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All paths lead to unreality

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We received some sharing for Pham about Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. I selected

two paragraph from this and am forwarding these. The simple and yet

"essential" method and understanding given here is worth reflecting on.





PhamDLuan [PhamDLuan]

Friday, November 19, 1999 9:46 AM


I want to offer you all a very

beautiful talk by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

in the book "The Nectar of Immortality",

edited by Robert Powell. With Love (in my Silence :-))



Some visitors ask me, "Please show us a path that will lead to Reality."

How can I? All paths lead to unreality. Paths are creations within the

scope of knowledge. Therefore, paths and movements cannot transport you

into Reality, because their function is to enmesh you within the dimension

of knowledge, while the Reality prevails prior to it. To apprehend this,

you must stay put at the source of your creation, at the beginning of the

knowledge "I am." So long as you do not achieve this, you will be entangled

in the chains forged by you mind and get enmeshed in those of others.

Therefore, I repeat, you stabilize at the source of your being and then all

the chains will snap asunder and you will be liberated. You will transcend

time, with the result that you will be beyond the reach of its tentacles and

you shall prevail in Eternity. And this sublime state can be attained only

by drinking ceaselessly the nectar of the guru's sacred feet-the

guru-charan-amrita. It is a state of ecstatic beatitude-the self subsiding

blissfully in the Self. This ecstasy is beyond words; it is also awareness

in total quietude.

January 25th 1980

Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

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