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Energy is one!

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Namaste All,


Understanding that within illusion all is Energy and

it has different names for varied functions. Mind is a

very subtle energy for example, being thoughts ,which

are pure energy. What we call the human soul/entity

is part of the mind as well and is essentially the

vijnanamayakosa and anandamayakosa.


K activity manifests in different ways with

individuals, at varied paths of comprehension. I

think we can all accept that it is K-Prana that is

doing the cleansing initially. In some ,depending on

their karma, it may be healing hands, psychic ability,

surges of enjoyable energy, telepathy is one aspect

that indicates a common mind.


Speech is part of this, the vocal cords produce sound

but not words. The words come from the veena in the

body, the muladhara to ajna. This is where the vital

and mental sheaths are involved. When the mind

decides upon an idea it is the prana playing upon this

veena that produces the words. This is why too much

speech is such a waster of energy!


In others, who may be doing some spiritual practices,

it may manifest as 'Awareness', for mind as an energy

has many levels as well.


1). The ordinary mind,

2). The super-mind,

3). The higher mind,

4). The illuminated mind,

5). The intuitive mind,

6). The over-mind.


Mind does not have it's own power it is part of

Atma-Sakti, a reflection if you will. It is evident

that one level of mind can penetrate the level below.


There can be a lot of activity of K anywhere in the

body, but this does not necessarily mean that it has

'permanently', risen to dwell in that chakra. This is

usually because it hasn't risen above the lower

physical chakras permanently. There can be a lot of

activity from the Manipura chakra for here is based

the pranamayakosa or vital/energy sheath, which is

all-pervasive and can be felt in the whole body/mind.


Therefore the 'K', seems to have risen when in fact it

is the prana. However once it has risen to the

Anahata chakra one can experience some bliss and

compassion. This is the start of the human spiritual

chakras. Most people don't get to the Ajna chakra for

this is the seat of the vijnanamayakosa, and is above

the 'lower mind'. Most of human activity is in the

lower mind, even among the so-called intellectuals.


One can usually ascertain by a person's awareness,

compassion and behaviour, at which chakra they are at.


For example one has to have a purified Buddhi or

intellect to be spiritual, and this requires not

eating meat, alcohol, smoking, gambling etc etc.

Eating meat indicates a lack of compassion or

connection with the animal but it also introduces

heavy animal vibrations into the bodies. These

vibrations have to be purified, usually by spiritual



To achieve enlightenment through K, one has to purify

and consciously and one-pointedly, make a 'spiritual'

effort as opposed to an experiential pastime.


Love Tony.???????????






http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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