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Chakras and then one more step.

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Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,


" The Muladhara, the lowest of the chakras at the

lower end of the spinal passage, is the embodiment of

the prakrithi (nature) principle. Therefore it is

related to the material facet of man. It is the

principle of the earth."


" The Swadhistana chakra at the point of the navel, is

the guardian of the Pranamayakosa ( the sphere of the

five senses), the vital facet of the person. It is

the agni,fire, principle, the spring and source of

warmth in the body, that maintains the processes of

digestion and protection from environmental change."


"The Manipura chakra is the next highest on the spinal

scale, it is the water principle, that helps the

circulation of the blood both into the heart and out

of it, from all parts of the body."


" The Anahata chakra is in the region of the heart,

embodies the vayu, air, principle which is in charge

of the breathing process, inhalation and exhalation,

so vital for life and activity. It also vitalises the

spinal force, and passes over the frets of the inner



" The Visuddha chakra is in the pit of the throat,

near the pituitary gland. It represents the akasa,

space ether sky, principle and promotes sound."


" The Ajna chakra on the mid-brow spot is the

embodiment of Vijnana-the splendour of Awareness-for

when this chakra is reached, man glimpses the Truth,

gets transformed and becomes translucent.

It is only a step away from the final realisation

when the Sahasrara chakra on the crown of the head is


That is the consummation of all sadhana of all



" The stage of desire operates in the first two

chakras, the stage of endeavour in the next two and

the stage of Awareness is most evident in the last

two. The awareness is there, latent in everyone,

ready to surface when the veils of ignorance are


The individual life-force resides like lightning

flash in the womb of a blue cloud between the ninth

and twelfth rings of the spinal column.

It will be alert and awake only when Sadhana (

spiritual practice) of any type is done after

cleansing of character and habits."

Swami,(Sai Baba), SSS, Vol, X ,Ch 23. P117. Compendium

p 71.


So one can see here that after attaining the Sahasrara

chakra there is yet another step and that is also

mentioned by Ramana Maharshi as the Heart Centre. In

Sanskrit, Hrudayam! The Spiritual Heart.


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.






http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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