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Miracles and how to?

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Namaste Brothers and Sisters,


How do Sai Baba, Jesus and other Yogis perform

miracles and manifestations? That is rings, solid

gold statues, vibhuti, heal the sick, raise the dead


It has nothing to do with vampirising energy, from

others etc. It all has to do with risen awareness and

consciousness. I personally practice yoga but have no

desire to acquire or practice any Siddhis, even though

I am aware they are there. Jesus said,' all power

comes to he who has overcome', or close enough.


Patanjali in his Yoga-Sutra, chapter on Vibhuti-pada

goes into this quite a lot. Talking of Samyama, or

intense concentration and meditation on an object or

desire. In order to acquire siddhis, however intense

yogic discipline is required.


Sai Baba says that anyone can materialise objects, we

all have the same potential. He says it is a matter

of meditation and intense detailed visualisation.

There is no need to take energy from elsewhere. All

is one and the energy is one!


The level of one's consciousness determines the power

or Yogic-Siddhis. So the more one becomes everything

the more one can manifest anything. The siddhis

themselves are a distraction to spiritual advancement,

except in a Perfected Master. Around such people

miracles happen spontaneously, for what they think

instantly happens and what they say, must happen.


A big miracle is how a seed becomes a big tree or an

animal etc. Everything is a miracle the only

difference is Kala or time taken, that's all.


Many people have psychic powers at the lower level but

these can be obtained by opening even the lowest

chakras and mean little, spiritually.


However some non-yogic types also use spirits, who

help them manifest and apport. The lower planes are

full of spirits, pretas, captive souls etc, from the

time immemorial and from the Aztecs etc. Not

including ancient 'thoughtforms', that have built up

and can influence men's minds.

By their deeds we shall know them! However most of

the manifestations and miracles are usually of a lower

order than those of Masters.


As Swami says, 'people come for tinsel and trash they

don't come for what I have come to show, Liberation



Love and Sai Ram, Tony.






http://members.xoom.com/aoclery/ (glossary incl?)


Keep on truckin-Chant the Gayatri! Breathe So----Ham!


"God is formless. In order to merge in the formless God,

you have to give up identification with the body."

"There is only one 'Soul' and 'That' is God." Sai Baba.

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