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Vegetarianism & Yoga

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I have been following this thread with interest, and have some thoughts

to add.

Ahimsa (non-violence) is a principle that goes deeper than just

abstaining from physical acts of violence. It is to do with developing

non violence in thought, word, and deed. As one practices yoga (or any

spiritual path) there is less inclination towards violence in all these

areas. It is a gradual progression, and should not be forced - we

progress spiritually in accordance with our nature.


The decision to practice vegetarianism can be seen as part of that

progression, but it is not "required" in order to become enlightened.

Enlightenment is fed through the heart, not the stomach:

"Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man but that which come

out of the mouth, this defileth a man" Mathew 15:11

"Man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out

of the mouth of the Lord, doth man live." Deuteronomy 8:3


Vegetarianism of itself does not guarantee Ahimsa - as someone else

pointed out already Hitler was a vegetarian, and could hardly be

described as following non-violence. I like the point made by someone

(Zenbob?) that meat eating can be practiced with an attitude of

non-violence - by respecting the creatures providing us with sustenance

and caring for them (up to and including the manner in which they are

slaughtered). This is the same as the ritual offering of vegetarian

foods by Hare Krishna's etc. It is recognised that the life force is

also in plants and that an act of "killing" occurs in order to eat

fruits and vegetables. The food is offered to the Divine to remove the

"stain" of violence and infuse it with pure energy.


We also need to recognise that death is part of the Divine play (leela)

and as spirit in human form we are part of that cycle. The Hindu

trinity recognises the creative power of death. Through the destructive

force of Shiva new life is created - without death there is no renewal.

We only need to look to the cycles of nature to see this principle at


OM Shanti


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