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genderized or Masc/Fem

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In a message dated 11/24/1999 9:23:20 AM Eastern Standard Time,

shastra writes:


<< What I have also noticed is that

those times the amount of posts increase in number to such a point that it

becomes almost impossible to respond to or even follow what is going

on.....bless Harsha I don't know how he keeps up with us all. >>


LOL, Harsha doesn't, he hits the delete key, if you need him to

read something he is very kind and generous and you may write

him with the heading "Private" in the email and he will read it.

He has written this to the list before, but since he isn't here, I'll

play umm, but, okay secretary :-). I also hit

delete simply for lack of time, not lack of caring, which is the

same for him.


On males and females, men contribute the seeds of wisdom,

women the waters of understanding, it's a Hermetic principle of

polarity, and the balance is essential to travel the Middle Way.

I think people appear in our lives to provide just

that ... perhaps, especially on a spiritual path.


It is my understanding that the left and right brain theories have

been disproven by electronic brain activity measurement.

Positron Emission Tomagraphy (PET) scans which inject radio-

active glucose (the brain uses glucose for energy) are used to

determine the difference between manic/depressives and

schizophrenics, the m/d being right-brained and the schiz being

left-brained, which is then shown by the brain using the glucose

exclusively or very dominately by one side or the other. But

this is a chemical imbalance, and probably one that can be

corrected with exercises to balance, perhaps for example by

developing skills of the less dominant half or using other languages.


When one learns a few languages, one discovers that the first

will be on one side and the next language on the other side,

for example my two Germanic languages are on opposite sides

and the two Romance languages are on opposites sides. This perhaps would be

nice if, for example when I can't

think of a word in Dutch if I were to move to English instead of

then finding a word in Spanish.


Perhaps it creates a harmony between the two sides to move

back and forth between the two hemispheres?


Interesting thread Xan, thank you for opening it for exploration

to look at deeply, I find this extraordinarily interesting, but then

neurochemistry has always been an arena that appeals to me,

and when Shakti and Shiva dance at the crown, what is firing?


Perhaps it is that the container becomes smooth enough for the

energy to flow constantly, or perhaps more energy can then

flow? I have a whole week off, where I just work at home, so,

I can really go meditate and let the energy move, which normally,

I try to keep down a bit so that I can focus. So, I am very in de-

light ...


So, in a nutshell, if you have too many posts to read, I invite you

to find the delete key, I'm not attached to anyone reading my

posts, so, you may click mine out first :-)



~ bo ~

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RainboLily wrote:


I like this,


Exploring with you this middle way that shows itself deeper by simply

looking in you.

> On males and females, men contribute the seeds of wisdom,

> women the waters of understanding, it's a Hermetic principle of

> polarity, and the balance is essential to travel the Middle Way.

> I think people appear in our lives to provide just

> that ... perhaps, especially on a spiritual path.


The wisdom/understanding polarity is a way to aboard this genderized

Fem/Masc approach, but it is not the one i will aboard in this email.

> When one learns a few languages, one discovers that the first

> will be on one side and the next language on the other side,

> for example my two Germanic languages are on opposite sides

> and the two Romance languages are on opposites sides. This perhaps would be

> nice if, for example when I can't

> think of a word in Dutch if I were to move to English instead of

> then finding a word in Spanish.

>From my brief experience in various language speaking, i find it

wonderful also to remark how words in certain language find no

equivalent in others. As if a "pattern" of the culture was reproduced

someplace in the brain for a word or bunch of words. Like a tree growing

in Canada will not have the same pattern in the branches and in the

roots than a tree growing in China.


At first, in learning a new language, those structure one touch in the

other language will fell mostly as HOD, to take a word, or as theory or

words. Something we can communicate and understand from logic. We

observe simply those "pattern" of the new language. After a while, after

we stop translating in our mind to speak an other language, something

strange appends, but that all who have learned more than one language

have noticed. The words or patterns, start to resonate, they become a

empathic home for who we are, its NETZACH in a form. This empathic

ability that we cannot communicate or change in theory, but that is

there making the "pattern" more than theory, making it alive. We start

living the language instead of simply translating it.


Some seems to associate Hod to Masc, and Netzach to Fem. I do agree that

generally men do stick more to their Hod side, and women to there

Netzach side. And this email is mostly Hod in expression. Maybe it's the

medium of exchange and not the male/female proportion in a list that is

responsible for such a thing. Writing, not talking of the telepathy one

may feel behind the words, or the empath approach, or simply projection

in them, writing, without using those categories of expression, is most

strictly in the form of HOD. Poetry trying to reach NETZACH in its

expression, what is it in comparison of the simple and beautiful picture

of a sunset Gloria sent. What is it in comparison of simply being there

assisting to this sunset, what is it in comparison of simply being

there, or simply being...

> Interesting thread Xan, thank you for opening it for exploration

> to look at deeply, I find this extraordinarily interesting, but then

> neurochemistry has always been an arena that appeals to me,

> and when Shakti and Shiva dance at the crown, what is firing?





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