual,

mathematical, astronomical knowledge.


12.© Druids memorized extremely lengthy poetic sagas

that communicated

spiritual metaphysics and civic laws. The poetic

metre was a fixed

syllable line, free form, with 3-part cadence at end.


(V) Bards of the Vedic literature memorized lengthy

poetic sagas conveying

spiritual knowledge and dharmic duty. The poetic

metre was a fixed syllable

line, free form, with 3-part cadence at end.


13. © Druids practiced breathing, posture and

meditation techniques that

gave degrees of ECSTACY, often accompanied by intense

heat in the body.


(V) Vedic ascetics practiced breathing, posture and

meditation skills in a

spiritual unfoldment process called TAPAS(heat),

generating high body heat.


14.© Celtic society was divided into three

hierarchical stratas of life:

priests, warriors and producers (inclusive of

merchants). Druids advised

warrior-kings known as RIX. Upward progression

through classes was possible.


(V) Vedic society divided into four hierarchical

castes: priests, warriors,

merchants, workers. Brahmins counseled warrior-kings

(RAJAS). Upward

mobility was sanctioned in Vedas, but later frozen in

societal law books.


15. © Celts prized the magical power of telling

TRUTH, honor/piety among

men and eloquence in conversation and oration.


(V) Vedic society prized the supernatural power of

truth-saying, piety and

honor, and eloquence in gatherings.


16. © Celts honored women, guarded their virtue, and

allowed by law

daughters of sonless fathers to inherit property or to

marry kinsmen to bear

male heirs to the father. Seeresses were sanctioned,

and priestesses for

Goddesses favored.


(V) Vedic Hindus prized womanly virtues, and by law

sonless fathers could

bequeath property to daughters or arrange her marriage

to relatives for male

heirs. Female seers were countenanced, and female

ascetics tended Goddess rites.



17. © Celts recognized 8 forms of marriage from

arranged to love to

abduction. A bride gift was given by the groom.


(V) Vedic Hindus followed 8 forms of marriage from

arranged to love to

abduction. The groom paid a bride price.


18.© Celts defined life stages, COLUMNS OF AGE:

infancy (0-1),


(2-11), adolescence (12-18), young adult (19-45), old

age (46-65),

decrepitude (65+) in which enlightening inspiration is



(V) Vedic society taught four ASHRAMA stages life:



family life (25-48); elder advisor (49-72); religious

solitaire (72+),


which the individual seeks enlightenment.


19. © The Celtic ideal measure of life was to live

100 years.


(V) The Vedic ideal of a fulfilled life was to live

100 autumns.


20. © Celt family unit was a group of four

generations from a



(V) The ancient Hindu family unit is four generations

from a



21. © One Celt calendar was based on 62 lunar months

(5 years +)

intercalated to a 3-year solar cycle for solstice

correction. Druids

studied stellar motion, navigation and contemplated

such abstracts as


size and nature of the universe.


(V) Vedic astronomy is based on lunar months daily

aligned to star

positions and related to 3-year and 5-year solar

cycles. Vedic


was applied to astrology, and the rishi seers

contemplated the


nature and genesis.


22. © By Celt law a man owed money could fast at the

door of the

debtor -

who must join the fast -forcing the debtor to pay or

enter an



(V) By Hindu law, a creditor could fast at the door of

the past due


who then was obligated to protect the health of the

creditor and pay





Continuing on from my discussion about Celtic

Irish/British fusion with prior 'religions'. Lewis

Spence( The minor traditions of British Mythology,

London, Rider and co, 1948, 37), again comes to the

rescue with;

" as late as 1850 the Irish folk still worshiped her,

regardless of the Catholic priesthood.---At the well

of St. Declan, Ardmore, Co. Waterford……Masses of

people assembled annually on December 22, crawled

beneath a hollowed stone and then drank of the well.

It was surmounted by the image of a female figure

which is described as being 'like the pictures of

Callee (Kali), the Black Goddess of Hindustan.' The

Catholic priests actually whipped the folk away from

the spot, but to no purpose. As Kali and Calleach

(pronounced Kalee), are the same Goddess, after all.

The whips of the priests can never turn what was, into

what was not; nor can failure of memory.

According to David Kinsley,'Hindu Goddesses',UCLA

1988', Kali was essentially a Bengali Figure but was

popular with the ordinary and tribal peoples. However

in The Ramayana she is associated with Sita.' In the

case of Sita, Kali appears as her fierce, terrible,

bloodthirsty aspect when Rama, on his return to India

after defeating Ravana, is confronted with such a

terrible monster the he freezes in fear. Sita

transformed into Kali, handily defeats the demon. p


This indicates that the world was once before a

'Global Village', for it is my guess that the

Indo-European Celts didn't bring Calleach to Ireland,

but that she existed there for millenia, probably

amongst some of the first settlers. Now the Irish have

two Goddesses in common with Dravidia, Danu and

Calleach, indicating a common source of dispersal.

It is also interesting that in SS when Swami was

talking about the'festival of lights', He mentions

that " we used to live nearer the pole',hence the

lights. He means the Andhras presumably. ( an earlier

pole-shift and migration?)


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.




























http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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Tony O'Clery wrote:


> Tony O'Clery <aoclery


> Namaste All,


> I think that Ireland was probably settled by first or

> early generation Atlantean refugees; At least 9,000

> years ago. Atlantean spiritual knowledge came from the

> motherland Mu. India was part of Mu as was Australia

> etc. This is all recorded in the Hindu Puranas

> although they use different names for these

> continents. The Celtic Indo-Aryans therefore brought

> knowledge perhaps from the same source, although

> circuitously.


> The following is a re-print from "HINDUISM TODAY"

> -MAY, 1994



Absolutely fascinating Tony, I'm sure there's a real cultural connection

there, the only question as you point out is how it arose. I think

historians (because they are so written word oriented) don't give enough

credit to the power of oral cultures to preserve lore from generation to

generation over thousands of years. This is a reason they placed such a

high value on truth telling, any embellishments or "improvements" to the

ancient stories would soon lead to them being lost. I also imagine there

was more long distance travel in the prehistoric world than we know,

with certain individuals then as now just born with wanderlust who

probably wandered around for years, over thousands of miles, learning

stories from different people and telling them to other people. Such

people would be welcomed, the traditions of honouring and feeding guests

seem to be common too, even people who might have a dispute with their

immediate neighbours would have no reason not to welcome a traveller

from afar.


namaste, andrew

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