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Answers to some thoughts and questions!

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In a message dated 11/20/99 11:13:43 AM Pacific Standard Time,

aoclery writes:


<< They say that some Yogis eat meat, well if they are

Jivanmuktis, they eat what is put in front and there

is no karma to overcome. For they have remembered

themSelves. Only a handful of people are receiving

Moksha, the rest of us are at different levels, most

in the Manomayakosa and not in the Higher Chakras.


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.


Well said, Tony. This keeps us all in perspective. I also agree with your

comments about Sathya Sai Baba, based on this particular example. I have no

reason to believe that he is other than sincere in his motives and

dedication...but we should always be clear eyed and careful with any "leader"

who somehow develops human failings...as many do. We should also be quite

careful not to pass on speculation, rumor or unfounded accusations from

enemies, detractors, etc. But, if serious, sober people who have no "axes to

grind" make public statements that suggest impropriety, then some measure of

caution is at least suggested.






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Sai Ram Brothers and Sisters,


With regard to raising K, both Sai Baba and Satyananda

have said that one should work on the Ajna chakra

first. Because of all the karmic propensities

involved with the two lower chakras. This could

result in dangerous experiences, mental imbalance,

delusional states, illness etc (have you read the

K-list recently).


It is amazing how rumours and misunderstanding spread,

especially in India. Where if two villagers think

something, the next day a hundred do!


In a group interview, one family brought a young

man/boy who was having some problems. Right in front

of all the witnesses Swami rubbed and stimulated the

boy's cocyics or base of the spine. The seat of the

Muladhara and the Svadhistana chakra. This energising

it seems cured the boy of whatever his problem was.

Now if one didn't have faith in the Guru or didn't

know anything about Tantra and Kundalini, one would

think the boy was being molested. Especially if this

was done without many witnesses. Enough said !


With regard to meat and alcohol etc. I am aware of

the fact that there are many small beings killed when

we breath even. I have read the Jains also.

However as with everything in human endeavour motive,

is important. Trying to hurt 'less' and also break

addictions/attachments, like meat-eating and alcohol

are steps in Sadhana. I am aware that plants have

senses in fact a book ' The secret life of plants',

indicates this. However they don't have the developed

nervous system of animals. Also one could read Tagore

on this.


Satyananda indicates that the Svadhistana chakra is

associated with vegetarianism. The female Deity is

Saraswati and Rakini. This is an important chakra for

the tendency here is to descend to the root again.

Once the energy reaches the Manipura the tendency is

not so much to descend, but ascend. So purification

exercises, to help rise from the lower chakras is



They say that some Yogis eat meat, well if they are

Jivanmuktis, they eat what is put in front and there

is no karma to overcome. For they have remembered

themSelves. Only a handful of people are receiving

Moksha, the rest of us are at different levels, most

in the Manomayakosa and not in the Higher Chakras.


Love and Sai Ram, Tony.






http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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