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<In order to acquire siddhis, however intense

yogic discipline is required.


---Unless those special powers "just show up"


<Sai Baba says that anyone can materialise objects,

we all have the same potential. He says it is a matter

of meditation and intense detailed visualisation.

There is no need to take energy from elsewhere. All

is one and the energy is one!


---It is very human to think that energy must be given and

taken in a system of exchange. What a surprise to learn

there is unlimited Source!


<The level of one's consciousness determines the power

or Yogic-Siddhis. So the more one becomes everything

the more one can manifest anything.


---We are already manifesting. Because in most of us our

thoughts and energy patterns are a mixture of clarity and

limitation, we manifest a mixture of circumstances. As we

become more simplified (purified) phenomena follow suit


<The siddhis themselves are a distraction to spiritual

advancement, except in a Perfected Master. Around

such people miracles happen spontaneously, for what

they think instantly happens and what they say, must happen.


---The desire for siddhis can be a distraction, as the desire

for anything to enhance the small self image. As one's

'eye becomes single', desires and identities fade away.

Who has not noticed an increase in 'coincidences' as

their attention is drawn toward the Silence.


<A big miracle is how a seed becomes a big tree or an

animal etc. Everything is a miracle the only

difference is Kala or time taken, that's all.


---There is also a difference in the commonly accepted

and taken-for-granted miracles of life's expression, and

what is seen as 'supernatural' and out of the ordinary.


In the Great Natural Self, nothing is extraordinary -

instantaneous healings, moments of manifest luminosity,

awakenings of consciousness, transmissions of exquisite

Reality. These are a "piece o' cake" for the essence of

what we are, unresisted.


I am certain that as we continue in this time of extensive

Awakening that *miraculous* events will become common.




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In a message dated 11/22/99 1:45:42 PM Pacific Standard Time, Xanma



<< I am certain that as we continue in this time of extensive

Awakening that *miraculous* events will become common.



We will all wait a long time, I fear. The Miraculous does not just happen,

nor does it bestow itself on believers merely because they desire it or

believe that they have "awakened." Miracles arrive on little cat feet,

quietly and when we are least prepared or ready for them. Then they serve

the greatest good. Should they become "common" they would then cease to

teach us about the nature of the universe...just as we do not long meditate

upon the nature of dirt or sand...as it is ubiquitous.


I am willing to bet that science will make common more "miracles" in the next

five years than personal consciousness raising/training will account for in

the next 25 years. I do not mean to say that personal experiences are of

less value, or that science will render such personal journeys moot, but I am

speaking strictly from the perspective of history...and many people shared

the eager anticipation and sureness that mind power and meditation, awakening

during the 1960's...only to have such efforts over shadowed by the technology

of the 80's, 90's and now the New Millennium.




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Hi Zenbob and Xan,

>> Xanma:

>> I am certain that as we continue in this time of extensive

>> Awakening that *miraculous* events will become common.


>We will all wait a long time, I fear. The Miraculous does not just happen,

>nor does it bestow itself on believers merely because they desire it or

>believe that they have "awakened." Miracles arrive on little cat feet,

>quietly and when we are least prepared or ready for them. Then they serve

>the greatest good. Should they become "common" they would then cease to

>teach us about the nature of the universe...


An axiom of science fiction, first stated by Arthur C. Clarke, is: "Any

sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." Or from



The technology of the siddhis has long been known... but not common

knowledge, of course. It's not a technology of physical measurements and

test tubes (though external objects may be used),but it's technology.


You are right, Zenbob, in saying that if miracles should become common,

they would cease to be miraculous. But you seem to want that NOT to

happen... and so you think that it won't happen, at least not for a long

time. But as you also pointed out, it is happening already. In this

century men have taken to the air in flight and learned to live beneath the

sea. Etc., etc.


The technology of the lower siddhis has been passing into the realm of

science, as scholars and federal agencies, here and in other countries,

study telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, psychokinesis, etc. Feats of

telepathy or clairvoyance that once would have proved the performer a witch

are no longer remarkable... most people don't even blink... these things

have become a part of our world.


The growth of science fiction in this century has helped to prepare us for

the inevitable effects of the union of East and West, with meditation

becoming widespread in the West and spontaneous Kundalini becoming

practically an epidemic. Spider Robinson wrote (in _Time Pressure_):

>Peop]e who read a lot of sf are the least gullible, most skeptical people

>on earth. A longtime reader of sf will examine the flying saucer very

>carefully and knowledgeably for concealed wires, hidden seams, gimmicks

>with mirrors: he's seen them all before. Spotting a fake is child's play

>for him. (A tough house for a musician is a roomful of other musicians.)

> On the other hand, he'll recognize a real flying saucer, and he'll

>waste very little time on astonishment. Rearranging his entire personal

>universe in the light of startlingly new data is what he does for fun.


So when his hero is confronted with an impossible (or magical or

miraculous) event, he grins hugely, walks forward, and kneels beside the

impossible thing.

>I had spent my life training for this moment - for a moment like this -

>without ever truly expecting it to come.


When active Kundalini began to show me things I had thought couldn't exist

in this universe, I didn't think I was crazy... or that miracles were

happening. I realized that the universe is different and more than I had

known. Suddenly I was in a new world... but I knew that what was new was

not the world but my capacity to see and experience it. Amazing that my

brain could keep me so insulated from the world for so many years!


Yes, I do think that what we would have called miraculous events will

become more common. The siddhis appear with sufficient development. In a

beginning meditation class, as growth takes place, the lower siddhis appear

naturally... if they were already present , they become more developed.

Later in the course of development, they disappear... and the student

sometimes thinks/feels that he's going through a "dark night of the soul."

Later the higher siddhis appear...


What is seen as miraculous has been changing rapidly in this century. Now

I see many people accepting that Sai Baba produces small objects "out of

thin air" and hands them out... one person even said that as siddhis go,

that's just low-level "parlor tricks." :)))

>I am willing to bet that science will make common more "miracles" in the next

>five years than personal consciousness raising/training will account for in

>the next 25 years.


I don't quite see how they can be separated. Our scientists are also

products of this century; their own consciousness is different from that of

people of past centuries. The statements of physicists often look like the

writings of gurus. It's been many years since archeologists began using

psychics to tell them where to dig to find what they want. Many doctors

and psychological therapists are also healers and/or astrologers... but

they don't usually tell people. I suppose that will change too. :)




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