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The following is a repost from GM that may be of interest to



GM: Having learnt/practiced Kundalini yoga and then atma vichara for a while,

it is my feeling that the explanations are not divergent but depends on

how one defines mukti.


According to yoga, when prana leaves thro' sahasarara, then one goes to

Brahmaloka, never to return to "mortal" existence and is liberated from

the cycle of births and deaths. Advaita does not disagree with the concept

of Brahmaloka etc. (see Madhusudana sarasvati's commentary relating to

attaining Brahmaloka through bhakti alone).


However, the real advaitic stance is more logical and stringent.

Mukti is something that is "attained" right now. It is only a "rediscovering"

of the Self by the removal of (avidya, dvaita. There is nothing to attain,

only the avidya has to leave.


My experience, based on my Guru's words, is this : "Exercises" like

Kundalini yoga, kriya yoga etc etc. are all _very_ useful till a stage,

when adequate concentration and chitta shuddhi is attained. Later, all

these practices have to be essentially looked upon as "unreal" and the

mind turned inward to realize the Self by atma vichara. Essentially,

all these yogic practices are useful till one has the "maturity" to look upon

all the lokas (including this one) as unreal and concentrate on the Real.


AUM shaantiH



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Hello Harsha and GM,

>The following is a repost from GM that may be of interest to



>GM: Having learnt/practiced Kundalini yoga and then atma vichara for a while,

>it is my feeling that the explanations are not divergent but depends on

>how one defines mukti.



Thanks for this. I'd appreciate having the definitions of "vichara" and





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